Nice stats!!
You guys wanna see someone that is really good?
+29|6532|Forest Green
Shadowkiller, half of those stats are pretty nice, Kill streak of 90 = , good spm, k/D and win/loss make you seem a very good play, as well as your jet ratio.

However, when you look at the stats more closely, you appear to be a bit of a Wake whore, 927 hours out of 1114, and a low amount of flag captures. Quite a few of the maps you havn't even played for an hour.

So play the other maps a bit, improve that accuracy, and you will have a much more round stats package, that is, if you care that much about them

Overall rating: 7/10

Last edited by ~c4~cheppi (2007-04-16 11:53:23)

I eat noobs for breakfast

SPM: low
K/D: negative
acc: sucks

=> 2/10

Already rated you
+917|6792|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
im rating ur first account killer,

good spm for a wake medic whore, helos account for 1/4 ur entire kills though, so bleh.

it was statpadded on, and isnt ur real first account, but good stats. good ratios and points kept through sergent major, gj

Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Missing, Presumed Dead


Good SPM although the KDR is kinda low. I know that doesnt reflect your current game as Ive seen you on the Perch!! Going by your graph for KDR it is skyrocketing, so I wont rate you down for it

Kit, yeah. Medic and more medic. 200hours of medic, and only 915 heals? Kit ratios also need improving, as do their times.
Weapon KDR's are surprisingly low actually. I was expecting 2's.

Map variation is ok, although its the usual lot. And, 43hours on the Perch!! You gota get that as your most played!!

Vehicle ratios are kinda low, but you havent spent much time with them, so I guess it doesnt matter too much. Other than to try varying your game a lil.

Not bad stats, but could be improved (and will with time) as I know they dont reflect your current ability.
+4|6525|Maastricht, Netherlands

Snake wrote:


Good SPM although the KDR is kinda low. I know that doesnt reflect your current game as Ive seen you on the Perch!! Going by your graph for KDR it is skyrocketing, so I wont rate you down for it

Kit, yeah. Medic and more medic. 200hours of medic, and only 915 heals? Kit ratios also need improving, as do their times.
Weapon KDR's are surprisingly low actually. I was expecting 2's.

Map variation is ok, although its the usual lot. And, 43hours on the Perch!! You gota get that as your most played!!

Vehicle ratios are kinda low, but you havent spent much time with them, so I guess it doesnt matter too much. Other than to try varying your game a lil.

Not bad stats, but could be improved (and will with time) as I know they dont reflect your current ability.
good stats, nice k/d ratio...
The iron gator most played map thats quite funny
that was like the worst map i played, but thats maybe because my framerate dropped alot there...i had some high scores there though, with the chopper raping the ship ^^
no bans? ur not really a lamer...not a lot of teamkills too, i have like 4 times more teamkills than u
good vehicle stats, comparable to my stats a little
many badges, ribbons etc. etc.
good SPM

Last edited by Thr1lls33k4 (2007-04-17 04:32:51)

+405|6637|A W S M F O X

Allright SPM, but not good for the 600 hours of medic

Nice KDR but still not allright for the epic time spent in vehicles ALA 63% of kills in vehicles

Kit rotation isnt good either, it seems your main use for sniper is M95ing your teammates out of vehicles, your a twat.

AR stats are nicey, 2.0 is always good

The vehicle stats...........

Armor is always fail so lets not bother.

jet for a J-10 wake whore...........not good, only 5.8!?

Chopper is nicer, liking that man.

You lack ground defense kills lol.

SF time is shameful, 10x better than vanilla, play more SF, no jets but being on ground is funner XD

Awards are pretty mandatory, bad in fact, dont have expert pistol, hell not even veteran explosives or repair. SF is a writeoff.

"Don't post while intoxicated."
JET_G raidensen

SPM - Very good for someone who mostly plays sniper.

KDR - Tis k, try to get it above that magic 2 number.

I see you're not a vehicle whore like me, good use of weapons.

Overall weapons KDR is above average i would say.

Decent accuracy.

Nice victims list.

Overall 6.5 / 10

Good time on SF i see.

Awards are OK, theere are some experts waiting to be filled in though.

