You know what makes me mad? You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye? Gay ass solo chopper pilots. I can stand em when they are nice to you and let you knw hey I wnt to go solo. Hey thats cool Ill leave u the fuck alone. But the other day I switched/was kicked from 2 servers for bitching/tking solo chopper pilots who tked for a chopper. A guy tked me before I could steal the chopper from him. He died so I stuck c4 on the opposite side of where he spwnd and when he took off BAM the bitch was dust. I tked him 1 time. He tked me 4 times. I got kicked. (no lie) If you tk me I tk u back. Eye for and Eye arm for an arm. But come the hell on solo pilots. At least let us other chopper pilots knw that you wnt to go solo so we can leave u the fuck alone and not loose points over kicking the shit out of yall.  So plz let us other pilots know if u going solo. k?

=DHG=ArkAng37 wrote:

You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye?
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Shouldnt you be squirting lemon juice in his/her eye?
err coz probably a lot of gunners simply are pacifists?
I <3 ak101
+307|6813|under there hayousaidunderwear
I hate having another guy in the chopper with me.  I won't tk for it but i usually do ask them to get out unless I know they are good.

But it seems no one is ever good with the tv missles in the servers i am in and it makes me mad when i fly and they constantly miss

Yesterday some guy was telling me that tv missles take no skill at all...WTF?

majorassult wrote:

I hate having another guy in the chopper with me.  I won't tk for it but i usually do ask them to get out unless I know they are good.

But it seems no one is ever good with the tv missles in the servers i am in and it makes me mad when i fly and they constantly miss

Yesterday some guy was telling me that tv missles take no skill at all...WTF?
214 plus hours playing Karkand, lets go easy on the "no skill" remarks.

=DHG=ArkAng37 wrote:

You know what makes me mad? You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye? Gay ass solo chopper pilots. I can stand em when they are nice to you and let you knw hey I wnt to go solo. Hey thats cool Ill leave u the fuck alone. But the other day I switched/was kicked from 2 servers for bitching/tking solo chopper pilots who tked for a chopper. A guy tked me before I could steal the chopper from him. He died so I stuck c4 on the opposite side of where he spwnd and when he took off BAM the bitch was dust. I tked him 1 time. He tked me 4 times. I got kicked. (no lie) If you tk me I tk u back. Eye for and Eye arm for an arm. But come the hell on solo pilots. At least let us other chopper pilots knw that you wnt to go solo so we can leave u the fuck alone and not loose points over kicking the shit out of yall.  So plz let us other pilots know if u going solo. k?
You're just angry because I killed you while solo-piloting.
There is.
+1,380|6841|Devon, England

~Smokey~ wrote:

Shouldnt you be squirting lemon juice in his/her eye?
maybe hes emo?
O' HAL naw!
+470|6728|Columbus, OH
This is an old post and I am bored today so I am going throw my 2 cents in.

I have seen/heard TKed for a vehicle, that's not cool regardless of who started first.
A simple remedy is to switch to the other side (take the lost if you have to) and take the Tank/Helio/Plane whore down by any means. I hear fellow players on Team Speak consumed by Team Killers, it's a distraction period....if it's worth killing for just switch and own the team killer legimately.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" Know your phrases before you say them
Time to Die Kids!

=DHG=ArkAng37 wrote:

You know what makes me mad? You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye? Gay ass solo chopper pilots. I can stand em when they are nice to you and let you knw hey I wnt to go solo. Hey thats cool Ill leave u the fuck alone. But the other day I switched/was kicked from 2 servers for bitching/tking solo chopper pilots who tked for a chopper. A guy tked me before I could steal the chopper from him. He died so I stuck c4 on the opposite side of where he spwnd and when he took off BAM the bitch was dust. I tked him 1 time. He tked me 4 times. I got kicked. (no lie) If you tk me I tk u back. Eye for and Eye arm for an arm. But come the hell on solo pilots. At least let us other chopper pilots knw that you wnt to go solo so we can leave u the fuck alone and not loose points over kicking the shit out of yall.  So plz let us other pilots know if u going solo. k?
welcome to battlefield 2, have fun with your lemon.
but seriously shut up....we all know theres 10 yr old bitches who cant stand getting owned.....just fucking kill that bastard as many times as u can before u get kicked....make him cry

