I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

Cougar wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

well, as far as I can see, the mod only edited your post in such a way that it would comply with bf2rs.com forum rules. You seem to use swearwords a lot in your posts...

As far as I am concerned, they took your post here as what it was, a rant. Consequently, some bf2rs.com forum members chose to voice their opinion in an "uneducated" manner, much like you.
What did you expect ?
I am sure they would have responded in a more decent way if you had chosen to present your "arguments" accordingly.
As one of the very very few people on BF2s who's opinion and words I respect, I applaud your sincerity. 

But you did forget one thing, I am Cougar.  I tend to be very straight forward and frank when I am saying something, very "no holds barred" if you will.  I wrote that rant and view those opinions in a way that would sway myself if someone else was dictating to me.  It's just my style.

To some it's a flaw, to me it's a common characteristic and asset. 
oh, I have nothing against straight-forwardness ( is that a word ? ). Being a mod, I cherish it.

What I am not sure about is what reaction you were expecting from the guys at bf2rs.com. You surely were not expecting them to respond seriously to your rant ?

The way I see it you had two options:
1. to get on the bf2rs.com forums and post an educated comment about the RoE, detailing in polite, but straight-forward words what could be improved about them in your humble opinion. Constructive criticism, if you will.
2. to get on the bf2rs.com forums and simply rant about the RoE, offending as many of the hard-working staff over there as possible

You obviously chose 2. I am in no position to criticize your decision, but I have to admit I wish you'd have chosen differently. That's all.
that last group of rules is garbage
Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO
Haha, go ahead and whine about the rules, because you're EA's bitch!  If the ROE bugs you that much stop playing because the ROE is there for a reason.

bring on the negative karma like I give a damn!
Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6985|Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I don't like some parts of the ROE myself, but god damn it people, some of you guys need to read the ROE 100 times and understand what rules apply to what kind of servers. Some of the complaints here are about rules that are in the very last bit.  Those rules are rules that clan-owned servers are allowed to enforce if they wish to.

Last edited by Zanzura (2006-06-27 12:34:54)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway
I'm trying to get my friend back into bf2, but he say's he feels like an abused wife. He loves the game, he's just tired of all the black eyes it gives him.
+44|6907|Europe and goddamn proud of it
FUCK BF:ROE, they suck cock..
They fuck up the whole game..

Last edited by Reaxzion (2006-06-27 12:39:32)

Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6985|Toronto, Ontario, Canada
...After reading the entire thread again about 2 times, I think I see why you guys are complaining now . You guys don't like the fact that clan servers are given the choice by EA/DICE to enforce some of those crap rules. My bad.
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6896|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Holy shit, join an unranked server if you don't like the ROE.
yeah i think most of them rules are gay.
Best post ever.... EA/Dice are a bunch of Fucktard/Asshats... If these BFROE fags ever tried to get my stats wiped i would hunt them down in person and wipe their real stats....

What a bunch of fags...
+16|6959|Alberta, Canada

Reaxzion wrote:

FUCK BF:ROE, they suck cock..
They fuck up the whole game..
How do they fk up the game?  You really think they are gonna reset everyone for ALL of these rules? Come on think a lil, there are crap load of players out there that deserve to have there stats reset, if u cant play the game good enough that you have to stat pad or just plain cant play the game the way its ment, then maybe you should go play a different game...maybe something NOT multiplayer.

The ROE is there for a reason, and i hope they continue to do there job, and keep all the azzholes out, and let the legit players in...Man that reminds me how much i love kicking padders out of my server....
bad touch

Reject_Wolf wrote:

Holy shit, join an unranked server if you don't like the ROE.
that defeats the whole purpose of the game then
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6988|Moscow, Russia
I'm gonna update my sig with a "Code it, don't ROE it!", and I ask everyone to do the same.
3-shot SVD specialist
+29|6839|Bellingham, WA

syntaxmax642 wrote:

Best post ever.... EA/Dice are a bunch of Fucktard/Asshats... If these BFROE fags ever tried to get my stats wiped i would hunt them down in person and wipe their real stats....

What a bunch of fags...
Dude, walk away from your computer, NOW. You are in WAY too deep.
LOL, remember kids, its just a game
all your base are belong to us

stryyker wrote:

Reject_Wolf wrote:

Holy shit, join an unranked server if you don't like the ROE.
that defeats the whole purpose of the game then
not really heh.
Ranked servers are a "plus", not a requirement to play the game. if any one brings up the "well what about unlocks then?!" the unlocks are simply incentives to play on ranked servers. EA probably makes a shit load of cash by selling ranked server licenses (or however they allow it).. how do they get people to play on them you ask? incentives... stats, unlocks etc.

your not 'forced' to play on ranked servers therefore its not the "whole purpose of the game".

