
Defiance wrote:

Hell no, support kit rocks.

Easy teamwork points (I got my vet support in maybe...2-3 minutes on a 64 server) and lots o kill!

RPK-74 is my bitch, and the PKM just below that.

I haven't mastered the MG36 though
I think the clue is to aim higher than you normally would. The iron sight is misaligned or something, feels that way to me at least.
2142th Whore
support is teh win cuz of the dmg and the ROF and the accuracy...basically tears enemy to shreds and teamwork points..
Germans did 911
+427|6720|Disaster Free Zone

genius_man16 wrote:

"Does anyone else hate the support kit?"
<---- what do you think?
A Wolf Among Lambs

E7IX3R wrote:

You're a sniper and you see a guy 100m away, you drop to take aim, see him also drop and you're dead before you've even zoomed in. I rarely see any players ranked higher than a 2nd luit. continuously using the support kit.
If ur a decent sniper he shouldn't even see u.
Well, I hate the support kit since they upgraded the accuracy for support guns and lowered it for assault rifles.  Yes, assault is still more accurate, but that's balanced out by the rate of fire, virtually infinite ammo, and higher damage of the support guns.  And if you go prone and fire in bursts like any intelligent support player, the recoil isn't really that bad at all.  Assault is supposed to be the best killer in the game...their kit has no inherent means of earning teampoints.  But support and medics have guns that are better in just about every way..largely because of upgrades with every patch, and assault guns get nerfed constantly...including the grenade launcher which now has a TIMED FUSE that makes zero sense...something seems a little off about that to me.  Why roll Assault when Medic and Support have guns that are equal to or superior to yours, and can get tons of easy team points...especially medics?
my mum says i'm cool
your mums not very good in bed but i no complain
Unintentionally Verbose

jkohlc wrote:

i just hate the colour.

PKM was only good in 1.2 (too good I guess), now it's just another high damage gun. No accuracy anymore. Did you consider that just a few good support players were playing on the other team, and that's the only reason you were getting owned by it all the time? 'cos I really don't think it's that magical anymore.
Fantasma Parastasie
I love supports. I mean, enemies that have to stop moving AND lie down to shoot you, with a delay too! it's headshot heaven.

pkm has been nerfed.

Btw, you can easily say the same about medics. Not only can they heal themselves so you don't get a kill damage assist point for your effort. The ak-101 is very strong and the g36e is more accurate than a sniper rifle. And the 2 points they get for revive is just point spamming, making them jump on you to revive you when the tank is still aiming at your body.

On a distance, you always win from a support cause the guns are not really accurate. On close combat, well yeah, don't you have to have one advantage. You also never win when you meet an engeneer in a small alley cause his shotgun will pump your head off before you have the chance to say "enemy infantry spotted"

If you don't want to get killed by a pkm, stay far away from him, or kill him before he goes prone.
i actually prefer the standard support weapons over the unlocks
they may overheat quickly but they just seem to fire quicker and more accurate over a shorter distance ..
Let the rough side drag
Tis my 2nd most played kit, nah...I dont hate it hehe
A Wolf Among Lambs
pkm is kinda broken, and its very annoying to get dropped in a heartbeat by 3 shots but they have to go prone to fire leaving them vulnerable to sniper fire and 'nades. The only issue I'd have with support is 'nade spamming. A good support player can pretty much keep up an indefinite amount of 'nade fire.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6778|Comber, Northern Ireland
nope i dont hate it, what i hate is, medics are the only ones who ever bash other kits,
Support is good IF you know how to use it. Its a KIT in the game. You expect people to stop using it because YOU hate it and you get owned by it? Support is actually one of the HARDER kits to use as you have to PRONE every time you want to hit something thats not in front of your face. MEC has the only good stock support gun that owns the PKM. If you were getting owned by a support guy then why didnt you just jump over him and shoot him in the back or just run the fuck away and throw grenades? IMO support is one of the UNDERUSED classes in this game as I RARELY see many support players.
I also hate the increase in support guys, but for a different reason. If I am any kit, including support sometimes, there seems to be less medics now than there used to be. I get killed, yell "medic" and the screen shows like 2 medics a half mile away. We used to be able to get revived a lot faster. Now I am just laying dead and a guy is feeding me ammo. But we adapt to the ever changing battlefield don't we?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6733|Howell, Mi USA
The only thing i hate about the support kit is being sniped at 100m by a PKM right after my sniper rifle did 3/4 damage to them.

