What "treatment without charges"? Have any of them actually been arrested?Horseman 77 wrote:
I could care less if someone thinks my post is lacking credibility, they are entitled to there opinion.
Though strictly acting within military law, The Marines treatment without charges is to date unprecedented.
So perhaps you should loosen your grip.
My statement is biased. I stand by my own, against anyone who would do them harm.
It is called loyalty. You do not seem familiar with the concept ?
If they are charged and later justly convicted they will lose my support, till then yes I am biased and would like to see them treated the way the ACLU treats cop killers or Nuns caught smuggling C4 to leftist guerrillas in south America.
Where does your hatred come from ? it shows you have no corner on maturity.
"In the meantime, marines from the company involved have been confined to barracks at Camp Pendleton in California or are being held in the brig."
So..they are being confined to barracks, or put into the brig. Gee, what a terrible travesty. In other conflicts they might have been taken out back the commanders tent a summarily executed, sometimes guilt being a secondary concern.
Honestly I think your so called "loyalty" is nothing more than a misguided attempt to be like a Marine, or feel that you're doing something. I really don't know, nor do I care, what psychosis you are currently struggling with.
Obviously you have a problem with constitutional law, basic human rights and moral values beyond "Super America" bigotry. Do yourself a favor and step off the shetland pony you seem to think is your steed, relax and please tell someone you need help.
As to my "hatred", there really isn't anything there. If you want to point at ghosts or try and dig up skeletons, please go ahead. I'm fairly well versed in American History, especially so when dealing with matters of the military and American warfare. I don't claim to be an expert by any means however I've done my bits of homework through the years. If you have ZERO basis for your arguments, which appears to be the reality of the situation, then why not simply go sit somewhere and spin for a bit?