well obviously I hit a nerve as most of your comments were directed at me rather than the matter at hand or any point I made. Interesting. It's my experience that the more homophobic someone is, the more likely they are to be gay. You entirely miss the point. You don't choose to be gay any more than you choose to be a man. Ultimately everything is a choice, and sure you do choose whether or not to act on how you are programmed. You choose to act straight. That being said, you aren't straight because you were raised right or wrong. You are straight because that is how you are made, and there is nothing wrong with that.Ether151 wrote:
WHY DO I CARE BECAUSE I have a little boy I dont want him see this or being exposed to any of this. There may be some that are ok with this but i am not it is WRONG. Humans as species are not designed for this, we are specificaly made for man and woman. And there is nothing worng with two people sharing there life together but two guys or two girls sharing an intimate relationship and there live is worng. It is ethical and moraly wrong. You obviously don't have kids of your own and if you do I feel sorry for them. So your saying that if your son or daughter grew up and was gay simply for the fact that she was infulenced by what she was around and exposed to, you wouldn't be the lease bit mad. Im not saying that you shouldn't love your child Im not saying that at all, if my son grew up and was gay I wouldn't love him any less, but if I know there was something I could do to stop that your damn right I would do everything in my power to do so. And Im glad I made your brain hurt i hope it causes you to stroke out and die. And I am not narrow minded or ignorant at all but in this case and this situation I guess i am. and your more than intitled to your own opinion just as i am intitled to mine i don't realy care what you say about me you mean nothing to me.
What you state as fact is nothing more than baseless opinion. Your son will be exposed to this. Your son will have to decide whether or not he wants to have sex with another man, just as you did. You can not prevent that. Your son will be exposed to cocain. Your son will be exposed to mass murder and death. Your son will have to choose on his own what is right and wrong and nothing you can do can stop any of that from occuring. The longer someone is inside a bubble, the more abrupt and destructive the inevitable "pop".
As for you not caring what I think and me meaning nothing to me, my opinions have certainly elicited a rather strong reaction, so care to re-think that from a logical perspective?
These are all moral and ethical opinions. Our laws are based on establishing and maintaining a pattern of behavior condusive to the freedom of an individual to think and act in their own best interest so long as it does not prevent another from doing the same. Keep it out of your church if you're so inclined, but legislation has no place to meddle with such matters.
Exactly, it says nothing about it. It does state freedom to pursue life, liberty and happinessEther151 wrote:
And all this talk about civil right i don't remeber the constitution saying anything about unions of any kind of person streight or gay.
That statistic is nothing more than an incendiary poll. Straight people are just as likely and able to spread AIDS or any number of other STD's, THAT is a proven fact. They don't deserve that? These are humans, these are equals. You are establishing a subculture based on nothing more than their sexual preference. There have been a number of other times in history this was done and none are looked upon too favorably. Do you by chance wear a white hood and dance with other men in the woods? That sounds kinda ... gay.Ether151 wrote:
In response to D: where is your merit to say this doesn't have merit as an argumnet. If they want to commit themselfs to each other fine that great, but that doesnt give them the right to marrage. And my argumnet hasn't changed they are promiscuous, and they can be commited just not leagaly they dont deserve that.
Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-14 14:50:55)