Everyone that has said an increase in RAM would help is correct.
But it could very well not be your problem.
When you start playing on a server, before you spawn, type in the following console command use caps and spaces as shown.
renderer.drawFps 1
This will display your frames per second [FPS] and milli seconds between frames in the top left corner. The first number must be above 25 or above or you will have huge issues. If it is below 40 then start lowering the video setting, so that when a lot is going on your FPS will not drop too low.
A 6800 should be able to run most setting on high, but this way you know if your card is struggling.
Keep an eye on your in game ping. The lower the better. If your ping is below 100 then you should be fine.
If your ping is consistently above 150 then try to play on servers that are geographically closer to you, or, make sure that your internet connection is not running lots of other applications [browsing the web, or even downloading should not be a big deal, but P2P or file sharing programs are a big no no].
This is related to the ram issue. BF2 loads the map, and all the objects [like vehicles and guns and people] into ram and pagefile [pagefile = hard disk pretending to be RAM]. This takes up around 1.5Gb of memory. If BF2 is playing off the data in RAM and then needs to find some info in the pagefile, you may get slow down or lag while the game access the data from the slower hard disk.
I hope this info help man.
If you want any more info, PM me.
Last edited by DrM (2006-06-23 10:48:55)