Me pls?
Please note: I LE1K MI H3L0CH0PPAA
+4|6525|Maastricht, Netherlands

=Karma-Kills= wrote:

JET_G raidensen

SPM - Very good for someone who mostly plays sniper.

KDR - Tis k, try to get it above that magic 2 number.

I see you're not a vehicle whore like me, good use of weapons.

Overall weapons KDR is above average i would say.

Decent accuracy.

Nice victims list.

Overall 6.5 / 10

Good time on SF i see.

Awards are OK, theere are some experts waiting to be filled in though.

Me pls?
Please note: I LE1K MI H3L0CH0PPAA
karma, nice stats, for the rank at least...
Gulf of Oman is a good map (Y)
good SPM
Helicopter skills are good
lots of victims, + many badges and ribbons
overall 7/10 (for the time you played and for the rank at least)

JET_G raidensen wrote:


Allright SPM, but not good for the 600 hours of medic

Nice KDR but still not allright for the epic time spent in vehicles ALA 63% of kills in vehicles

Kit rotation isnt good either, it seems your main use for sniper is M95ing your teammates out of vehicles, your a twat.

AR stats are nicey, 2.0 is always good

The vehicle stats...........

Armor is always fail so lets not bother.

jet for a J-10 wake whore...........not good, only 5.8!?

Chopper is nicer, liking that man.

You lack ground defense kills lol.

SF time is shameful, 10x better than vanilla, play more SF, no jets but being on ground is funner XD

Awards are pretty mandatory, bad in fact, dont have expert pistol, hell not even veteran explosives or repair. SF is a writeoff.

Are you kidding me? im almost every time the #1 in a 64 player server, so it cant be that bad...
you think i care to die in a jet...i dont think 5.9 is bad in a plane...not everyone cares really about that, i usually have big scores in a jet but there are maps where you dont score that easy...
and the 4k teamkills, i dont shoot innocent people out jets, so dont make wrong conclusions
i just kill any f*cker that tries to annoy me or is not playing fair....thats why
5.8 in a tank is not bad either, in my opinion, it really isnt that easy to stay alive all the time....if theres so many AT and other armor around....if theres a noob team you get like 40-0 easiliy but with good teams you dont last that long in an armor....
and i have 1.3 with sniper that bad? :S i just dont use sniper alot....usually Assault rifles...
i do like to use other snipers, i dont find M95 that good....
and im not a J-10 whore either, i just like playing Wake Island, although its a n00b map but its a fun map too....
hmmm for the rest im not even interested in the awards...i got actuallly pretty mucch awards and stuff if you know that i dont ever play for them....i only need another 15 hours of Armor for 3 star general rank...but thats the only reason ill play for it

Last edited by Thr1lls33k4 (2007-04-17 07:11:13)

+405|6637|A W S M F O X

=Karma-Kills= wrote:

JET_G raidensen

SPM - Very good for someone who mostly plays sniper.

KDR - Tis k, try to get it above that magic 2 number.

I see you're not a vehicle whore like me, good use of weapons.

Overall weapons KDR is above average i would say.

Decent accuracy.

Nice victims list.

Overall 6.5 / 10

Good time on SF i see.

Awards are OK, theere are some experts waiting to be filled in though.

Me pls?
Please note: I LE1K MI H3L0CH0PPAA
Just trying to get up those few weapons to 1 lawl.


Nice SPM

Nice KDR

regrettable accuracy.

Same killstreak as me = good.

1.0 KPM is great too, a good stat i reckon.

Kit rotation is really good nearly got the all expert kicking in soon, with just that pesky support kit to slog it out.

Kit weapons.........nothing impressive here, a shameful amount of paddle kills


Im still baffled at your statement at not being a vehicle whore, with the whole 68% of kills in them aspect.

Anyway its all quite good, all above 2.0 and most over 3-4.0 is great.

oooooooo.........someone loves teh choppa!

SF time is pretty bad, 80 hours and 60 of those on warlord............once youve played 64 Mass Destruction i doubt you'll wanna play vanilla again.

"Don't post while intoxicated."

