
Do you think Gay marriage should be legal

No not at all34%34% - 126
Yes they should be able to38%38% - 140
Civil unions only16%16% - 61
Not even civil unions allowed10%10% - 37
Total: 364
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6779|Portland, OR USA

Ether151 wrote:

WHY DO I CARE BECAUSE I have a little boy I dont want him see this or being exposed to any of this.  There may be some that are ok with this but i am not it is WRONG.  Humans as species are not designed for this, we are specificaly made for man and woman.  And there is nothing worng with two people sharing there life together but two guys or two girls sharing an intimate relationship and there live is worng.  It is ethical and moraly wrong.  You obviously don't have kids of your own and if you do I feel sorry for them.  So your saying that if your son or daughter grew up and was gay simply for the fact that she was infulenced by what she was around and exposed to, you wouldn't be the lease bit mad.  Im not saying that you shouldn't love your child Im not saying that at all, if my son grew up and was gay I wouldn't love him any less, but if I know there was something I could do to stop that your damn right I would do everything in my power to do so. And Im glad I made your brain hurt i hope it causes you to stroke out and die.  And I am not narrow minded or ignorant at all but in this case and this situation I guess i am.  and your more than intitled to your own opinion just as i am intitled to mine i don't realy care what you say about me you mean nothing to me.
well obviously I hit a nerve as most of your comments were directed at me rather than the matter at hand or any point I made.  Interesting.  It's my experience that the more homophobic someone is, the more likely they are to be gay.  You entirely miss the point.  You don't choose to be gay any more than you choose to be a man.  Ultimately everything is a choice, and sure you do choose whether or not to act on how you are programmed.  You choose to act straight.  That being said, you aren't straight because you were raised right or wrong.  You are straight because that is how you are made, and there is nothing wrong with that.

What you state as fact is nothing more than baseless opinion.  Your son will be exposed to this.  Your son will have to decide whether or not he wants to have sex with another man, just as you did.  You can not prevent that.  Your son will be exposed to cocain.  Your son will be exposed to mass murder and death.  Your son will have to choose on his own what is right and wrong and nothing you can do can stop any of that from occuring.  The longer someone is inside a bubble, the more abrupt and destructive the inevitable "pop".

As for you not caring what I think and me meaning nothing to me, my opinions have certainly elicited a rather strong reaction, so care to re-think that from a logical perspective?

These are all moral and ethical opinions.  Our laws are based on establishing and maintaining a pattern of behavior condusive to the freedom of an individual to think and act in their own best interest so long as it does not prevent another from doing the same.  Keep it out of your church if you're so inclined, but legislation has no place to meddle with such matters.

Ether151 wrote:

And all this talk about civil right i don't remeber the constitution saying anything about unions of any kind of person streight or gay.
Exactly, it says nothing about it.  It does state freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness

Ether151 wrote:

In response to D: where is your merit to say this doesn't have merit as an argumnet.  If they want to commit themselfs to each other fine that great, but that doesnt give them the right to marrage.  And my argumnet hasn't changed they are promiscuous, and they can be commited just not leagaly they dont deserve that.
That statistic is nothing more than an incendiary poll.  Straight people are just as likely and able to spread AIDS or any number of other STD's, THAT is a proven fact.  They don't deserve that?  These are humans, these are equals.  You are establishing a subculture based on nothing more than their sexual preference.  There have been a number of other times in history this was done and none are looked upon too favorably.  Do you by chance wear a white hood and dance with other men in the woods?  That sounds kinda ... gay.

Last edited by puckmercury (2006-07-14 14:50:55)


First of all, most people that are gay grew up in a home with heterosexual parents.  How could that happen?  There are a lot of people out there that make an argument that it's nature, not nurture that determines one's sexuality.

How is gay marriage "ethically" wrong?

Do you oppose gay civil unions or marriage based on your religious beliefs?  If so, under which religion is "I hope it causes you to stroke out and die".  an appropriate thing to say to someone?  None I've ever seen.

By the way, I do have a son of my own.  And your sympathy for him is dwarfed by my sympathy for any child you may have produced.  You're incredibly small minded, bigoted, and apparently not too bright.

