The Photographer.
+81|6858|Central Valley,California
Here goes my rant, I get in the M1A2 at the begining of the round. I head for the hotel taking out all the enemies there. I die a few times, and keep on killing the enemies there so my team could cap the flag. Moongamer admin gets pissed because he's on MEC and is getting killed (no I wasn't spawn killing) and bans me for spawn killing. WTF? A. It's Karkand so this aint't fucking new. B. I wasn't spawn killing. C. Even if I was spawnkilling spawn the fuck elsewhere. Not that hard idiot admin. Looks like I'll be playing at StrafeRight.
Welcome to MoonGame fags :0
Positive Karma Here!

simon wrote:

Welcome to MoonGame fags :0
Says it all
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6737|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
You were spawn camping, but you were capping a flag.  I would put the call in your favor, but when they put that rule in place, I just dont go to the Hotel with the armor, I cap a back base.  I though it was a dumb rule as that sort of spawn camping shouldn't happen since the armor should be focusing on armor which means the MEC must be spawn camping instead of taking out the USMC armor....

Anyway, I think you were definently treated unfairly.
I am so sick of rules being set by admin because they cannot hack it.  I have played on many "ruleless" servers and have been camped so many times before.  Guess what, I get out of it,  I don't keep spawning in the same place over and over.  I go AT, which is out of the question for most people.   I take down the chopper raping our uncap.   I know admins pay for the server and technically can do whatever they want, but come on,  be a man,  step up,  think,  adapt, act.   There are so many ways out of the situation of spawnkilling.  And if you don't have anywhere else to spawn,  and they are camping all your spawns;   then guess what,   YOU LOST!     That is why im working on getting my own server.  Because im sick of me and my friends from being kicked because we are at the top and killing everyone and they cannot seem to stop us.   

   "You are a _______ whore"   is not an insult.
Its not spawncamping if your capping a flag you morons.

BadSnipa needs this pic in his sig:https://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/4343dd56bf.jpg
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
U.S. > Iran
This is why I play SF servers.....alot less BS goes on
Kick His Ass!
+371|6848|Howell, Mi USA
What a sore loser. But it happens on alot of servers, not just moonlamers.
+152|6681|London (At Heart)

I'll see you at straferight then. Not had any problems there before.


2tuff wrote:

simon wrote:

Welcome to MoonGame fags :0
Says it all
This is not the first thread that I have seen about MoonGamers.  It happens on other servers too but it is never fun when you are the one getting bent over.

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

This is why I play SF servers.....alot less BS goes on
Moonfaggots have a SF server to :\

Oh and to the OP, you broke the rules, you killed a Moongamer admin more then once.

Seems thats how it works anyway :\
=365th= BarbWire
yup ill see ya both on straferight

but watch my jihads late at night 0_o

Last edited by =365th= BarbWire (2006-06-21 13:28:32)

Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
If its not a un-capable base I don't think that rule should ever be applied unless there is a group of people doing it, there are no other flags to camped team and they are not making any attempt to take the flag  In that situation I think that the round should be ended by the admin along with the offending players being kicked.   Once you are stuck getting camped its better for your stats if you just sit out for a while and don't spawn (if your 100 tickets down with only 20 tickets left it not like your going to win the round).
I think ive been banned from moongamers, i got bored and started team killing.
bad touch

wait wait wait.... rabbits have balls?
+69|6727|Fountain Valley,CA
i got banned from the server for killing an admin in his plane when he went to get ammo he said it was base raping.
by the way it was the 24/7 gulf server

Last edited by ={OGC}=HK-47 (2006-06-21 13:43:24)

+101|6830|Southern California

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

Here goes my rant, I get in the M1A2 at the begining of the round. I head for the hotel taking out all the enemies there. I die a few times, and keep on killing the enemies there so my team could cap the flag. Moongamer admin gets pissed because he's on MEC and is getting killed (no I wasn't spawn killing) and bans me for spawn killing. WTF? A. It's Karkand so this aint't fucking new. B. I wasn't spawn killing. C. Even if I was spawnkilling spawn the fuck elsewhere. Not that hard idiot admin. Looks like I'll be playing at StrafeRight.
Moongamers Karkand has a rule that you can't use a tank near the hotel. They consider it spawn camping. I passed the hotel once and headed toward the Suburbs but I engaged enemy near the Square, when an AT gunner shot at me I returned fire and suddenly I had an out-of-game experience!!!!

Note: I was always moving this whole battlerun lol   I am confused   the definitions have been stretched a bit:

----A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers....infers you plan to stay awhile.

----To deposit eggs; produce spawn.

So this means Spawn Campers are really Mother Hens? Or maybe Chicken Ranchers? A complete oxy-moron.

Why can't people learn to spawn at a different place? because the Hotel point farms need tending to. Every second counts...

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-21 13:52:32)

+89|6868|Sheffield, England
who cares about karkand, if your a true bf2 player you will play other maps.
+101|6830|Southern California

elite wrote:

who cares about karkand, if your a true bf2 player you will play other maps.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6906|Toronto, ON
What is wrong with Spawn Camping the hotel?  If the USMC have at least 1 flag, they stopped the ticket bleed.  And the best thing now is the hammer the tickets away by spawn camping the hotel where most of the kids are.  FTW.

You people play for stats too much...
Alpha as fuck.
They selectively enforce rules.  That's why I don't play on any of there servers.

Everyone on the MEC side that moves up from the hotel should be banned for spawn camping the USMC uncap.  lmao

edited for grammar

Oh wait that will never happen.  It's the only base the USMC has to start the round with.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-06-21 14:10:15)

welcome to the e-world full of dipshits and assholes *hands admission ticket*
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6963|Marathon, Florida Keys

stryyker wrote:

wait wait wait.... rabbits have balls?
unlike you....

I was also banned from their oman server.  I was on the USMC side and we had every flag except the uncap... I think I shot the heli down as it got 30m off the ground and got banned instantly.

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