My best medal was today when I had a really hard time finding a game in which I was in the winning side. The first one I tried my team was more interested in doing barrel rolls in Blackhawks then winning. After getting tired of loosing I joined a wetlands map. We lost.
The map changed to Shaqui Peninsular and I decided that MEC was going to win no matter what. Our team had no commander, people refused to be in squads while the other team was brilliantly commanded with able players in and out of squads. I immediatly rushed and captured as many points as I could. The middle one and half of the far one before I was attacked with a helicopter and a grenade in turn. The guy who killed me was obviously the star of the other team. He was great. Fish-something... can't remember his name...
Anyway, After fighting a pretty much loosing battle, I typed tactics to other people and we started to get a real foothold. I myself got six solo flag captures in the round and many flag assists and some defends, but I wasn't getting many kills. That soon changed as man after man rushed us and we rushed them. I was getting heaps of kills and it was great.
The guy Fish was even better though and he was carving through our guys. They also had a strategicly placed Sniper that made standing still for more then two seconds hazardous. We battled them back to one point many times but it was an oscillating conflict. If we were beaten back I'm proud to say that it was always I who broke through to secure another foothold. In the last stages of the game it was 20 tickets to 40, and the enemy managed to push us back. Our time just run out unfortunatly, but if there were more tickets it would have continued to be a great battle.
I earned the Silver Star with the Fish guy earning Gold, (deservidly so,) with 90 points while I had 76 I think. I did all this without using anything more powerful then transport once.
We went from a side of headless chickens that was loosing completely, often without inflicting a single casualty to a side that was a noble and tough adversary. It's safe to say that all we needed was one guy to go completely hard-out to give the other troops hope, and I'm proud to say that I was that guy.
Cliche as it may be it was freakin' awesome.
As I said, I love stories, so feel free to type some cool ones.
Last edited by Tyferra (2005-10-31 00:12:18)