You are right about the constitution though.  It doesn't say anything about guaranteeing the rights for civil unions regardless of sexual orientation.  However, it does have a little bit to say about discrimination.  Unfortunately it doesn't say anything about discrimination based on sexual orientation, but then again until the last century it didn't say anything about women voting either.

Last edited by Chuckles (2006-07-14 15:03:47)

+163|6898|Odessa, Ukraine

Battlefield2Player wrote:


Marriage is between a man and a woman.
p/s Gays should be caped in jail , my opinion . Or far away from normal people .

puckmercury wrote:

Ether151 wrote:

WHY DO I CARE BECAUSE I have a little boy I dont want him see this or being exposed to any of this.  There may be some that are ok with this but i am not it is WRONG.  Humans as species are not designed for this, we are specificaly made for man and woman.  And there is nothing worng with two people sharing there life together but two guys or two girls sharing an intimate relationship and there live is worng.  It is ethical and moraly wrong.  You obviously don't have kids of your own and if you do I feel sorry for them.  So your saying that if your son or daughter grew up and was gay simply for the fact that she was infulenced by what she was around and exposed to, you wouldn't be the lease bit mad.  Im not saying that you shouldn't love your child Im not saying that at all, if my son grew up and was gay I wouldn't love him any less, but if I know there was something I could do to stop that your damn right I would do everything in my power to do so. And Im glad I made your brain hurt i hope it causes you to stroke out and die.  And I am not narrow minded or ignorant at all but in this case and this situation I guess i am.  and your more than intitled to your own opinion just as i am intitled to mine i don't realy care what you say about me you mean nothing to me.
well obviously I hit a nerve as most of your comments were directed at me rather than the matter at hand or any point I made.  Interesting.  It's my experience that the more homophobic someone is, the more likely they are to be gay.  You entirely miss the point.  You don't choose to be gay any more than you choose to be a man.  Ultimately everything is a choice, and sure you do choose whether or not to act on how you are programmed.  You choose to act straight.  That being said, you aren't straight because you were raised right or wrong.  You are straight because that is how you are made, and there is nothing wrong with that.

What you state as fact is nothing more than baseless opinion.  Your son will be exposed to this.  Your son will have to decide whether or not he wants to have sex with another man, just as you did.  You can not prevent that.  Your son will be exposed to cocain.  Your son will be exposed to mass murder and death.  Your son will have to choose on his own what is right and wrong and nothing you can do can stop any of that from occuring.  The longer someone is inside a bubble, the more abrupt and destructive the inevitable "pop".

As for you not caring what I think and me meaning nothing to me, my opinions have certainly elicited a rather strong reaction, so care to re-think that from a logical perspective?

These are all moral and ethical opinions.  Our laws are based on establishing and maintaining a pattern of behavior condusive to the freedom of an individual to think and act in their own best interest so long as it does not prevent another from doing the same.  Keep it out of your church if you're so inclined, but legislation has no place to meddle with such matters.

Ether151 wrote:

And all this talk about civil right i don't remeber the constitution saying anything about unions of any kind of person streight or gay.
Exactly, it says nothing about it.  It does state freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness
Ok so first off you havent realy elicited a reaction at all from me I am sitting at work trying to kill the last hour or so before the weekend and I just dont understand how people can defend gays in this way, it actualy makes me laugh and as you stated that there is nothing I can do to stop my son being exposed to this well your quite wrong about that, there is plenty for me to do. Drug and violence don't bother me at all.  And I am sreight because of the way I was raised yeah I had a choce but a persons upbringing plays amajor part in the desicions they make, if the next generation is raised in a openly gay enviroment they are going to have a higher chance of being gay.  Maybe you dont care about this but i do.  And like you said the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness, there already gay they should leave it at that.  And your idea that the more homophobic your are the more likly you are to be gay is just stupid and makes no sense.  So keep the comments coming i only have 45 mins left of work...jackass
bad touch

Longbow wrote:

Battlefield2Player wrote:


Marriage is between a man and a woman.
p/s Gays should be caped in jail , my opinion . Or far away from normal people .