Besides, I hear in the next few patches (if not THE next patch) they are allowing unlocks for unranked servers. So ROE haters rejoice.

Last edited by No_Smoking (2006-06-27 14:06:24)

+45|6960|Austin, TX
Seriously, all you ranters need to calm down and let the puberty hormones fade before you have heart attacks. Most all of you obviously don't understand the standard universal rules, the EA-sponsered servers, and the rules that private servers can choose to create.

If you want the stats, play by the rules. If you hate the rules, don't worry about the stats and go play unranked servers.
I like my stats, and i will continue to "break" these rules, if you dont i guess i'll just see you on my favorite victims list.

And drukenfucktard whatever your name is get EA's/Dice's dick out of your mouth so we can hear you better okies


If EA didnt want the damn K/P servers, then holy shit log into the game type "knife" in the server look up and BOOM 30 K/P servers right there....now was that so hard???
3-shot SVD specialist
+29|6839|Bellingham, WA

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

And drukenfucktard whatever your name is get EA's/Dice's dick out of your mouth so we can hear you better okies
dude, relax. you sounds like a 12-year-old who just learned a bunch of bad words.
Guys, I don't think this is 100% EA's fault. They handed this shit over to BF2RS... they made the rules. I blame that faggot Indian Scout and his band of stupid admins on the site. They are the ones who made these fucking dumbass rules. So I think it is fair to say its 50% EA's fault, and 50% BF2RS fault. Just my 2 cents.

Last edited by Sgt.Gene (2006-06-27 15:30:29)


B.Schuss wrote:

oh, I have nothing against straight-forwardness ( is that a word ? ). Being a mod, I cherish it.

What I am not sure about is what reaction you were expecting from the guys at bf2rs.com. You surely were not expecting them to respond seriously to your rant ?

The way I see it you had two options:
1. to get on the bf2rs.com forums and post an educated comment about the RoE, detailing in polite, but straight-forward words what could be improved about them in your humble opinion. Constructive criticism, if you will.
2. to get on the bf2rs.com forums and simply rant about the RoE, offending as many of the hard-working staff over there as possible

You obviously chose 2. I am in no position to criticize your decision, but I have to admit I wish you'd have chosen differently. That's all.
Well really, I didn't expect anything out of my post over there.  If you go to page two in this thread you will see that Stryyker asked to put it up there, but he couldn't do it himself because he's banned.  I figured somebody probably would sooner or later and it might as well be me.  I'd rather tell them what I think than have someone else do it for me.

Ohh, and yes, No.2 would have been my choice from the beginning regardless.  I would rather talk to them like the Gestapo they are and be done with it, then spend an hour and a half righting a "educated and mature" post that would either:

A: Be ignored.
B: Be ridiculed.
C: Combination of A and B.

I'm sure there is nothing I or anyone else can do to sway their minds on anything, they have power.  They have the power to get people wiped, to take away people's hard work for whatever reason they see fit.  Do you really think they would just "give it up" because some random dude made a thread in thier forum?  Hell no.  If someone came to BF2s and said "I think B.Schuss abuses his power, here is the proof." would you just say, Ohh....well, I don't guess I need to be a moderator anymore, see ya later guys.  You're a great guy, but I seriously doubt you or any admin on any site would just "give it up" because somone, or in this case %85 of the community, thinks they should.

HeimdalX wrote:

I would like to just point out that some of the "rules" you posted were not apart of the globally enforced "rules of engagement," I am by no means endorsing these rules... they are retarded for the most part and the people that enforce them are power starved whores as well. But as for some of the rules: knife/pistol servers, and admins not allowed to kick for commander/vehicles make sense to me. They don't enforce those 2 rules though now do they?

Keyword: Private, as in entirely optional

These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

This would include but not limited to:

    * § Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
    * § Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
    * § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
    * § Impersonating clan members.
    * § Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
    * § Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
Yeah.......we know.  Thanks for being the 8th person to point that out.  You're missing the point though.
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
Whats all this shouting? We'll have no fun here.
Tony Cipriani
+32|6827|Woodbridge, Ontario
its suprising how everything you said was spot on.

stryyker wrote:

a fucking men
+252|7017|Sextupling in Empire

Do yourselves a favor and don't buy their next shitty game.

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