Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6852|The Lost Highway

Krappyappy wrote:

phish is groovy. and string cheese incident.

but you're supposed to talk about songs that make your testicles retract.

example - don't do me like that by tom petty.
Tom Petty's a legend man. He's been around 30 years, singing, writing and strumming. Not many others can say the same thing.

And to whoever said Rap was better than Punk because Punk is only 3 chordes, that's pretty retarted. In rap, they sample Disco, Rock, and Metal. So they take a song, make a couple of tweaks, and loop it. Wow, that's ALOT harder than playing 3 chordes with your own hands.
+11|6837|Trophy Club, Texas

BlaZin'Feenix wrote:

I absolutely HATE anything sung by Paris Hilton. Her songs might actually be OK though if she had any talent at all
1. She does "music"?

2. who in their right fucking mind would buy into that shit.

3. anything pop is so obviously fake, it makes me sad, the days of needing musicians will soon fade if that is shit people want to listen to, why have talent when you can buy pro tools? Why pay musicians when you can buy a computer and some software once every 1-2 years?  You could probably put some heavy shit together, play it really loud, and get some douchbags with grungy long hair and black tshirts to hold instruments and wiggle around and the sedated majority of "music fans" wouldnt know the difference.

4. The music industry makes my testicles retract. Ill just try to cling on to the past.

*Edit* I just remembered one, Benny and the jets by Elton John, or really anything that asshole does.  One time my girlfriend put one of his cd's on and I considered bailing out of the car while we were on the highway.

Last edited by Mike.Grun (2006-07-10 14:20:58)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
But the benny and the jets with biz markie is the shit!!! Look it up!!

Any rap. (Sorry, I REALLY hate rap, and every rap 'song' I've heard sucks. Rap sucks, I don't see why everyone likes it.
+11|6837|Trophy Club, Texas
Despite its enormous importance to modern music, I would go back in time and bitch slap Schoenberg for making me listen to so much serial music in my classes.  I would tell him where he can keep his 12 tone row.

I have a love hate deal with serial music, its essential, but it gets fucking old.
+1,128|6954|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

if ya know what i mean
Because I'm TNT, I'm dynomite!

I shake uncontrollably when I hear any song by Nickel Back, Black Eyed Peas, Billy Talent, or anything emo.


Whoever likes them should die.

now look what you've done
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6852|The Lost Highway

spawnofthemist wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

if ya know what i mean
Because I'm TNT, I'm dynomite!

I shake uncontrollably when I hear any song by Nickel Back, Black Eyed Peas, Billy Talent, or anything emo.


Whoever likes them should die.

now look what you've done

Scroll 'bout halfway down and you can see the fag from FOB playing with his pecker. You know you want to.

And for other serious music fans, especially those who enjoy real punk and real rock 'n roll, check out
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

Krappyappy wrote:

fuck you, rap is kickass.

get off your high horse and enjoy it for what it is - a beat to dance to, occasionally with some good lyrics thrown in.

oh and for the record, rap/hiphop > punk. punk is antimelodic musical nonsense. take away the 'cooler than you' political undertones, and punk loses all of its appeal. i've yet to hear a punk guitar player who knows how to play more than three chords in a row.

the more you learn, the more you learn to appreciate.
Wow, somebody arguing that rappers have more talent than punk bands. Granted, punk is the easiest form of rock to play, but who really cares? The thing is, all of them can play more than just 3 chords. For the record, there's 7 basic chords... Do you think somebody who can only play those chords get a record label and form a punk band? No. Sure they aren't as amazing as John Petrucci or Steve Vai, but they get the job done. Listen to Lars Frederiksen, he plays only punk in his solo band and a bit of ska with Rancid but still mostly punk. He's an amazing guitarist. What about Dead Kennedys? You obviously know nothing about punk if you think all they do is play 3 chords, I guess I could get into a world famous punk band because I can do that and more on my guitar...

The other thing is that punk is more than just music. It's the only genre that doesn't sell out (well not real punk bands anyways, if you want an idea of fake punk bands it's basically Blink 182, Green Day, Fallout Boy, and all that stuff.) They don't care about the money, they just want to do it for themselves and the fans. Go check out the Ramones documentary. While all the famous bands at the time got their own personal jet, the Ramones drove from show to show jamming everything into one van. If they wanted to, they could've easily have sold out and gotten whatever they wanted, but they didn't, they were in it for the music, something that's rare today.

One thing that I hate about rap and hip hop and whatever else there is, is the fact that I just can't appreciate it. I've been playing guitar for a bit over 2 years, I've gone through all that frustration that it takes to learn a musical instrument. One thing that I picked up along those 2 years is a great appreciation for people that can play any instrument. Singing never really appealed to me, in fact my top 5 favorite songs of all time don't even include any lyrics. (If you're wondering what 5 songs here they are: 1 - Steve Vai - The Audience Is Listening, 2 - Steve Vai - Juice, 3 - Michael Angelo Batio - No Boundaries (Speed Kills), 4 - I'm not sure what the name is, it's the last Steve Vai song at the G3 with Malmsteen, and 5 - Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain.) Anybody could walk up to a synthesizer and press random buttons and make some musical notes. It seems like rap is some messed up form of poetry with a beat.