Last edited by stryyker (2006-07-14 15:05:29)

6 x 9 = 42
+298|6779|Portland, OR USA

Ether151 wrote:

Ok so first off you havent realy elicited a reaction at all from me I am sitting at work trying to kill the last hour or so before the weekend and I just dont understand how people can defend gays in this way, it actualy makes me laugh and as you stated that there is nothing I can do to stop my son being exposed to this well your quite wrong about that, there is plenty for me to do. Drug and violence don't bother me at all.  And I am sreight because of the way I was raised yeah I had a choce but a persons upbringing plays amajor part in the desicions they make, if the next generation is raised in a openly gay enviroment they are going to have a higher chance of being gay.  Maybe you dont care about this but i do.  And like you said the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness, there already gay they should leave it at that.  And your idea that the more homophobic your are the more likly you are to be gay is just stupid and makes no sense.  So keep the comments coming i only have 45 mins left of work...jackass
A reaction is an action which is a result of a previous action.  This post is a very heated action as a result of a post I made.  Ipso facto, a reaction.  Now that we've graduated 1st grade, we can move on.

So, you DO wear white hoods and dance with men in the woods, gotcha.  Is your son home schooled?  Do you have a trust fund set up so he won't have to go to college to get a degree to get a job to support himself?  Nice little terrarium set up for him to live and die in?  Hmmm ... right.  That would be a bit tough.  So, it is far more likely that he will go to a public school, where in all likelyhood more than a couple of his teachers will be gay, then graduate.  He'll probably go to a public college.  Maybe even liberal arts school!!  You know how they're ALL gay, right?  No, I agree.  He'll totally be isolated from all the evil badness in the world.

Drugs and violence bother you less than homosexuality?  Someone getting fried on acid and going on a killing spree (maybe one of your son's classmates actually ... huh) is LESS concerning than where two people who you will never meet put their penis?  Well, at least you have your priorities in line.  Homosexuality is something you are, not something you do.

As for the homophobic arguement being bunk, people fear what they don't understand.  If their upbringing has told them that their primal urge to have sex with another man is wrong, they are confused by this.  So they fear this in themselves.  As they can't even deal with themself properly, they project it onto others and lash out physically at the individual as a personification of that aspect of themselves due to their failure to accept reality and the conflict instilled in them due to their upbringing.  So, bringing a child up to believe that homosexuality is wrong will not prevent that child from being gay.  If they are gay, it will only serve to instill deep feelings of inadequacy and self loathing.  Is this a legacy you would impart to your son?  I thought you loved him regardless?  Is this situational hatred here?  If so, how valid is that?  If the child does not end up being gay, such upbringing serves only to propogate hatred and ignorance.  Nothing more.

Ether151 wrote:

Ok so first off you havent realy elicited a reaction at all from me I am sitting at work trying to kill the last hour or so before the weekend and I just dont understand how people can defend gays in this way, it actualy makes me laugh and as you stated that there is nothing I can do to stop my son being exposed to this well your quite wrong about that, there is plenty for me to do. Drug and violence don't bother me at all.  And I am sreight because of the way I was raised yeah I had a choce but a persons upbringing plays amajor part in the desicions they make, if the next generation is raised in a openly gay enviroment they are going to have a higher chance of being gay.  Maybe you dont care about this but i do.  And like you said the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness, there already gay they should leave it at that.  And your idea that the more homophobic your are the more likly you are to be gay is just stupid and makes no sense.  So keep the comments coming i only have 45 mins left of work...jackass
You're not concerned about drugs for violence with regard to your son, but you are concerned about something that can do him no physical harm whatsoever?  Just a TREMENDOUS job of parenting there, my friend. 

I'd really like to know if your objections to gay marriage are due to religion, and if so what religion are you?  Or do you hate just for the hell of it?

As I said in my previous post, the very highest percentage of gay people were raised in households with heterosexual parents.  How did they allow their children to be gay?  I'm sure they didn't encourage their children to be gay outright.

Why should a gay person's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be short of yours? 

And why do you care if the next generation is raised in a gay household?  You clearly think you're "man enough" to raise you some straight kids.  What do you care about other people's kids for?  You clearly don't care for them if they might have beliefs that differ from yours.

