Yeah... I'm still working on basic badges, just now getting 15h on some kits, but I know what you mean. Basic heal and basic resupply were pretty easy... basic repair was a bitch... I kept coming up with 4 repairs before the round ended. I've gotten better at it, and now have gotten I think as high as 9 repairs in a round. My hours on kit jumped WAY up tonight because I finally decided to start applying for commander... and so far, except when NO ONE would help defend the MEC base at Kubra Dam, and I'd have to respawn elsewhere, I was engie the whole time.
The worst part is when you see a damaged vehicle, run over too them, and the second you start cranking the wrench is the moment the teammate chooses to bail and finish his trek on foot. Also... would really help if this kit also had a "Get Repairs Here!" spam, even without a throwable repair bag. Always see half-blown tanks driving off, and with a gunner they just ignore "I need a pickup!".
But yeah... 1 point for 100% repair, as rare as they come along is just too little... most players treat their vehicles like disposables (except most who get in aircraft and hilos)... so if it won't go anymore, they chunk it, rather than try to find an engie. I imagine most dedicated armor guys who know they're getting a tank, and want to keep it... they take engie themselves. Maybe if they'd give maybe 1 point per 50% repaired, plus an extra point if a) you repair a vehicle on fire, keeping it from it's impending explosion, and b) when you online a defunct commander asset. Three points to take an artie from 0% to 100% may be too much, but c'mon... except the AT mines, they have no unique and useful offence, and no smoke grenade, heavy armor, or self-heal defence... so you've got to make up the points with their support role.