+55|6792|3 Miles west of smurf village
I was wondering when some smurf would start a thread about me.

Hey I never said I would quit the game when I was reset.  Stats are secondary for me....just something fun to look at every once in a while.  I like to go for medals etc instead of pay attention to stats.  I never really sit around and look at OTHERS stats...Id rather use that time playing.   

IF I ever said I'd stop doing something it would be to post responses in this or any bf2 forum as it is always the same bullshit over and over again.   I now just use them if a good idea is posted or one of my gang draws my attention to something like this dumb lil' number.   And the only reason I am responding is to have a little fun with the smurfs and hopefully get some neg karma.  Oh, that reminds me, I still think most of you are morons.

Short answer is I play for the most part with many friends and we all work as a team and are skilled in various ways.  It is very very easy to win games this way.  If I play alone I can immediately see who is the weaker team by the actions they take.....are squads being used?  what is the commander doing? are there 5-10 smurfs jumping up and down on the chopper pad when the chopper is already in the air?   If I notice that I am surrounded by idiots then I will switch to the "idiot-lite" team when given a chance.  Hey, I'd rather have a commander that knows what he is doing and uses a mic wouldn't you?

Now the fun part.

Listen lil nublet....come sit on daddy butler's knee and I will tell you a story.

There once was a soldier named butler.  He started playing bf2 and was a nub.  After a while he discovered the magical powers of the blackhawk.  Many smurfs didnt see its full potential as it takes a solid squad of six players to work tightly as a team to truly own with this magical beast. 

So the nublet soldier butler set out on a quest to assemble a crew of other intelligent and aware soldiers who also saw the power of the hawk.  Now, this was no easy task as this world was BF2 and as we all know its full of idiots, most of which spend more time on the forums complaining then learning to play better.  But after a while this small crew grew into a vast army of intelligent players.    This army evolved and stretched to all aspects of the game beyond the mighty blackhawk and when it was nerfed they simply moved on to better things.

When his stats were wiped for having excessive round scores from the mighty hawk he laughed.  This solier butler was no longer a nublet by this time but a mighty warrior.  With his new computer, acquired skills, and army of other skilled warriors he knew that all evidence of his former nubiness will have been washed away forever leaving only the pure stats reflecting his new form.  He new that this would soon come to the attention of the masses of whining smurfs who would pick over every detail and write about it.  It gave him a warm feeling in his loins to think of the idiocy that he would see in the coming months.

The negative chopper ratio he had from being a blackhawk pilot was gone....replaced by the stunning accounts of a battlehardened attack chopper gunner.   The pitiful ground pounding stats that he once had from having a shitty computer were gone as well.    He knew that  the nub's statements of "he only owns in vehicles since his assault weapon ratio blows" would be gone but ALAS he forgot...they are idiots.   They would just assume that was the case without looking and seeing that he owns and has a positive ratio in every vehicle, with every ground weapon (except for sniper but they suck any way), and would rarely lose games since he would go to war with his trusty army at his side.

How will the story end?  WHO CARES.
Waste Kid
tehehehe, lo nastie. wonderin when ud reply.


bla bla bla.
+167|6661|Manitowoc, WI

King_County_Downy wrote:

Can u say "team switcher"?
yes i can but that has nothing to do with it.  if you switch teams after 1/4 of the total tickets are gone (i think thats the number) then you still get the loss


When his stats were wiped for having excessive round scores from the mighty hawk he laughed.  This solier butler was no longer a nublet by this time but a mighty warrior.  With his new computer, acquired skills, and army of other skilled warriors he knew that all evidence of his former nubiness will have been washed away forever leaving only the pure stats reflecting his new form.  He new that this would soon come to the attention of the masses of whining smurfs who would pick over every detail and write about it.  It gave him a warm feeling in his loins to think of the idiocy that he would see in the coming months.

The negative chopper ratio he had from being a blackhawk pilot was gone....replaced by the stunning accounts of a battlehardened attack chopper gunner.   The pitiful ground pounding stats that he once had from having a shitty computer were gone as well.    He knew that  the nub's statements of "he only owns in vehicles since his assault weapon ratio blows" would be gone but ALAS he forgot...they are idiots.   They would just assume that was the case without looking and seeing that he owns and has a positive ratio in every vehicle, with every ground weapon (except for sniper but they suck any way), and would rarely lose games since he would go to war with his trusty army at his side.
Did you really just tell your life story in the third person?  Wow, and to think you call us morons. 

Here's my take on it anyways, Nastie Butler is worthless to me.  He's never stolen anything from me or fucked my wife so WHY SHOULD I GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT HIS FUCKING STATS!!?!?  A FOUR page fucking thread over THREE numbers.   Give me a fuckin break people, are we REALLY that bored?  Considered masturbation?

Also, just to burst the bubbles of the people who still take stats seriously.  You DO realize that when BF2142 comes out, NO ONE is going to care about your stats or the 2300 hours you put into the game.  Hell most people don't care now. 