Havazn wrote:

WinstontheWolf wrote:

I mean, the problem is when people act in a conform way to be a part of the "gay group" by being intimate towards other strangers or be feminine when it is not really in their nature to be.
Many people conform to groups to fit in, whether it be for acceptance or popularity. Whether it is in their 'nature' is hardly for any another person to decide for them.
Well, I didn't mean conform as in "viewing themselves as a member of" but rather as "are being sucked into", if u understand.. Hitler made people do all the shit, cause he managed to bring out the conform side of people. Also "Fight Club" is good ex. So I mean its bad if people don't manage to keep a "distance" between  themselves and a social group, to see themselves in perspective, aso..

I don't have any probs with men that are feminine or women masc, but I have IF they do it cause of conformity (or what u'd call it).

But main point was that I find it unacceptable if people, whether straight or gay, is making others feel bad (is "unpolitely intimate to strangers", or how I should describe it), like the guy in Will and Grace..

Chuckles wrote:


First of all, most people that are gay grew up in a home with heterosexual parents.  How could that happen?  There are a lot of people out there that make an argument that it's nature, not nurture that determines one's sexuality.

How is gay marriage "ethically" wrong?

Do you oppose gay civil unions or marriage based on your religious beliefs?  If so, under which religion is "I hope it causes you to stroke out and die".  an appropriate thing to say to someone?  None I've ever seen.

By the way, I do have a son of my own.  And your sympathy for him is dwarfed by my sympathy for any child you may have produced.  You're incredibly small minded, bigoted, and apparently not too bright.

You are right about the constitution though.  It doesn't say anything about guaranteeing the rights for civil unions regardless of sexual orientation.  However, it does have a little bit to say about discrimination.  Unfortunately it doesn't say anything about discrimination based on sexual orientation, but then again until the last century it didn't say anything about women voting either.
First of all lets get this sreight I do fallow any kind of religon, my religon is that of the gun if any. if there was a god there wouldn't be gay people, call me small minded, not to bright what ever so what then I am a bigot that hates gay people kiss my ass, and who the fuck are you" my sympathy for any child you may have produce" go fuck your self like I said before Im killing time at work and you have made my day, because I am laughing at all of you stupid fuck that keep talking shit to me, if you havent got it by now you never will the fact of the matter is i don't have any kids I just said that to see what you would say.  And my whole stroke out and die comment is just fine, it means one less retard to deal with.  Why dont you go have one yourself.  I dont think the gay mind state is right at all and no matter what you say it isn't going to change how i feel.  So go grab you rainbow flag and join a movement.  God what a bitch.  You sound like the kind of kid I used to throw in a trash can and roll down a flight of steps in high school.  And if Im so stupid then why am I getting paid $35.00 and hour to talk shit to you. HAHAHAHA  Keep it coming only 30 mins left now...

Chuckles wrote:

Ether151 wrote:

Ok so first off you havent realy elicited a reaction at all from me I am sitting at work trying to kill the last hour or so before the weekend and I just dont understand how people can defend gays in this way, it actualy makes me laugh and as you stated that there is nothing I can do to stop my son being exposed to this well your quite wrong about that, there is plenty for me to do. Drug and violence don't bother me at all.  And I am sreight because of the way I was raised yeah I had a choce but a persons upbringing plays amajor part in the desicions they make, if the next generation is raised in a openly gay enviroment they are going to have a higher chance of being gay.  Maybe you dont care about this but i do.  And like you said the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness, there already gay they should leave it at that.  And your idea that the more homophobic your are the more likly you are to be gay is just stupid and makes no sense.  So keep the comments coming i only have 45 mins left of work...jackass
You're not concerned about drugs for violence with regard to your son, but you are concerned about something that can do him no physical harm whatsoever?  Just a TREMENDOUS job of parenting there, my friend. 

I'd really like to know if your objections to gay marriage are due to religion, and if so what religion are you?  Or do you hate just for the hell of it?

As I said in my previous post, the very highest percentage of gay people were raised in households with heterosexual parents.  How did they allow their children to be gay?  I'm sure they didn't encourage their children to be gay outright.

Why should a gay person's rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be short of yours? 

