+1,153|6669|Washington, DC

I decided to check out one of those infantry only servers... boy was that a bad idea.

My clan's in TWL 5v5 Infantry and amazingly the teams we've played have not resorted to playing like they're having a seizure.

In this pub server, I realized that infantry combat in BF2 is merely a contest of who can

-Press Z faster

-Flop around faster

Why the hell DICE haven't fixed this when they said it would be fixed in 1.2 is beyond me. And people wonder why some players are vehicle whores; ITS BECAUSE INFANTRY COMBAT IS MORE LIKE EPILEPSY COMBAT!

Just had to get that off my chest.

*jumps back into jet and chopper*

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-06-29 07:29:39)


ExecutionerStyle wrote:

Just had to get that off my chest.
Hope you feel better
Play on a SF server omg, nothing but claymores & rpgs at one stage I was the only spc ops guy, out of 32, then 19 snipers just how lame is that.
+1,153|6669|Washington, DC

I mean... i figure if EVERYONE does it it's fine. Everyone's hitboxes fucks up and it becomes Strike at Fishkand. What's annoying is when you're trying to have a good infantry fight, you come up to this guy, he sees you and a twitch instinct in him makes him immediatly bounce around and make his hitboxes go from Mashtuur to Songhua and makes it impossible to hit.

But it's good tos ee that the franchise director found helicopter rocket pods to be more of a problem than hitbox fuckups.
Δ > x > ¥

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

I decided to check out one of those infantry only servers... boy was that a bad idea.

My clan's in TWL 5v5 Infantry and amazingly the teams we've played have not resorted to playing like they're having a seizure.

In this pub server, I realized that infantry combat in BF2 is merely a contest of who can

-Press Z faster

-Flop around faster

Why the hell DICE haven't fixed this when they said it would be fixed in 1.2 is beyond me. And people wonder why some players are vehicle whores; ITS BECAUSE INFANTRY COMBAT IS MORE LIKE EPILEPSY COMBAT!

Just had to get that off my chest.

*jumps back into jet and chopper*
Perhaps this is why ranked infantry only servers are against the ROE?
Internet Poon

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

*jumps back into jet and chopper*
Thanks for the rant. Off you go now!

But agreed anyway, except that you dont need to go to an infantry only server to witness epilepsy!
Member since 2005
+44|6815|Kansas, USA
AMEN! I'm tired of hearing these "LEET" players complaining that EA is nerfing the game to make it easier for the "noobs" by removing bunny hopping, dolphin diving, etc. Mastering a keystroke to make your player appear like an epileptic on speed is not skill - at least not the kind I think should be the determining factor in a battle. Using cover, concealment, and good combat tactics should be.

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

*jumps back into jet and chopper*

nuff said. helis and jets are gayer than "flopping around during an infantry battle".
God's Little Squirt
The more you fight the "fish" the easier they are to kill.  Time + Skill = Winner.  Keep rockin brother!!
Support Specialist
yeah what psycho said.  how about fighting and making it seem at least like a real battle would?  advancing fireteams, cover fire,  you know real things.
EBC Member
+56|6693|Cambridge, England
why dont they make it so you cannot jump if you are out of sprint bar as this would solve most things.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6629|Your attic

jimmanycricket wrote:

why dont they make it so you cannot jump if you are out of sprint bar as this would solve most things.
That'd be nice, but then tanks and APC's would have a field day, the only way I get away from armour is by bunny hopping my ass outta there. Honestly I don't find these epeliptic bunnys too hard, some that can still dolphin dive are a bit more difficult, but not at all impossible.
I love infantry only servers. I hate bunny hoppers floppers and anyone else who does gay tactics. I personally I wish they took out all tanks, planes, helicoptors, and arty out of the game. I have 200 hours on my account ( 27000 points ) and only 30 of my hours are from stuff thats not on ground. I like ground to ground combat. It sucks when your in the middle of a battle and a tank rolls up and kills you and your defenseless same with plane bomings, heli missiles, and arty. It ruins the game so bad which is why I dont really like this game to much but it is addicting in good servers.

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

*jumps back into jet and chopper*
You wouldn't like it because you're not a grunt...I've played a lot of hours and 95% of it is groundpouding.  I guarantee I'de enjoy it.

Last edited by Orion126 (2006-06-29 15:50:18)

Fantasma Parastasie
Look at his stats.. He couldn't hit a barn door from 2 meters away.. let alone something that's moving! *gasp*
+18|6820|Your six is my twelve

Chorcai wrote:

Play on a SF server omg, nothing but claymores & rpgs at one stage I was the only spc ops guy, out of 32, then 19 snipers just how lame is that.
That happens everywhere.  If you give someone a divine weapon that automatically targets and kills hostiles from 30 ft away, they're going to use it and abuse it.
PHPR Hunter

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Look at his stats.. He couldn't hit a barn door from 2 meters away.. let alone something that's moving! *gasp*
I don't know....they don't look that bad to me.  But then I'm too old to really give a shit.  I play this game for fun and relaxation. 

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