Cougar Out.

jackalope wrote:

nah hes an average player he just plays more than anyone

maybe 5 or 4 who cares

xanthpi wrote:

jackalope wrote:

i smell another top cock blower
"Boohoo, I suck too much to be in a decent clan. I know, I'll call someone a cock blower".

But, as usual, that's not the smell of a cock blower. It's the smell of yo momma's punani.
jokes.. your stats is garbage kid you aint in any position to talk shit
You've obviously never played against me. I own n00bs like you for breakfast.

xanthpi wrote:

You've obviously never played against me. I own n00bs like you for breakfast.
rofl fucking retard you never even seen my stats but i seen yours you suck dick and talking random shit when you have no idea is stupid as fuck ..btw try not to say noob all the time i makes you look even more stupid

as to this butler dumbass ...
it seems you and your little group of buttpluggers seem to think this whole "smurf" thing is witty ..bad news its tragically homoerotic and youre an embarassment

the entire 2nd half of that is you trying to talk about how good you are when in fact youre nothing special ..making all kinds of exscuses again you couldnt put up positive scores hence your stats sucked. maybe you were just to fucking stupid to figure out how to play but if you look around theres lots of people on thier original accounts with good ratios. so make more exscuses why your stats sucked ..


This solier butler was no longer a nublet by this time but a mighty warrior
more examples of your extreme faggotry are aware this a game ? ok mighty videogame warrior put away the lightsabre we dont want any trouble .. nah thats it you dont know this is a game you play this 8 hours a day and think youre the shit when you aint shit...
Get your body beat.
why cant anyone be civil to each other??
i guess its the case of "dont be kind when your online"

hey that rhymes
Aspiring Objectivist
Anyone who is a half-way decent player is going to do leaps & bounds better the second account around because you dont have all the learning negatives affecting everything, I personally like digging myself outta the hole I created for myself in the beginning, that & I'm not an attention whore.
+252|6746|Sextupling in Empire

Come on peeps, leave little nasty alone. Ya gotta figure someone that has more than 3000 hours(1st and 2nd account combined) logged into this game should know what they're doing. If they didn't it would be extremely sad and pathetic - not that the accumulation of 3000 playtime hours isn't sad in its own right.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS
Wow. This thread is like a waterhole to the egostical.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+31|6866|St. Louis, MO


I was wondering when some smurf would start a thread about me.

Hey I never said I would quit the game when I was reset.  Stats are secondary for me....just something fun to look at every once in a while.  I like to go for medals etc instead of pay attention to stats.  I never really sit around and look at OTHERS stats...Id rather use that time playing.   

IF I ever said I'd stop doing something it would be to post responses in this or any bf2 forum as it is always the same bullshit over and over again.   I now just use them if a good idea is posted or one of my gang draws my attention to something like this dumb lil' number.   And the only reason I am responding is to have a little fun with the smurfs and hopefully get some neg karma.  Oh, that reminds me, I still think most of you are morons.

Short answer is I play for the most part with many friends and we all work as a team and are skilled in various ways.  It is very very easy to win games this way.  If I play alone I can immediately see who is the weaker team by the actions they take.....are squads being used?  what is the commander doing? are there 5-10 smurfs jumping up and down on the chopper pad when the chopper is already in the air?   If I notice that I am surrounded by idiots then I will switch to the "idiot-lite" team when given a chance.  Hey, I'd rather have a commander that knows what he is doing and uses a mic wouldn't you?

Now the fun part.

Listen lil nublet....come sit on daddy butler's knee and I will tell you a story.

There once was a soldier named butler.  He started playing bf2 and was a nub.  After a while he discovered the magical powers of the blackhawk.  Many smurfs didnt see its full potential as it takes a solid squad of six players to work tightly as a team to truly own with this magical beast. 

So the nublet soldier butler set out on a quest to assemble a crew of other intelligent and aware soldiers who also saw the power of the hawk.  Now, this was no easy task as this world was BF2 and as we all know its full of idiots, most of which spend more time on the forums complaining then learning to play better.  But after a while this small crew grew into a vast army of intelligent players.    This army evolved and stretched to all aspects of the game beyond the mighty blackhawk and when it was nerfed they simply moved on to better things.

When his stats were wiped for having excessive round scores from the mighty hawk he laughed.  This solier butler was no longer a nublet by this time but a mighty warrior.  With his new computer, acquired skills, and army of other skilled warriors he knew that all evidence of his former nubiness will have been washed away forever leaving only the pure stats reflecting his new form.  He new that this would soon come to the attention of the masses of whining smurfs who would pick over every detail and write about it.  It gave him a warm feeling in his loins to think of the idiocy that he would see in the coming months.

