Missing, Presumed Dead

@ AnaalDuck

Nice KDR for a sniper...but a low SPM comes along with being a sniper i guess. Surprised you dotn have the meritorius ribbon after 470+ hours of play.
And considering your time as a sniper, its nice to see that most of those kills are with the rifle and not claywhoring
Lfc Are Crap
+14|6638|Liverpool, England
Im starting to go anti tank and assault, i seem to enjoy that more than sniping.

Thanks for the feedback guys
+13|6639|Amarillo Tx
maybe someone rate mine
Hah crispin, i like that PFC you killed 36 times.
Nice BR on karkand, high points mehbey?
Gold, Silver, Bronze = very nice. 
Also a nice collection of expert badges (That expert Ground D. evades me like the women)
The claymores seem to be in your favor!

Go 2nd Lieutenant already

nice stats overall.
+2|6799|Montréal, Canada
Good collection of ribons!  Now, you must play more to get those 100 hours to get Expert
Fantasma Parastasie

Drum18 wrote:

Good collection of ribons!  Now, you must play more to get those 100 hours to get Expert
yay for warlord, nay for gun K:D's
+50|6647|United States - Ohio
Holy Helocopter hours! Very nice. Real close to expert chopper. I also envy your vet aviator. I'm more of a ground pounder myself, and transport. Nice rank too man. Captain!

AllmightyOz wrote:

Holy Helocopter hours! Very nice. Real close to expert chopper. I also envy your vet aviator. I'm more of a ground pounder myself, and transport. Nice rank too man. Captain!
AllmightyOz is playing Strike At Karkand on 24/7=DwR=PISTOLS AND KNIVES ONLY

cheap whore
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6780|inside the recesses of your...

justice wrote:

Nice stats URE_DEAD. Very good in armor. All round cant find a thing wrong, perhaps get your time up in jets =p.
Yeah, I forced myself to practice helis offline and online, stats took a hit, but after a solid week of pain I've got pretty decent with heli.  But just not feeling it with the jets, I guess.  I couldn't drop a bomb on an aircraft carrier if I wanted to!
+151|6697|Forest Lake, Australia

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

dhoar4 wrote:

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

as oyu cn see i have a 1.8 wlr for wake so i do play us, i havent touched wake properly in months, as youc an see i have a a fair few hours on like oman, i bairl even fly on wake, my inf ratios are really improving lately so, eat me, same could be said for you, your shit in jets, but thats nto what your good at, your good at inf, im good in jets,
At least you have positive K/D ratios for your weapons...I love playing infantry, but because of my beginner days, I can't get a positive K/D on any of the weapons...
i see u love the hotel spawn on karkand more than a gun :\
Uh, no mate.  I don't play Karkand because of the spawn points.  I play it because it's a small map, and the points come faster...Don't hate on me because you're one of them that continually spawns at hotel
Dhoar4.  Wow.  Maybe one day I'll get the K/D. Of him.  I don't think I'll make 2nd LT that fast though.  Seems to enjoy Kark and Armor.  Got lost of shiny badges and medals lot of silver.  Tons of pretty ribbons. I'd play on his team anyday!  8/10
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.

Practice, practice, practice

you only kill 4 people a round? Work on not dying so much, kill more people.. maybe sniper is not your kit? I really dont know what else to say, work on everything..
+23|6729|Sydney, Australia
1300 hours, 220 of them in a tank  , 700 as spec ops....

might want to change it up abit. bobroonie.bda

Last edited by Aust1mh (2006-08-03 17:06:01)


Aust1mh wrote:

1300 hours, 220 of them in a tank  , 700 as spec ops....

might want to change it up abit. bobroonie.bda
I sometimes use 6 kits in 1 round.. I resort to spec ops because for me its the most versitile kit with the best weapons. I do not go for badges i use what is needed at that time to help my squad / team. I do not feel the need to go a certin kit to get time in that kit.
+151|6697|Forest Lake, Australia

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Aust1mh wrote:

1300 hours, 220 of them in a tank  , 700 as spec ops....

might want to change it up abit. bobroonie.bda
I sometimes use 6 kits in 1 round.. I resort to spec ops because for me its the most versitile kit with the best weapons. I do not go for badges i use what is needed at that time to help my squad / team. I do not feel the need to go a certin kit to get time in that kit.
I respect that...+1

dhoar4 wrote:

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Aust1mh wrote:

1300 hours, 220 of them in a tank  , 700 as spec ops....

might want to change it up abit. bobroonie.bda
I sometimes use 6 kits in 1 round.. I resort to spec ops because for me its the most versitile kit with the best weapons. I do not go for badges i use what is needed at that time to help my squad / team. I do not feel the need to go a certin kit to get time in that kit.
I respect that...+1
Good SPM.. good for your rank
+151|6697|Forest Lake, Australia

AllmightyOz wrote:

sgt bob... wow dawg ur a col and dont even have basic command??? You shouldnt be bitchin about someone elses stats, lackin that award and even easy ribbons.
Unlike you, he has a goal...That goal is to get a 5 SPM...Can't get that when you go for shit awards
+151|6697|Forest Lake, Australia

Are you kidding me?  414 hours and only 57 gold't talk trash to someone unless you can back it @ your piss arse SPM too
@ dhoar4

75% time played on Karkand
Below average infantry stats, KDR -> 0.79
Average armor kdr, no plane or heli time, BUT really very good transport & ground support kdr -> 6.0 Nice ("your motto" - "My other car is a Vodnik." )

Overall: 35%

Last edited by alav (2006-08-04 00:00:46)

+2|6799|Montréal, Canada
WOW!!! Great SPM!  Less then hour to get Expert Engineer and less then 2 for Expert Spec Ops, good!  What are u waiting for to get those SF expert badges??? 

Great work buddy!

Last edited by Drum18 (2006-08-04 01:16:48)

I cant comment on the guy above^ link,  sorry.  And im not sorry for not being able to rate your stats, im sorry for you living in Canada.
+54|6637|Safety Harbor, Florida
Crypto, you're stats sort of remind me of when I was a Lt. Colonel way back.... Ok kill to death ratios and you will be getting another medal soon, combat action because you are near 50,000 kills. I saw a bit of time on karkand, but hey thats everyone's favorite map now isn't it??

To the person rating my stats: plz do not say I'm a karkand whore I haven't played on that map in over 4 months!!!!
Missing, Presumed Dead

@ CaptainKris

Karkand whore Ill take your word on the 4month stop of Karky...I havent touched it in over 2 myself
Superb SPM & KDR and a good WLR too.

So close on the EU medal...go on, finish that one off! No PH, thats good and you even have 140hours on SF and 2 SF medals to boot. Great victims list, and 262 Defib kills

Overall, nice stats. Surprised you dont have either the armour/heli or aviator medal in 880 hours, but to be fair, you are almost there on all 3. You appear to be a pretty decent, well rounded player

Last edited by Snake (2006-08-04 10:43:05)

This topic seems to have no actual posts
^snake^  pretty much above avg for everything.
+917|6779|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

ig88 wrote:

^snake^  pretty much above avg for everything.
Medic 258:45:58 17,706 9,539 1.8562
Engineer 154:54:57 9,924 3,302 3.0055

Karkand Medic whore.

Nice SPM, medic whore.

I like the kdr and the kpm.

Over all good, play more SF and less karkand.

Here are my friends stats. Rate his not mine.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

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