aipotwckma wrote:
The two major religions[Catholicism/Christianity & Islam] in the world at least have a sense of humanity and a sense of unity. Athiesm and Secularism feel no shame in promoting inhuman beliefs, e.g. homosexuality for one. I am not going to bash and say that everyone will go to hell if they are an athiest. I am only stating that if everyone in the world were athiest, the human race would be peaceful, yet incredibly immoral. Think of it balancing out. When there are two religions, their people would probably not like the other, starting wars or some sort of hatred.[The Crusades, for example] However, the two religions beliefs promote a sense of morality compared to athiesm. On the other side, if everyone were athiest, there would be no religious beliefs of any kind, therefore creating a very small sense of unity[if not, none at all] and morality of anyones choosing.[Which can be bad, in many cases..] However, athiesm may create a sense of peace, excluding politics.
This is just my view. Discuss if you like.
Athiests have morals, we just don't need a book, priest or mullah to tell us what they are. Mine are based largely in practicality, and what I would be willing to tolerate upon myself and those I care about, they're actually quite a lot like the "ten commandments"; I believe murder is wrong, going after someone elses SO is a no-no etc...
That said, I don't believe theres anything wrong with homosexuality. I'm heterosexual, but if my neighbour chooses to fuck another guy up the arse, or if my other neighbour falls in love with an other woman, whys it any of my business? Its their right to choose what they do and with whom they do it, and any attempt to deny them that right is an attempt to deny them their freedom.
Consider this: Lets assume for a minute that the christian god
does exist. He gave us all free will right? Hes supposed to be the very embodiment of all that is good, right? If thats the case, then isn't god's gift of free will a good thing? And wouldn't any action that erodes itl be going against god's will? Dare I say it, but outlawing the right to choose a same-sex partner, or the right to choose who you worship (or don't), wouldn't that be
I'm an athiest, I believe in many things, and one of them is free will. In my view, anyone who attacks the free will of another is immoral by my standards, and I'm sure there are many people (christian, muslim and otherwise) out there who agree with me.