E7IX3R wrote:

I cant stand it. I absolutely loathe it and anyone that uses it. Kills are cheap and easy with the PKM. They are the vultures of the BF2 world.

You're a sniper and you see a guy 100m away, you drop to take aim, see him also drop and you're dead before you've even zoomed in. I rarely see any players ranked higher than a 2nd luit. continuously using the support kit.

I just earned around 490 points in 5 rounds just ground pounding as a medic, each round I had more kills than anyone else and more teamwork points than anyone else. Most of the time I died it was because of a support guy or a claymore. Any nub can pick up a support gun and tear through a whole squad in a few seconds.

Everytime I get killed by a support gun a feeling of pure hatred fills my mind. I must eliminate the support noob and fight the good fight!
What would you rather they have? A fuckin' MP5A3? They have a big light machine gun. Machine guns = kill people efficiently.
is drunk and crazy

ooPSeH wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

Crawdaddy79 wrote:

Nub is pronounced much differently than "noob"... FYI.
I know how to pronounce nub. Nub, noob, smurf, all the same thing.
If I'm not in a squad then yes.
A Wolf Among Lambs

E7IX3R wrote:

ooPSeH wrote:

E7IX3R wrote:

I know how to pronounce nub. Nub, noob, smurf, all the same thing.
If I'm not in a squad then yes.
+129|6606|Bristol UK
I dont hate support because the class is necessary, ie "big assualt at hotel (karkland) etc", gives you ammo, if you've got a good support player he can really keep the fight going with the medics. Personally i think all the support weapons have been nerfed, except the pkm (god only knows why). before 1.2 you used to be able to knock targets down appily with the G36 while standing, as it when i became obssed with unlocking it, know i have it and have patch 1.3 its crap. and lets face it its a assulat rifle with a 200 rd C mag on it. And you cant take a Helo down with it like you can the pkm. "sigh -  roll eyes"
   And just to agree with PCShooterNoob now they nerfed the ULG (Grenade launcher) for the infantry adding a timer, and disabling damage if you fire it directly at an apc "as now it bounces off" nerfing an already needed but difficult class "infantry".
   Ground Pounders Lead the Way!!!!!!
Resident Dragon Fanatic
An LMG is too heavy to lug around everywhere. I used it enough to get the veteran badge, but it's my least played kit.
+24|6727|Computer Chair

Love them at close range, just run around them, they cant turn so fast.
Hate them at range, dead within a sec.
Δ > x > ¥

E7IX3R wrote:

I cant stand it. I absolutely loathe it and anyone that uses it. Kills are cheap and easy with the PKM. They are the vultures of the BF2 world.

You're a sniper and you see a guy 100m away, you drop to take aim, see him also drop and you're dead before you've even zoomed in. I rarely see any players ranked higher than a 2nd luit. continuously using the support kit.

I just earned around 490 points in 5 rounds just ground pounding as a medic, each round I had more kills than anyone else and more teamwork points than anyone else. Most of the time I died it was because of a support guy or a claymore. Any nub can pick up a support gun and tear through a whole squad in a few seconds.

Everytime I get killed by a support gun a feeling of pure hatred fills my mind. I must eliminate the support noob and fight the good fight!
You had more kills and more teamwork than anyone else and yet you still complain about the weapons other people use?  I really don't understand people sometimes.

Kills are cheap and easy with the PKM?  Perhaps but teamwork points are cheap and easy with the medic kit.  What kit do you use?  I think revive points should be removed - it should be enough reward to revive your teammate, you don't need points as well.
+32|6640|Sydney, Australia

Snorkelfarsan wrote:

This is a stupid discussion. Come on, there isn't a kit you can use or a weapon you can use without being called n00b anymore. if you're a medic people are gonna say your getting cheap points by reviving people all the time and throwing around medpacks. if you're support, well you heard it your self, you just a noob with a big gun. Anti-tank, 7 year olds. spec-ops C4 terrorists. sniper, cowards etc etc.

Whats the deal?! Is the only way to be a real bf2 player to go around with the knife and slaughter ppl?

Get it together guys, every kit has a special purpose and is good in different ways. dont go around hating people for being better than you/ getting better scores than you and then blaming it on their kit or weapon.
total agree players who complain about kits leave and never come back we will be better off with out you
Germans did 911
+427|6720|Disaster Free Zone
I got 0:1 KD but 51 resupplys on a full 64 iron gator map as seals. The next round more then 2/3 of our team went support, so i went medic and got 10 heals and 24 revives... the following round (and map) you guesed it half our team went medic so I changed back to support and got highest combat, flag captures and resupplys.

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