
No, there is nothing especially constructive in the whole post. No, I have no new ideas, nor am I complaining of certain kits being better than others etc..
I just felt like writing, so I did.

Dear Diary,

I stole vehicles yesterday, and I'm proud that I did.

There were two occasions when I decided to go through with this questionable tactic (as some server rules do not allow this). The first time I did, i enjoyed it som much that I thought "this round just can't get any better", and disconnected. The other time around, admins decided to do this for me..

Dragon 64 - PLA (32 server)

So there I am, jetting away in my brand new J-10 and enjoying the foggy, however beautiful scenery of the valley. As all know the primary objective when being USMC is to capture the airfield-base from the PLA. This time is, of course, no exception, and 3 minutes into the game I find myself without possibilities for repair/resupply. At full health, 2 bombs and 6 missiles, I go for the capturing chopper, but fail (miserably). After making some kills, I realize that I'm out of effective weapons. Noticing that the USS Essex holds two brand new shiny fresh jets, I decide to do some skydiving, and actually manage to land on the carrier as I see two fellow Finns, tupla_s and lakritsimies go for the jets. They turn around and both come running at me. The adrenaline-filled engineer that I am, I succeed in delivering two rounds of pump action into both faces, jump into a jet and fly my merry way.. Knowing that these two guys are quite skilled (IMO), i just had to disconnect, for I knew that the round just couldn't get any better.

Karkand 32 - MEC (16 server)

At this point, my good friend has logged in and we decide to do some teamwork. So, we both go engineer, and fight the noble battle against enemy armor/APC. We notice a problem, which basically is the essence of Karkand. MEC is and always will be underpowered. The server admins of course know this, and I do not hold it against them. This is why there is no teamswitching on this server, and also why both US tank and APC are in use by two [TNT] admin engineers, rolling calmly by each others' side and killing everything in their way.

The inevitable result in these teamwork situations is being owned, big time! What to do.. To balance the odds, there is only one thing to do: go steal the APC. The second we have confirmed the destrution of the APC, we drive with the MEC tank to the US main base with the intention to use all vulgar tacticts possible and get the APC as it respawns. Success! I make it to the US arty establishment when i receive a message that pretty much was like the following: "[FF]STURMPANZERJAGER! STOP STEALING APC:S OR BE KICKED!!". What am I supposed to do at this moment? As our tank was destroyed in the process of this tactical feat (He died with honour, R.I.P [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhrer (for 15 seconds)), I have no urge to jump out of my freshly stolen Armoured Personnel Carrier, especially in the middle of enemy territory, right? So I keep rolling, and get kicked from the server at the Hotel flag..


P.S. [FF]Ubersturmbannfuhrer was soon afterwards kicked for inappropriate/unacceptable language (He called the admins losers because of the kick).

Edit: some typos + added Post Scriptum

Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-02 05:18:21)

I need around tree fiddy.
Raiders of the Lost Bear


Its an honor I don't give it a lot

Nicely done.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6918|132 and Bush

Hey, I'd steal fro a
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Damn u!!! U killed me

polarbearz wrote:


Its an honor I don't give it a lot

Nicely done.
I'm honoured!
I need around tree fiddy.
+788|6973|Brisbane, Australia

Man, those admins must have been noob-tards, if they kicked you for stealing!

I would never play on those servers as stealing is a great sport

So is grand theft J-10 on wake

Last edited by Sarrk (2006-05-02 01:52:36)

Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6925|N.S.W, Australia
Stealing is always fun.
Bitching admins are not.

tupla_s wrote:

Damn u!!! U killed me
So we meet again! But it was fun, wasn't it?
I need around tree fiddy.
Member 5307

DonFck wrote:

tupla_s wrote:

Damn u!!! U killed me
So we meet again! But it was fun, wasn't it?
Yeah... I was just about to shoot u when lakritsimies told me on teamspeak u're there, but unfortunately u were faster
+1|6945|New Zealand
If you have the ability to get through emnemy lines and steal their equipment fair play to you old boy
Cool member
stealing the enemy vehicles is what the game is all about! as you say nothing beats skydiving down to an enemy runway or aircraft carrier and stealing the planes or heli's!

I have often done it on operation smoke screen. when the level loads, and when i am not in a particular flying mood, i will take my teams jet, quickly fly to the enemy base before most of them get a chance to spawn, then jump out which results in my jet crashing. I then nick one of their jets, fly it back to my teams runway and park it for someone else to use. usually that jet will then be piloted by some noob and gets blown up. but i have fun in the process.
conversation is combat
Why do you disconnect when things are going well for you? I can think of several reasons but all but one are no fun and the last reason is... very odd.