And why do you care if the next generation is raised in a gay household?  You clearly think you're "man enough" to raise you some straight kids.  What do you care about other people's kids for?  You clearly don't care for them if they might have beliefs that differ from yours.
Again I dont have kid say what you want I am not religous i hate gays because they make me sick, say all you want i dont care about others kids or what they do in there home, it is when they come out in the open with it and I get caught in the cross fire.  Im sorry for pissing you off but i dont like them if they would just keep there gayness to them selfs it would be fine.  Take for instance some fag tryed hitting on me when i was at the mall last week while I was walking around with my girlfriend, it is people like this taht piss me off.  I have a good friend that are gay and never had a problem.  It is the ones that cross the line that piss me off.  Please continue.   15 mins left.

Last edited by Ether151 (2006-07-14 15:36:17)


Ether151 wrote:

First of all lets get this sreight I do fallow any kind of religon, my religon is that of the gun if any. if there was a god there wouldn't be gay people, call me small minded, not to bright what ever so what then I am a bigot that hates gay people kiss my ass, and who the fuck are you" my sympathy for any child you may have produce" go fuck your self like I said before Im killing time at work and you have made my day, because I am laughing at all of you stupid fuck that keep talking shit to me, if you havent got it by now you never will the fact of the matter is i don't have any kids I just said that to see what you would say.  And my whole stroke out and die comment is just fine, it means one less retard to deal with.  Why dont you go have one yourself.  I dont think the gay mind state is right at all and no matter what you say it isn't going to change how i feel.  So go grab you rainbow flag and join a movement.  God what a bitch.  You sound like the kind of kid I used to throw in a trash can and roll down a flight of steps in high school.  And if Im so stupid then why am I getting paid $35.00 and hour to talk shit to you. HAHAHAHA  Keep it coming only 30 mins left now...
Wow, had to go to the potty words to respond, eh?  Nice.  First of all, just by reading what you write I can tell you're not too sharp.  Learn how to spell.  And punctuation is nice too.  Run on sentences are not.

Since you admit you lied about having children, I can only assume you're lying about everything else, including making $35 an hour and especially about any fantasy you might have about rolling me down a flight of stairs.  You can't even use the correct words in your sentences about a serious topic.  No wonder you have no rational defense for your position.

You don't think the gay "mind state" is right.  Well most rational people don't think the bigoted, hateful mindset is right either.

Ether151 wrote:

Again I dont have kid say what you want I am not religous i hate gays because they make me sick, say all you want i dont care about others kids or what they do in there home, it is when they come out in the open with it and I get caught in the cross fire.  Im sorry for pissing you off but i dont like them if they would just keep there gayness to them selfs it would be fine.  Take for instance some fag tryed hitting on me when i was at the mall last week while I was walking around with my girlfriend, it is people like this taht piss me off.  I have a good friend that are gay and never had a problem.  It is the ones that cross the line that piss me off.  Please continue.   15 mins left.
"Get caught in the cross fire"?  That made me laugh out loud.  And it brought up a lot of questions.  Have you ever been caught in a heterosexual cross fire?  What would that be?  The only place I can imagine getting caught in any kind of gay "crossfire" would be at a gay bar. Or maybe a gay porn shoot.  Did you just "happen" to be at a gay porn shoot Ether? It would explain a lot about you, as someone suggested earlier. 

I believe the quote I'm looking for here is "Methinks the lady dost protest too much". 

By the way, it's Shakespeare, not that you've likely ever been exposed to it.

No dude tried hitting on you while you were with your "girlfriend", if she even exists, like your "son".

Last edited by Chuckles (2006-07-14 16:30:50)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6946|San Francisco
Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.
Well I am done now and you all should grow up too.

Marconius wrote:

Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.

whats wrong w/ gay ppl... theyre still human...

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.

whats wrong w/ gay ppl... theyre still human...
God no gets it.  word.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.

whats wrong w/ gay ppl... theyre still human...
It's like saying what's wrong with diseased or retarded people, they're still human too..YET they have a certain "condition" to them that makes them abnormal and the exact same thing applies to gays!
Mod Incarnate
I think we have yet to see an argument against gay marriage that didn't include personal moral judgements or unsubstantiated and questionable scientific statements. The issue here isn't whether homosexuality is 'wrong', or 'unnatural', or 'immoral', all of these are value judgements on the part of an individual. They are no more a reason to ban gay marriage than the 'mothers against violent videos' group is a reason to ban battlefield 2. Someone will always consider something you do as immoral or wrong, thats the way of life. People will always disagree. The issue here is whether allowing homosexuals to get married in any way detracts from society as a whole, because that should be the only reason to pass a law preventing it.

