DAMN! Nice SPM and K/D ratio.
Also, every gun is above 1.0, you pwn at teh sniper rifle!
Also, every gun is above 1.0, you pwn at teh sniper rifle!
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nice overall vehicle kdr, nice assault rifle kdr too, atleast you have some time on different maps, go get expert command man , and go commander for expert ground defenseflossmore wrote:
Little tough to rate since the account is so new. Seem to be into the sniper kit as most new players are. Youll find your stats will be average if you stick with that kit. KD could be higher considering you play mostly sniper. SPM below 1.4 need to work on that as well. I would suggest learning some new kits it will increase your SPM and round you out as a player.
Guy above has no stat link so i've done yoursKusunagi wrote:
@ Terror
Nice Tank and Heli skills
Very good Aviator skills
Good overall k/d ratio
Work on your infantry k/d ratio
Last edited by [1.8.7]TheHemphog (2006-06-23 04:16:25)
Good K/D, SPM, and kill stread. Low death streak which is good. Your not a vehicle whore (because transport dont count ) and thats nice with your good infantry stats. You should get expert pistol, specops, and explosives and command to get expert ground def (arty 20 people while sitting in one) Start jetwhoring and armor whoring to get your vets so you get general lolz but nice stats.[1.8.7]TheHemphog wrote:
hmm people keep skipping me
the link in case
I havent played karkand in a while Ive been mostly playing SF maps and trying to get the hours for engy and assult. Ive never had a positive KDR in any game so Im not gonna start hoping xD but perhaps your right lol. Seems though that every server I join I get raped as soon as I spawn by a tank, then respawn into arty, then respawn into a heli or something, then respawn and live run around corner and get tkd etc. I keep dieing too much because I always get raped by something or other lol. To whoever is rating next rate raska not me.-=raska=- wrote:
Try to improve your KDR to 1. I think that once at Sergeant Major you will have a much better KDR.
I'd say that your SPM could be better considering that you play medic on karkand . You have lots of badges for the amont of time you have played.
dont give up on your way toward SgtMaj
Last edited by N)!(NDarkDragon (2006-06-23 04:55:14)
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