Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7142|Bryan/College Station, TX
Lately I have been practicing quite a bit with the Transport Chopper. Be it the Blackhawk or the others. I have been gathering up various tactics that I have found effective and giving new ideas a go. However I am always on the look out for more ideas that perhaps some of you used. So far I practice the following.

Transporting Troop (Shock shock Horror!)
Any map is good for this role as long as you have a team or at least a dedicated squad that understands the bonus of airborne transport and taking flags behind enemy lines on foot.  Wake for example is a good map in which this tactic is very handy. I will be a squad leader support or medic on this map and I will pilot the transport heli. I will pick up a squad of troops from the carrier and fly out horizontally to the land before cutting in from an off angle to reach a enemy base. I will then circle it once giving the gunners enough time to clear the path if they need to. I then come in for a hard landing and dust off as people bail out. I then either circle again if I still have a  gunner to cover the people on the ground or to remain as an airborn spawn point for people that get killed. If the place is too hot and everyone dies too quickly I will then pilot to a different location and try it again. Which is quite easy to do given the speed you can traverse the map in a heli. If I get damaged I fly to the edge of the map and I make my way back to the carrier. On another map that I know doesn't have many repair spots I will spawn as engineer so I can set the heli down in a remote part of the map and fix it before attempting to repeat this tactic.

Gunship Support A tactic that is picking up in popularity.
This tactic is really picking up in usage at least for the Blackhawk which still has much more effective Miniguns than the MEC or Chinese flying boat's M60's.  In this tactic I usually pick up people who man the guns and maybe one more engineer if I'm lucky so I can repair in the air. Basically the old BH whoring team layout of kits. But instead of taking flags I circle points of high enemy infantry population or points where we are attacking. I have gotten rather good at angling the heli at a good incline to give the gunners the most bang for their buck. I go a little slower to give them more time on their shots and I turn in a oval circle around the target area. Sometimes if I can get two areas that I need to circle close to each other I will do figure 8's circling each area once or twice before flying to the other one and doing the same thing. You certainly don't get as many kills as an Attack Chopper would but I also can't fly them. I find them just too manueverable and fast for me to handle at my skill level. However I seem to be much more suited for the Transport chopper.

Close Gunship Support This one I don't see anyone else use, yet.
This one is similar to the Gunship Support above however I don't simply circle around giving my gunners targets of opportunity. I actually fly into a hot zone where I see enemy and let my gunners take them out from a ground level. I will fly in low and try with all my might to hover as close to the ground as I can or I sometimes land (only cuz I'm not as good yet at hovering perfectly stationary). This seems to scare the crap outta of the enemy and who soon after get mowed down with a minigun. However when you do this be careful of mines! I learned my lesson once or twice cuz I didn't see them coming in at my angle. I have to lift my nose about 35 degrees to stop forward momentum and also descend before leveling out. I have yet to master the quick chase cam view when getting into this position but I'm sure once I do I will be much better at this tactic. This tactic also works if you are by yourself and you suddenly need to land and stop someone enemy from taking your base with the repair pad. Land, point the side to the infantry and switch to the minigun. Also a surprise to the enemy that I've done this to.

Ok so those the ones that I practice and seem to work for me if you have a team/squad that is willing to work with you.

Anyone else have any other tactics? If so please share them in a clear and detailed manner. Please attempt proper english. Thank you.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+0|7068|Virginia Beach, VA
This is a little weird, but in a Dragon Valley game I dropped off my troop load and was going back to pick up more/respawns when I saw a M95 sniper and an Anti-tank on top of the big Oil containers at the Chinese HQ. They were tearing up my guys, so in a flash of inspiration... I landed on them. Squish!
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7142|Bryan/College Station, TX

BEBHaven wrote:

This is a little weird, but in a Dragon Valley game I dropped off my troop load and was going back to pick up more/respawns when I saw a M95 sniper and an Anti-tank on top of the big Oil containers at the Chinese HQ. They were tearing up my guys, so in a flash of inspiration... I landed on them. Squish!
That's definitly one way of taking them out. I'm surprised that they didn't move though. Silly campers.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+1|7071|Brisbane, Australia

kilroy0097 wrote:

heh, been doing that stuff in DC before there were teamwork points. Good to get this sorta information out there though
Expendable Miracle Worker
it's nice to see someone who realizes which skills they have and which they don't and actually use the ones they have rather than waste team resources...props...
purple sticky punch
+0|7112|englewood FL.
ya i love getten some worthy gunners, and circling the spawns of helpless little mec more car bomb foo U!!!
Expendable Miracle Worker
yeah, just make sure you are really careful if you are going to put it on the ground...when I'm flying the blackhawk i NEVER touch the ground and keep it high enough that i can't get c4 thrown on me...
+1|7071|Brisbane, Australia
Yeah, never land the Hawk unless you are positive it is a good idea. Get your guys to jump out. Heh, for BF2 *my chopter kills suck hard, but that is because even as an attack chopter pilot I set up shots for the gunner/s as they are more deadly.

