Xietsu wrote:
Husker~ifh~ wrote:
Xietsu reminds me of that guy on "Good Will Hunting" who gets punked out in the bar by Matt Damon... You know the one who uses all the big words and tries to sound all poetic and knowledgable only to be made out as an ass spewing quotes from books he's read at college... hmmmmmmmmmm?
and I quote "How do you like those apples" Matt Damon, Good Will Hunting.
Several people have pointed his over usage of Websters to no avail and I don't care to take the time, but this just struck me as I was reading through some of his previous post...
Anywho, got's to wun, so have you's all some fun'd with dis here posted's, dreams does come true...lol 8)
What the fuck? I never quote any "famous" people. Not only that, but no "Matt Damon figure" has managed to prove my "tries to be poetic and knowledgeable" wrong. Sorry, you too suck at analogies.
Okay, first off, where in my post did I accuse you of quoting famous people, this would be hearsay. I simply said that the way you write your posts reminds me of the character in that movie. I said nothing about you being that character, though you are a character. Second, I have yet to read one of your post that need be proven "poetic or knowledgable" as most of them are reverberations of the previous posts you've made in this thread. You just continue to say the same thing by restructuring your sentences via different words, lol. Third, what analogy? I was making a general reference to the comparison between you and a character in a movie and not
"the resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike" < this being the definition of an analogy. So what you should of said was, "You suck at
comparisons" < meaning the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another.
Hey don't worry about it, simple mistake, hell if I tried to use that many big words in each and everyone of my post I'd lose track of the definitions too.
This is where you quote me again and write another witty response over using your knowledge of the english language. May I suggest this time you do it in german or french, make it intersting.
Like this:
French: Essayez de rendre votre réponse plus original et moins comme un commandant anglais de la 2ème année ?
Translated: Try to make your response more original and less like a 2nd year english major?
or German: Ikati, wenn das Töten und der Mord nie sind, die Ihre Sachen denken ungefähr dann, warum Sie das Thema oben in jeder Ihres Pfostens holen? Ich sehe nicht, daß die sprechenden Tötungbabys der militärischen Leute jeder Pfosten... nicht es ironisch ist?
Translated: Ikati, if killing and murder are never things your think about then why do you bring the subject up in everyone of your post? I don't see the military people talking about killing babies every post... isn't it ironic?
Okay, thanks, bye bye now, have fun, hugs n kisses, winning their hearts and minds with MRE candy...