And you can dance to rap/hip hop? Seriously, maybe if you were dancing with somebody and you want to point to your crotch while bouncing up and down, then it would be called dancing. I went to my prom and my date didn't even want to dance because you can't really dance to that kind of music. She even wrote me a little note saying "Thanks for not making me dance like a slut." I figured it was easier for me because I don't like dancing anyways. If you really want to dance quickly, go dance to Beach Boys or something, I fail to see how that can even be called dancing...

I know plenty of people who say all rap songs are basically the same, and these are the people who actually listen to rap all the time. They agree with me that punk and all rock songs are so much more diverse than the same old stuff you hear in rap. Again, with the exception of emo and those fake punk bands crying that they're girlfriends don't like them. At least they have the right idea of getting a girlfriend, not going around trying to get laid around every corner. I even know that, I'm only 17. Sex is literally the last thing on my mind when I talk to a girl, and it's probably better off that way.

Long story short:

Rap = People who can talk fast to a rhythm who get all the fame and glory along with loads of cash because of the media.
Punk = People who just want to jam out, they don't care if anybody likes or dislikes them, they just want to have fun.
Rock in general = A genre of people who can truly be appreciated through their dedication to music and their instruments...

And the funniest thing about that post is when you said " the more you learn, the more you learn to appreciate. " Simply because that's the biggest oxymoron I've ever heard in my life!
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6986|Canada Eh?
I heart punk rawk.

DK,Ramones, Black Flag, NoFx,Bad Religion, Minor Threat,Sex Pistols,Misfits FTW!
Dont tread on me
+77|7007|Mountains of West Virginia
How can someone argue that they are right and the other person is wrong on likes of music? I dont know, I think that music that I like is what I like. If you think its crap, does that make me wrong for liking it? If you seriously say yes, then you need a reality check.

As for me, I listen to Rock, Folk, Techno, Hip-Hop, and the list goes on. I recognize individuality, creativity, and the overall ability to get wrapped up in the music (whether that be by dancing, singing etc) as good.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
emo's are giving punks a "bad rap"

+1,128|6954|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

mKmalfunction wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Because I'm TNT, I'm dynomite!

I shake uncontrollably when I hear any song by Nickel Back, Black Eyed Peas, Billy Talent, or anything emo.


Whoever likes them should die.

now look what you've done

Scroll 'bout halfway down and you can see the fag from FOB playing with his pecker. You know you want to.

And for other serious music fans, especially those who enjoy real punk and real rock 'n roll, check out
haha i made a point at the F.O.B. gig i went to, to grab him in the "special area" and then subsequently brag to all the fangirls that i done it..

they were so jealous..

and he's small there......

you can see that from the pics..

go on.. look..

you know you want to
Unintentionally Verbose
BF2 music. Good lord it's awful. Except the SF hobo army happy dance music, that rules.
'twice cooked beef!'
i like bf2 loading music. it's just getting a little old after so many listens.

oh and FrankieSPankie3388, you have no idea what you're talking about.
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6939|Britain and Damn proud of it!
Worst music? gotta be that Dance/techno crap annoys the hell out of me whenever i'm walking down the street and all i can hear is some retarded Chav with his speakers maxed with ' Unce unce unce ' yay i can make random noises on a computer, seriously it sounds shite and takes very little or no skill to create.....
Rap, is once step above, its still rubbish but at least it has words and some form of substance...
I'm just that good
+156|6932|Cork, Ireland
Any of Marilyn Manson's videos are so funny. He's such an emo!
+69|6886|Fountain Valley,CA
what really pisses me off is greenday gahh i hate them, everyone at my school loves them i dont know why,they think their punk with their anti america songs they just piss me off.

Last edited by ={OGC}=HK-47 (2006-07-11 05:56:18)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
is there a way to import idf loading music into your folders like you could for tribes? OMG tribes2 loading music was TIGHT
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
CRAP!!! I just saw where Pink Floyd's founder died, now I'm going to have to hear that drivel for the next 2 weeks straight
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6840|Portland, OR USA
Don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart ...


IMHO neither Rap nor Country should actually qualify as music anyway.  Something about country music manages to suck every ounce of joy from my body.  Rap?  That's just ignunt.
+783|7156|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Lets see


That's pretty much all I can think about

Green Day is not punk, Green Day is emo!

Last edited by PBAsydney (2006-07-11 08:27:55)

My "Page Up" has never been used.
Umm, Paris Hilton - Stars are blind
Why havent anyone killed her??
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6852|The Lost Highway

kr@cker wrote:

CRAP!!! I just saw where Pink Floyd's founder died, now I'm going to have to hear that drivel for the next 2 weeks straight
That's the first I've heard of it. I'm as bummed as you can been when someone you don't know dies. Syd Barrett was the man, I talked about this in a Pink Floyd thread a few days ago.

R.I.P Syd

Last edited by mKmalfunction (2006-07-11 10:06:16)

'twice cooked beef!'
i'll probably be crucified for this but i much prefer post-syd floyd to the early days.

still, the acid-binging crazyman will be missed.
+69|6886|Fountain Valley,CA

PBAsydney wrote:

Lets see

Green Day is not punk, Green Day is emo!
yeah greenday isnt punk everyone thinks that they are, and i dont think their emo their more alternative

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