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

but seriously shut up....we all know theres 10 yr old bitches who cant stand getting owned.....just fucking kill that bastard as many times as u can before u get kicked....make him cry
Why do you have someone elses sig?
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6733|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I hate this one guy who always comes on Ghost Town servers and threatens to blow up the C4 on the launch pad or stick C4 on you if you don't let him ride it.  He is way worse than any soloer, even though it never works for him.
I flew with a captain last night, who didn't know how to steer the missle. :-/

I usually fly alone, or with my friends, cause everyone else sucks.

Though last night I flew with [AH1Z] Socom Ghost or whatever, he's a good gunner.
+304|6746|New York City baby.
Yeah I noticed the pink crosshairs and tv guided missles too
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

=W=GeneralSherman wrote:

but seriously shut up....we all know theres 10 yr old bitches who cant stand getting owned.....just fucking kill that bastard as many times as u can before u get kicked....make him cry
I love doing that. Just now some fag stood infront of my plane... so I crashed the plane into his blackhawk (i bailed beforehand). Then I hunted him down and kept TKing him with the pump shotty till I got bored and disconnected.
+718|6671|Austin, Texas
There are idiots in BF2. Deal with it. Whenever I solo, I always let a gunner in if he asks, asks ingame, gets in.... Occassionally the low-ranked noob will run at my chopper from 100m away asking for a pickup, and if I deny them I always say "Negative, sorry chief" via ingame. I have never tk'd for a vehicle ONCE but have been killed for them multiple times.
+98|6888|netherlands, sweet lake city
i'm a solo pilot     ut if i get a decent gunner or pilot im happy 2....
But I will kill retards..... I was playing dalian and I was the gunner...... I wanted to fire a missle but I only here the sound of it fire while nothing happens...... the pilo starts calling me n00b a damn retard...
and he crashes while typing: getthe fuck out of my heli...... we respawned and I TK's because of his dumbness
+34|6684|I am located at my location

=DHG=ArkAng37 wrote:

You know what makes me mad? You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye? Gay ass solo chopper pilots. I can stand em when they are nice to you and let you knw hey I wnt to go solo. Hey thats cool Ill leave u the fuck alone. But the other day I switched/was kicked from 2 servers for bitching/tking solo chopper pilots who tked for a chopper. A guy tked me before I could steal the chopper from him. He died so I stuck c4 on the opposite side of where he spwnd and when he took off BAM the bitch was dust. I tked him 1 time. He tked me 4 times. I got kicked. (no lie) If you tk me I tk u back. Eye for and Eye arm for an arm. But come the hell on solo pilots. At least let us other chopper pilots knw that you wnt to go solo so we can leave u the fuck alone and not loose points over kicking the shit out of yall.  So plz let us other pilots know if u going solo. k?
How did you know they were homosexual?
+6|6656|international waters
leave them solo pilots usually lose duels against other choppers and die/suicide faster
This space for rent
+117|6727|Arlen, Texas

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

err coz probably a lot of gunners simply are pacifists?
Isn't that like Vegetarian Cannibals?
+270|6695|Cedar Rapids, Iowa
most gunners = teh suckzors
I liken Solo-choppering to sniping.

Close range combat against another chopper, a soloer will likely lose if he can't nail that TV shot.

Soloers are ususally up high, out of the main action, dispersing death from long range (450 m baby).
cereal killer
+233|6901|the middle of nowhere

usmarine2005 wrote:

=DHG=ArkAng37 wrote:

You know what makes me so mad that I want to squirt lemon juice im my eye?

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