As for the 'marriage has always been between a man and a woman', so what. Until the mid-late 1800s, slavery had always been an acceptable practice. For the better part of this countries' history women couldnt vote. Simply because something has always been doesn't mean it's necessarily a better idea than the alternatives...

King_Vegeta wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.

whats wrong w/ gay ppl... theyre still human...
It's like saying what's wrong with diseased or retarded people, they're still human too..YET they have a certain "condition" to them that makes them abnormal and the exact same thing applies to gays!
There is nothing wrong with Mental handy capped or diseased people, or even gay people your right they are all humans.  Like I said I have friends that are gay that know that I am not cool with it, and they are total normal around me I get along just fine with them, one of them is the funniest person I know.  It is the prople that cross the line that make me mad, and not like the whole idea.  Yes I am going to admit I got a little carried away here but he came at me first, I back down to no one.  He started attacking me, so i fought right back, thats all he is just as much in the wrong as I am.
Mod Incarnate

King_Vegeta wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Ether151, grow up, or stop posting in this thread.  I'll make it as simple as that.

whats wrong w/ gay ppl... theyre still human...
It's like saying what's wrong with diseased or retarded people, they're still human too..YET they have a certain "condition" to them that makes them abnormal and the exact same thing applies to gays!
Would you care to back your statements up with evidence? Something tells me you have none, and are simply basing your opinions on personal and or religious experience.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6801|Southeastern USA
more lezzy weddings = more need for surrogate sperm

I likey

heman6666 wrote:

AMD kills all woman
I always liked AMD It's really a shame they're going to do away with the soon-to-be-outdated female socket.
"Part 4: Keeping a Level Head

It's EXTREMELY easy to get irate over the debate forums - easier than anywhere else on the bf2s forums.  Usually topics brought up here are ones that people are passionate about an dhave strong opinions on.  It's important to remember that even though you feel strongly about something it doesn't make you right.  This is good to keep in mind though, because it does not make the person you are arguing against right either.  Seldomly are you going to change someones mind on a subject if they're passionate about it.  Remember that your goal in a debate is to get people who could swing either way to choose your side.

NEVER ATTACK SOMEONE PERSONALLY IN A DEBATE.  We're not politicians here - no one is running for the Presidency.  If you win or lose a debate it will only be in your own mind.  If you feel you've made a better point, then you've won - simple as that.  You have nothing riding on a debate in this section.  If you decide to attack someone personally in a debate (i.e. you're a fucking (insert race/gender/creed/whatever here)) then you are admitting to that person, and the entire board, that you could not come up with an intelligent response to what you've been challenged with.  You've taken the easy way out, and in doing so have lost the debate.

If you're attacked personally, don't worry about it.  Seriously - after reading harsh words look at your body.  No blood was drawn - you're going to be fine, I promise.  If you can shrug it off and be the bigger man and continue to make your point without sinking your attackers level, then you are a strong person and will be admired for it.  Being provoked only works if you let it get to you, so don't."

-The Premier Guide to Debate

You were the one who attacked me personaly first I was stating my opinion on the subject never directed twards anyone.  And it still doesnt stop all of you guys now stepping in trying to cut me down because of spelling or what ever, you all are the chicken shits that come to a fight after is over and said you had a part in it.  I am by no means going to be civil to anyone that is doing the same thing as me. You talk shit to me and im going to put my fist through you face if everyone else is running there mouth saying what they please, so can I so its bull shit that I get told to grow up when your just as immature as i was being.

Last edited by Ether151 (2006-07-14 16:33:31)

Mod Incarnate
Enough, Ether. If you don't have something intelligent to add, don't post.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6946|San Francisco
Ether and Vegeta are examples of people who just don't give a damn about anyone else in this country, and have never read the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence.  They'd prefer to force their homophobic views onto everyone else via "the religion of the gun" or falling back onto their own personal "yuck" factors about something they feel is "unnatural."

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