Meggido wrote:
I think you are absolutely wrong. It might be that you are playing in the wrong servers or with the wrong people. Perhaps you are not playing with the latest patches (now the chopper won't fly without a pilot).
In any case, a good pilot with a good gunner will ALWAYS be better than a top-notch soloer. Find some friends or look for a gunner that uses VOIP or Teamspeak (worse come to worse you can always use MSN or a similar comm tool for two people).
I take it you might have not played SF a lot. There, piloting is very hard due to the amount of buildings, trees, height variations etc... It ain't sharqui. Not having a gunner makes it extremely difficult to get proper kills and soloing is hard because you are very likely to crash against something.
Don't get me wrong, I do soloing (see my post above) but only when I cannot find ANY gunner at all.
By the same token, though a different thing, I will always strive to get a gunner for the bombers. A good gunner/bomber pair in airplanes are a killer combo.
I believe I am right:P I mostly play on Norwegian servers, and clan servers. I think you is the one who play with the wrong people. I play with clan players for the mostly. Almost all clans, mine included, play clan fights with 1 solo-pilot. This is because this gives them one more player one the grown. A good solo-pilot uses tvg, and mg.
Crashing into things when you are using the mg, is not a problem. I have practiced solo flying on local servers(about 50 hours) and know exactly where all the pipes, tall buildings, and dangerous trees are(almost as goo as there own pocket)
. So I can avoid them and still be able to solo-mg. If you do not believe me, watch the "Duck and Cower"- movie by Codeseven.Redux. He will show you how solo piloting really works. The frags from this film is only taken for clan matches with the top world clans.
I haven't played sf so much that I can make a statement about the choppers there. But i have noticed that they are different form the choppers in bf2.
Solo flying is still possible in patch 1.3(haven't tried 1.4 so I don't know i there are any change) the only thing is that the chopper begins to drop after 5 sek in the gunner seat. This is now problem since you normally don't need 5 sek in the gunner seat.
My main point is that a god solo pilot is better because he don't get the delay when he spot a target. A normal pilot needs to spot the target and tell the gunner that he must shoot. Believe me, a have practiced alot on solo piloting.
I always want to fly solo, if I can, but if a guy jumps in. I will try to make his job as gunner easy as possible.
I do not think we will agree, :)but i wright this post so you can see what I mean. All my arguments is taken from clan matches, public-playing on the other hand is different. Because you have jets, 2 persons in the chopper is the best way in public 64 player maps.
Be sure to visit my clan on: (It is in Norwegian)
(again sorry for my imperfect English)