XstrangerdangerX wrote:

Why do you disconnect when things are going well for you? I can think of several reasons but all but one are no fun and the last reason is... very odd.
In a euphoric state over my recent accomplishment, I just had to disconnect, I couldn't let anything ruin my high!

Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-02 03:05:46)

I need around tree fiddy.
Nice thread! +1 for you little buddy.

Sarrk wrote:

Man, those admins must have been noob-tards, if they kicked you for stealing!

I would never play on those servers as stealing is a great sport
Maybe they saw a potential round loss happening in the near future? Now that we had both an APC and a tank, we could have retaliated for the outcome of the first half of the round? I guess we'll never know..
I need around tree fiddy.
+305|6916|Cheshire. UK
I got caught stealing too...on Warlord....stole a for a couple of kills.....I ended up dead...thought it was a laugh...but obviously the other side did not....I got owned ....big style.....the opposing commander...and I can only think his lover....chased me everywhere in a tank and apc...I ended up having to disconnect .... not letting them stat pad at my expence!!!! ....was having a bad day lol... :-)
+3|7028|Wisconsin, USA
Why would they be stat padding chasing you down and killing you at your expense?
I was playing on a round of Smokescreen as EU a while back.  The server rules said "no base-rape", but made no mention of stealing vehicles. 

I got picked up in a FAV by someone else on my team, a sniper, and he decided to drive off to the MEC uncap base.  I jumped out at the big parking lot full of tanks, since it seemed he was heading on towards the runway, and I didn't want to get in trouble for hanging around with some base-camping sniper ( I was playing Engineer...  it's Smokescreen, after all...   ).

So, I hop over the wall and run for a T-90.  Coast seems clear, so I drive towards the gateway with the aim of rejoining the battle further up the map with some fresh hardware.  Then, I get hit from behind, one of the other tanks had spawned behind me and was taking me out.  With him already behind me, I didn't have much of a chance, and I only got one shot off before he finished me.  So, my grand-theft-armour had been a failure, doning little more than keeping a tank out of enemy hands for a minute or so.  I hadn't even managed to kill anyone!

Then, as I respawn at the Wind-farm, I see the guy who'd just killed me spamming the chat-window with "ADMIN!!, KICK MRE158 FOR BASECAMPING!!!!"...  I mean, for fuck's sake.  I was in that base for all of a minute, I was trying to leave and got killed.  How the hell is that base-camping?  Don't I have to set up a tent?

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43
That's what comes of silly no-base camp/rape rules.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
You sir have just been given the first +1 karma I have given.  Probably because I've been gone for a while, not because I'm stingy

At any rate, +1 for bringing joy to my morning .  I heartily encourage stealing of vehicles as a wonderful strategy.

Last edited by [Ahazi] Kaika (2006-05-02 05:32:23)

+27|7155|Dundas, ONT, Canada
I would go back to that server only to to what you been doing. It's a part of the game stealing opposit team armored transport. Can't deal with it, don't play this game.
Base camping, in my understanding its when you killing people in uncap bases, ( I despise people like that.), but when you sitting with claymores, c4s and mines at flag that can be taken over, that my friends is a FLAG DEFENDING. So if some one acusses you of camping at the spawn that at that moment belongs to your team, you can tell them to go and have sexual intercores with himself.

Last edited by l=l-Oneill-l=l (2006-05-02 05:51:59)

+305|6916|Cheshire. UK

HornyToady wrote:

Why would they be stat padding chasing you down and killing you at your expense?
nah did not mean as a flame to them...was meant as a comment about me being easy prey lol
here here...definately a part of the game. I didn't realise is was not allowed on some servers.
Yeah, I've been kicked for stealing an enemy vehicle on an uncappable base and killing 2 of the admins in the process. They considered it "baseraping"

On Iron Gator, on the US team, i found an unmanned Jet Ski, took it to the mainland to seal their boats, i was going to just keep driving them out into open water to slow down their attack a bit. I decided to check for the AA vehicle, sure enough it was there. I hopped in and there were 2 MECs waiting at the Helo spawn. I killed them and started to drive back to the waters edge, to destroy their boats and maybe take out a helo coming in for repairs. I didn't get about 5 ft from the AA spawn when i was kicked for baseraping.

So, on their server, you are allowed to steal enemy vehicles from an upcappable base, just don't kill anyone with them, or you're baseraping.

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