Important Tip:

- Don't be afraid to break off from a fight, you might get called many things such as a sissy, a whore, a retard or what-not. But when you are on around 1/2 health in a chopter go back to base for repairs. Always. When you do break off fly behind cover and stay low.

Last edited by Incontrovertible (2005-10-25 04:48:47)

The Disconnected
Mhm though these are old and known tactics (to me ^^) they are extremely useful if you are skilled enpugh and can master it. The BH can be a real Angel-of-Death
purple sticky punch
+0|7112|englewood FL.

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

yeah, just make sure you are really careful if you are going to put it on the ground...when I'm flying the blackhawk i NEVER touch the ground and keep it high enough that i can't get c4 thrown on me...
but...if u own them long enough..they will goto another spawn, leaving jus a few and then u jus get real close wit the gunner still in if possible, and let the other 3 get the flag wit the help of U in da choper that 4..pretty quick cap. + the gunners are getten 30+ kills a rnd. so they dont need caps.!

Last edited by US|dirtysouth (2005-10-24 06:47:57)

When hovering, don't forget to rotate the chooper so that the gunner can access the whole area.

In good ol' DC there was a chopper with spawn function so that troops could be dropped on a flag continuously until it was taken (the chopper needed to be high up in the air for this). This should be possible in BF2 as well, if the chopper pilot is a SL. Haven't tried it myself though, I'm not good with aircraft.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7142|Bryan/College Station, TX
Thanks for all the advice peeps. Anyone else? Really looking for some cool tips for an aspiring Meat Transporter.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7139|Cologne, Germany

well, since the patch has come out, people are forced to use the transport choppers as they were designed to be used, as transport..

that alone is a great thing.

as far as ground support is concerned, I have also seen people use parked attack choppers and even planes as ground support. nothing more terrifying than the miniguns of a parked jet as suppression fire....

apart from that, very nice read, kilroy. sadly, the forming of squads and the possibility to spawn at your SL position is still not common on a lot of public servers. the lone wolf scheme is etched into most of the FPS kids, I am afraid..
+66|7139|Missoula, MT

Yes, many people forget you can go as high as you want in this game, long as you are within the battlefield boundries.  Excellent idea from DC to try again. 

I wonder, if the SL was falling/diving/parachuting...could people still spawn on him?
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7139|Cologne, Germany

hmm. we should try that out. *dances to the sound of the cowbell*
+66|7139|Missoula, MT
Yeah, we could get really really really high and have everyone spawn and try to do some of those aerial acrobatics like those people do.  Make some formations or something...that's an idea for Mort's movie!!  I know no one has done that one yet!  I like it! 
Ever experiment with C4 while flying the transport helos? A little bit of voip and education will turn those sluggish bastards into C4 spewing killing machines of doomâ„¢! Takes a lot more coordination with the pilot and spec opcs, but it's adds a lot of fresh gameplay. Especially after all those hours on the chain guns.. so boring! Excellent way to earn your explosive badges.
+36|7073|Forster NSW
Id like to Play Gunner for you Some time Killroy

Iv played a LOT in the chopper and never have I come across a good pilot who slows down for his gunners.
They all just fly fly fly they dont stop so U can shoot or anything.

I do that Close gunner thingo where you fly into hot zones and let your gunners take em all out
I do that a lot and its GREAT points for everyone in the chopper.

Last edited by Ballistix5 (2005-10-25 05:56:18)

Expendable Miracle Worker
depends on the "hot" find a server with myself and another clanmate and the helo is going down real fast...all i'm saying is don't be overly cocky when in the BH all it takes is 2 people talking to eachother on the ground to end your fun...
First of all, sorry for my (very) poor english. I'm italian & I have never learned english!
So i try to write a "on-line" translation if you like...

Tattica 3 CAS Eli Gunship: Perfettamente descritta, ma puoi provare a volare LATERALMENTE verso il nemico ( timone a destra, inclinazione a sinistra)

Tactic 3 CAS Heli Gunship: As you say, but you can try to fly with SIDE towards the enemy (e.g. rudder on right, stick on left)

Tattica 4 Chopper/Bomber: Scegli "supporto" e guida l'elicottero. Uno o due Spec Ops possono lanciare C4 fuori ogni volta che sorvoli truppo nemiche, e poi.... boom!!! Guadagni punti come pilota+supporto d'uccisione+rifornimento munizioni! Funziona meglio con elicotteri cinesi e MEC

Tactic 4 Chopper/Bomber: Choose "Support" and fly the chopper. 1 or 2 Spec-Ops can trow C4 outside every time you fly over enemy troops, and then... BOOOOM! You gain pts as driver+kill support+ammo resupply! It works better with chinese or MEC choppers

Do You understand something??
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

Azr4eL wrote:

First of all, sorry for my (very) poor english. I'm italian & I have never learned english!
So i try to write a "on-line" translation if you like...