The negative chopper ratio he had from being a blackhawk pilot was gone....replaced by the stunning accounts of a battlehardened attack chopper gunner.   The pitiful ground pounding stats that he once had from having a shitty computer were gone as well.    He knew that  the nub's statements of "he only owns in vehicles since his assault weapon ratio blows" would be gone but ALAS he forgot...they are idiots.   They would just assume that was the case without looking and seeing that he owns and has a positive ratio in every vehicle, with every ground weapon (except for sniper but they suck any way), and would rarely lose games since he would go to war with his trusty army at his side.

How will the story end?  WHO CARES.
If you don't care then don't reply.Wasn't your account just recently reset?Already over 130'000 points with that win to loss ratio in such a short amount of time.You would have to see why you have such little credibility here.
You don't care about your stats?I remember you starting a thread something like"what do you think of my new stats".You say you were wondering when some smurf would start a thread about you?Hell,more like hoping.I'm sure you like the attention.Get a life man seriously.
roger .. but seriously there has to be more people who want to shit on these faggots "smurf" garbage

let it out ppls its not healthy tp hold it in
+186|6601|The real world
fuck this and go play bf2, bye
+44|6768|West Berlin!

jackalope1 wrote:

roger .. but seriously there has to be more people who want to shit on these faggots "smurf" garbage

let it out ppls its not healthy tp hold it in
WTF smurfy shut up and return to Smurf-Village, your sister is waiting for you with a big present...
1000 repair points with only 90 hours engineer? nice
medic whore
i agree
just stop stroking his petty E ego and let this thread die!!! its a game, have fun, obiously he doesnt with all that switching but whatever floats his boat. at the end of the day whats some gehay badge in a video game gonna prove anyway??? i think its so sad that people reguard stats like this, this is the only reason EA rapes the server owners for a bullshit ranked server when they could save over $100 a month and just get a normal one. PLAY MODS, LEAVE THE RANK IN THE TOILET WHERE IT BELONGS!!!!
+50|6737|Southern California

jesus vengeance how many times do you get reset in a month?

and butler's post was one of the funniest i've read in a long time, what a writer! the composition? magnifique!

it was almost as funny as the thing about "shitting on the smurf sayers" that some newbun posted. I think i know why people like that suck at the game. based on their typing i surmize that they have serious motor reflex deficiencies and sit at the keyboard spasming and pounding at the mouse.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-05-26 05:40:36)


ComradeWho wrote:

jesus vengeance how many times do you get reset in a month?

and butler's post was one of the funniest i've read in a long time, what a writer! the composition? magnifique!

it was almost as funny as the thing about "shitting on the smurf sayers" that some newbun posted. I think i know why people like that suck at the game. based on their typing i surmize that they have serious motor reflex deficiencies and sit at the keyboard spasming and pounding at the mouse.
he got rest again?
man thats damn funny
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Someone's making a hobby out of it?
+50|6737|Southern California

Hyper wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

jesus vengeance how many times do you get reset in a month?

and butler's post was one of the funniest i've read in a long time, what a writer! the composition? magnifique!

it was almost as funny as the thing about "shitting on the smurf sayers" that some newbun posted. I think i know why people like that suck at the game. based on their typing i surmize that they have serious motor reflex deficiencies and sit at the keyboard spasming and pounding at the mouse.
he got rest again?
man thats damn funny
i think i made a mistake and he just hasn't logged on since being reset in april

ComradeWho wrote:

Hyper wrote:

ComradeWho wrote:

jesus vengeance how many times do you get reset in a month?

and butler's post was one of the funniest i've read in a long time, what a writer! the composition? magnifique!

it was almost as funny as the thing about "shitting on the smurf sayers" that some newbun posted. I think i know why people like that suck at the game. based on their typing i surmize that they have serious motor reflex deficiencies and sit at the keyboard spasming and pounding at the mouse.
he got rest again?
man thats damn funny
i think i made a mistake and he just hasn't logged on since being reset in april
yet he still finds the time to come here and flex his little blue epeen
RPK-74 Whore
*cough*knifebadge*cough* Professional teamswitcher? Or just plain good?

Last edited by LordDragonclaw (2006-05-26 05:52:35)

mad scotsman
personally i think these guys like vengence and nasty_butler, ect all know the game alot better than 99% of the rest of you and the fact that they have been reset and still out rank you all as well as having better stats than you all just shows they have a level of skill.

these guys were showing me tactics that you all are just realising about the game when i was a noob some 2000 hours ago they have also been playing together since the game first came out.

as for noob workz and the rest of the wee gargamell wannabes from TOP with all their smurf talk,  WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??? ,i dont have the least bit of respect for them because all they do is shout about how good they are with no proof, nasty and vengance on the other hand have proved (to me anyway) that they are very good players that use tactics to enhance their performance in game not just point and shoot like most of us with no teamwork.

if you go on a clan server that is full of clanmembers that work as a team , yuoll find thay own every map, so no surprise really nasty has a great win loss ratio.

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