JET_G raidensen wrote:

Im still baffled at your statement at not being a vehicle whore, with the whole 68% of kills in them aspect.
Woops typo.

Change "like" to "unlike"!
+29|6532|Forest Green

officer_matt wrote:


SPM: low
K/D: negative
acc: sucks

=> 2/10
Thank you (prick)

Edit: added word Prick

Last edited by ~c4~cheppi (2007-04-17 14:54:08)

online bf2s mek evasion
guy ahead of me looks miles better than me.  but im really bad tbh.  i hardly ever get on a computer to play (my brother nicked it and took it about 200 miles away) so i can never get a good run of form going.

please be gentle, words hurt me.
Everyone passes over me
Because you don't have a stats link?

Mine are screwed up, don't even bother.  They wiped this account twice, and screwed it up, horribly.
You guys can't see my PID under my info?? Anyways...

That sucks blackkoala, your account was REALLY good. I got on one day, you were captain, then 2 or 3 later, and then Lt. col. You musta had a HIGH SPM.
+917|6792|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
hai2u keyoshi, im liking the rank. i wish i had that much free time

u fly most vehicles as sniper.... zomg m95? only 1k tks? nvm

very good vehicle ratios, also nice weapon kdrs.

very nice. balanced player. 8.8/10
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Des.Kmal: Got a nice spm. Very good accuracy, higher than most people I think.
                Have to work on some of those weapons kd ratio. I have to do it as well
                Need to work more on your plane whoreing. Don't do much of it I see.
Hehe I don't fly as sniper I just used to snipe a lot I still do....But I usually play assult / medic now.
The Moisture
+49|6869|South Africa
steiketa  (as keyoshi has no link)

Unbelievable Aviator KDR. Good job.

SPM good too.

Very long Vic list. Wicked.

For a vehicle ho (70% kills in vehicle) your stats are very good.

nice spm... 5/10
The Moisture
+49|6869|South Africa

adv3rsary wrote:

nice spm... 5/10
Your SPM is less than mine. So i give you a 3/10.

Can someone else pls rate my stats a bit more thoroughly.

@ Phatso3

Good accuracy, good SPM and average K/d ratio (which to me is not a very good stat to look at, to broad)
A good kill streak
An average w/l ratio
A very good amount of capture points for your time played
Teamwork points are quite average, especially regarding your healing points, which is really quite low compared to your time played with the medic kit, which can be clearly seen from your low amounts of hours/kills with the Grenade launcher
Your chopper driver points is very good, to me, it shows that you both fly and gun in the chopper, because its not to high which refers to gunners and to low referring to pilots
Your combat points is good for your time played

Now, moving on to your kit k/d ratio:
Nearly all ratios are above 1, which is very good, some just holding on, the k/d ratio seems to have been damaged from the beginning and just starting to come up, but still not enough, maybe taking different approaches to each kit might help you with this process, start and play with a more situational awareness, and positioning of yourself towards your enemy, and also the knowledge of when to attack and or defend a flag is very important, if you can follow these key points you will find your k/d ratio rising, also keep in mind of higher ground, in this game it is very important

Three usual main maps can be seen, you have sharqi, karkand and then mashtuur with nothing wrong with that, i am very impressed with your stats Phatso3, your time played on what i call "Variation" because, all the aspects on bf2 can be found in these maps, you have a lot of maps like this with 30+ hours, very bloody nice a good rotation of map choice, brilliant actually, i don't think you need to change a single thing in that department keep doing what you are doing

An average amount of victims keep it up tho
Now onto your vehicles stats:
Nice, you seem to show that you know how to use the vehicles by your time played, a good start
Quite a good armor and helicopter K/d ratio, but i believe these can still be improved with practise, this will improve, your aviator k/d ratio is quite low, try and buy yourself a joystick and start to get familiar with it, you find that your enjoyment flying will improve and with time, your aviator k/d ratio will rise

A very very good selection of badges/ribbons from both SF and vanilla keep up the good work
Nearly a colonel, good on you You are really close
I hope this has helped you in anyway

Last edited by AUS-7th.FalCoN (2007-04-18 07:16:43)

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