Tattica 3 CAS Eli Gunship: Perfettamente descritta, ma puoi provare a volare LATERALMENTE verso il nemico ( timone a destra, inclinazione a sinistra)

Tactic 3 CAS Heli Gunship: As you say, but you can try to fly with SIDE towards the enemy (e.g. rudder on right, stick on left)

Tattica 4 Chopper/Bomber: Scegli "supporto" e guida l'elicottero. Uno o due Spec Ops possono lanciare C4 fuori ogni volta che sorvoli truppo nemiche, e poi.... boom!!! Guadagni punti come pilota+supporto d'uccisione+rifornimento munizioni! Funziona meglio con elicotteri cinesi e MEC

Tactic 4 Chopper/Bomber: Choose "Support" and fly the chopper. 1 or 2 Spec-Ops can trow C4 outside every time you fly over enemy troops, and then... BOOOOM! You gain pts as driver+kill support+ammo resupply! It works better with chinese or MEC choppers

Do You understand something??
Your English is much better than you give yourself credit for.  A couple misspellings, but other than that, good.

As to your strategies, tactic 4 is probably the best one, hadn't thought of getting a support in the mix there.  number 3 could be problematic because you move slower sideways, and you present your enemies with an easy target.  Remember, anti-tank troops can take down choppers if you make it easy enough for them.

Anyway, here's my strategy:

The Kamikaze:  First off, I only use this when piloting an empty blackhawk.  The other choppers are too slow and not agile enough (I use the word agile loosely here).  Second, this can only happen if the opportunity presents itself.  Anyway, basically you just ram the chopper into stuff.  Even tanks wil fall prey.  But the funniest thing to do is to ram an attack chopper that was trying to shoot you down.  Occasionally the pilot will see what you are trying to do and frantically try to dodge, but futilely.  Or, for the more daring kamikaze, you could wire the chopper with c4, and then do the same thing as a suicide carbomb, but with a chopper.  Note that if you plan on bombing a ground target, that you need to bail out before you need to so that you have time to blow the c4 before the impact destroys the chopper.
Your English is much better than you give yourself credit for.  A couple misspellings, but other than that, good.

As to your strategies, tactic 4 is probably the best one, hadn't thought of getting a support in the mix there.  number 3 could be problematic because you move slower sideways, and you present your enemies with an easy target.  Remember, anti-tank troops can take down choppers if you make it easy enough for them.

Anyway, here's my strategy:

The Kamikaze:  First off, I only use this when piloting an empty blackhawk.  The other choppers are too slow and not agile enough (I use the word agile loosely here).  Second, this can only happen if the opportunity presents itself.  Anyway, basically you just ram the chopper into stuff.  Even tanks wil fall prey.  But the funniest thing to do is to ram an attack chopper that was trying to shoot you down.  Occasionally the pilot will see what you are trying to do and frantically try to dodge, but futilely.  Or, for the more daring kamikaze, you could wire the chopper with c4, and then do the same thing as a suicide carbomb, but with a chopper.  Note that if you plan on bombing a ground target, that you need to bail out before you need to so that you have time to blow the c4 before the impact destroys the chopper.
LoL! Thx, BF2 seems to be a funny metod to learn! Is never too late!
For the CAS Gunner-Chopper the most important thing is a GOOD gunner! And this tactic is AWESOME when used in mass attack (the AT troopers lare too busy with the tanks/APC)
For the Kamikaze... I don't like it, I think is not... (search the right word....) "in the style" for a US Marine. Maibe better for a MEC.

CMDR_Dave wrote:

Yeah, we could get really really really high and have everyone spawn and try to do some of those aerial acrobatics like those people do.  Make some formations or something...that's an idea for Mort's movie!!  I know no one has done that one yet!  I like it! 
Better yet, zombie acrobatics! hehe
+66|7139|Missoula, MT

Speaking of zombies...I was in a server last night that seemed to produce them!  I saw at least 4 different ones running around during the length of the round.  It was so funny!  They are so easy to kill too!  hehe.  I wonder though, why it was happening?  It seemed like it took extra effort for us to make ourselves that way during film day...hmmm.  And you know people aren't doing this during a live game...hmmm.  Strange. 

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-10-26 04:20:01)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7139|Cologne, Germany

those damn zombies are everywhere....they would scare the shit out of me, if they suddenly appeared somewhere on a map..

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