+255|6770|Westminster, California
+86|6668|Edmonton Alberta
easiest way to get knife kills if you cant sneak up on the guy
Nice guide man, i myself love the knife. i have like 1820 kills with it. and if its ok i have some other things that have happened to me that may be able to help.

Ok on the topic of support players and the knife. If you come right at there face, just like you said you will die, but IF you happen to come face to face with one, and he hits the floor, Jump to one side and then knife him. I take out lots of support players because its easy,
1] They are lying down = Easy Target
2] for some reason it takes them a long time to turn, and in that time, they just got stabbed.

On the topic about how the knife is Glitchy.
As we all know you can stab a guy and the dust comes out and then he doesnt die, the trick is to stab where he "was". If anyone say Nyte's post about the lagging hit boxes, that is exactly right and you should use that to your advantage. if the guy is backing up stab infront of him and you will hit him. ive been accused of hacking and having a 8ft. knife before but it works! Like he said, just keep stabbing, because the hitbox lags

And the easyest way to knife and not die vs MG.
There is a tactic i use and so does my friend to knife, it works well. here is how to do it
1]Run, then Prone, Crouch, stand (without space bar), Repeat. So if you have stock controls then it is
2] Shift, Z, Ctrl, Shift, Z, Ctrl, And you need to do this FAST!
There should be constant keys clicking on the keyboard, there should hardly be a pause. then practice and read his guide it is very good.

Once again Great Guide!

Last edited by FriiginChomper (2006-06-07 20:33:27)

+17|6871|South Africa

yerded wrote:

Snakestyles wrote:

woaaaaaa slow down guys, rd_the_dog plays bf2 in south africa were we only have two server host both of whom run ranked servers and neither have ever hosted knife/pistol servers.All his knife kills are against local south african players in normal ranked urban map servers.So the only thing you could say is that he got them on karkand,mashtuur,sharqui but apart from that its all clean.
Thats why I +'d him. It takes effort and i'm not knocking that.
But, a knife monkey is a knife monkey.
Well i wont take that away from you, infact ill suggest to him that he changes his nick to rd_the_monkey.
Strayz_Mataz........thats an obvious one that i left out man.......Flashbangs!  DOH!  Nice work.

Friggin Chomper........this is a strategy i use as well, but i think it comes with time and experience.  Its something you hone after many hours of being shot at and not being able to shoot back.  I wanted the guide to be very easy to read.......and i couldnt put what you said into simple words.......will work on submitting that to the guide.......thanks! +1 for you both

added info from straz_mataz.  Still putting FriiginChompers advice into "easy to follow" words.
hey thanks for the karma, it is kind of confusing, thanks for adding my tips.
see you round,

bad touch

heres my mini guide.

1. pull out knife (preferably with a teammate following)
2.start  bunny hop/ dolphin dive, while screaming "ALLAH AKBAR" over VOiP
3. stab at teh airz!
You mean, say "praise be to God" while i swing my knife?  Ill experiment tonight, but i dont think it will work very well.........lets see
bad touch

RD_The_Dog wrote:

You mean, say "praise be to God" while i swing my knife?  Ill experiment tonight, but i dont think it will work very well.........lets see
depends on the army.. MEC is allah akbar, China is Ping Pong Ping Pong, USMC is BKDHKYHGYR(
LOL at ping pong......i TOTALLY here "ping pong" all the time whilst playing as China.  So its not just my imagination.  Seriously, Table Tennis is OKAY, but not worth fighting a war over
djahdjasjdsakdjhaskdjsahdWTF goddamn EA motha f*ckas i was glad of having my expert knife badge without going in knife and pistol server AND without spawn camping, now getting expert knife is not rewarding at all.
+224|6818|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
Lol have you ever played toileit tenis in the bathroom stall.  Ok Step
1. sit down on toilet
2. write on the left wall toilet tenis to the right
3. turn to your right and write toilet tenis to the left and then get a mini camra and put it behind the toilet on the back wall and tape them
4. crack open a soda/acholic berage and have ur self a fun friend did that then he got a fine but it was funny as hell we did it in khols or howver you spell it
I like knifing. But Killing people with shock paddles just feels, somewhat, more rewarding.

Anyway, +1

[UK]Blazing.Armour wrote:

I like knifing. But Killing people with shock paddles just feels, somewhat, more rewarding.

Anyway, +1 does feel more rewarding, absolutely.  But shock paddling compared to knifing is a LOT more easy (not slamming any hardcore shock paddlers).  Paddling can be done from a much greater distance.  But being a knifer myself, i agree, shock paddles does leave you feeling an "ahhhhh" sensation.

Last edited by RD_The_Dog (2006-06-07 19:07:33)


FriiginChomper wrote:

Run, then Prone, Crouch, stant
heh, i do that while knife fighting too.

Great Wall and Warlord are also good maps to go for the knife bling. (I got mine on moongamers SF)
+86|6668|Edmonton Alberta
RD_The_Dog how could you have forgotten about flashbangs man

even though i still dont even have my basic knife badge but i only really tried to get during one round
i got my expert knife before the nerfing of badges! on the my reg played server... 64 players, a total of 20 kills that round... i was hype as all get out and then i got pissed when i saw the nerfing! screw you EA!

ah well, i was only halfway to 500 pistol kills before the nerfing so ill be a cheater on the expert (that pisses me off too! i wanted to earn it the hard way!)

k&p only servers are so cheap for these badges! man up and take a hit on your K by earning your badges in non k&p servers!


straz_mataz wrote:

RD_The_Dog how could you have forgotten about flashbangs man

even though i still dont even have my basic knife badge but i only really tried to get during one round
Its been about 600 Hours since i played Assault, so it slipped my mind
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6673|The Lost Highway
Nice guide. Another knife tip that isn't always effective, but adds some style to your kill.

The good old jump 'n stab. You either press your jump and fire button at the same time, or the fire button .002 seconds before you jump. (I think it's the latter).

This will make you jump and stab at the same time. It makes you harder to hit, but also makes landing the blow a little harder. (That is if you're able to get the stab off).
Never tried that before.  Will give it a bash and adjust accordingly
^teh bump^

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