+48|6938|Mexico City.
I kind of pist off about the reaction of american about this protest.. lets face it your pist off because a bunch of brown mexicans with mexican flags flood your streets.. they are there cos they were usefull, now some rigth wing politician saw an oportunity to come to the mainstream with this "invasion" LOL. just remember that mexican imigrants start growing faster and faster due to NAFTA. live quality is worst now in US, and almost any country in the whole fucking world because of "globalization" (another way of imperialism). US corporations are the one that are moving their big factorys to asian countries. So now you bougth a Nike sniker in $80 that was produced by asian chidrens in 2cents. Theres you big problem that sniker was made in US 20 years ago under American  laws, wadge and unions.

word is flooding with hypocrecy, i have countless articles of TIME, CNN and all world media cherring globalization, free market and asian tigers. But they skip that growing and wealth is based on labor explotation, and that after 15 years or so live quality hasnt grow for most global population (not even asian tigers).

by the way many of those factorys were here in mexico at the begining of NAFTA but after a while they found cheaper  wage rate and no unions in asia, so they left.

In the other hand i dont buy that shit that US is the one to punish. Im really pist of with our cheap goverment who has sell the whole country in the last 20 years to everyone else. Vicente Fox goverment its a joke since the begining probably the most ingnorant president ever. Im pist off with mexican in mexico (where im am) blaming US!! Fuck that!! lets blame our stupid presidente making stupid statments about protecting our inmigrants dignity, while he dont care  for the whole country dignity.

yea and i do pist off everytime im in US and i found a conational who dont speak english.. fuck that dont be lassy
The Stillhouse Kid
Licensed Televulcanologist
+126|6923|Deep In The South Of Texas

FriiginChomper wrote:

but you all do realize that california and texas and a few other states used to be part of mexico and some spanish people may feel that, in thoes states they feel they have a right to be there.
And before California and Texas were part of Mexico they were territories of Spain, and before the Spanish came over they belonged to the Native Americans(Injuns). But the Spaniards came and killed some of the Injuns and took the land from them, then Mexico wanted to be independent from Spain so they killed some Spaniards, and then Texas wanted to be independent from Mexico. Being a native Texan I seem to recall a little thing called The Alamo, and an even better a thing known at The Battle of San Jacinto, where the Mexican army was caught sleeping IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON DURING A WAR and defeated, and that General Santa Ana tried to escape disguised as a woman. So to any illegal alien who thinks they have a right to be here, in the gentle words of Ted Nugent:

"Kiss My American Ass!"

Last edited by The Stillhouse Kid (2006-05-01 20:12:56)

U.S. > Iran

IronFerret wrote:

yea and i do pist off everytime im in US and i found a conational who dont speak english.. fuck that dont be lassy
Although alot of your wording didnt make sense, and i had to figure out the grammer/spelling on some of it, this part made me laugh lol.  Its not only Americans that think hispanics in the states should speak English
+271|7037|United States of America
Free Medicare!
Act now and also get a freee Toothbrush!(hehe, had to add Mine 2 into the mix)

The Stillhouse Kid wrote:

FriiginChomper wrote:

but you all do realize that california and texas and a few other states used to be part of mexico and some spanish people may feel that, in thoes states they feel they have a right to be there.
And before California and Texas were part of Mexico they were territories of Spain, and before the Spanish came over they belonged to the Native Americans(Injuns). But the Spaniards came and killed some of the Injuns and took the land from them, then Mexico wanted to be independent from Spain so they killed some Spaniards, and then Texas wanted to be independent from Mexico. Being a native Texan I seem to recall a little thing called The Alamo, and an even better a thing known at The Battle of San Jacinto, where the Mexican army was caught sleeping IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON DURING A WAR and defeated, and that General Santa Ana tried to escape disguised as a woman. So to any illegal alien who thinks they have a right to be here, in the gentle words of Ted Nugent:

"Kiss My American Ass!"
haha, which native is that. are you refering to the native spanards, native indians, or a native "american". all of them are native. and if you didnt read my whole post i am from america to, so i will not kiss your ass, but once bush is done in office and goes back home to his dad, you can ask him to do it for you.
The thing thing that really pisses me off about whats been happening in the past few weeks with all the demonstrations by hispanic immigrents, is what they seem to be representing. First off, yes america is baised on freedom, like the freedom to peaceful protest and demonstration. But if you came here illigally, I personally dont think you have that right. Now to what I was saying about what they were representing. Did anyone look at what flags the people who were saying they wanted to be americans were waving? They had mexican flags. Now it dosent make too much sence, and kinda pisses me off that if you want to be americans so bad, what the hell are you doing waving a mexican flag? Im not saying you can bring your culture with you, America is built on the combined cultures of everyone who comes here. But if you want to be an american, you should damn well act like it, and do it legally.

As for the Star Spangled Banner being re-done in spanish, thats bull shit. Im sorry, but here in america, we speak english. Again you can keep your culture, but you need to asimilate. That means speaking english in public. If you want to speak spanish with your family or friends, hey I really dont care if you do or not. But taking something sacred like our national anthem, and changing it to fit your single ethnicity is frankly un-american, and very offensive to me. If some american who moved to france said they were going to re-do their anthem in english and then want it to be represented equally, there would be an uproar, as there should be in this country. Americans for the most part are very very understanding and respectful of other people and their beliefs. But if you change something as american as our anthem, then thats just too much.
Heres how it looks to me way over here on the other side of the Pacific:

The protestors are idiots, and the USA has every right to send them back to where they came from.

Like a few of you have said, the protestors are conveniently ignoring the whole ILLEGAL part.  Some of their friends and relatives will have come to the USA legally, but some of them didn't.  However they got there, they weren't wanted otherwise they wouldn't of had to sneak in.  Now, they're not paying taxes to they country they live in, they're not paying for healthcare, and they're doing jobs which could be done by people who are in the USA LEGALLY.

If someone breaks into my house and eats my food, flogs my C Programming book that I need for uni, shits in my toilet, sleeps in my bed, takes my money, uses my first aid kit to patch up the wound they got climbing through the window they had to break to get in and THEN starts trying to tell me they have the right to be there and that I should leave them alone in a language I don't understand, what do you think I'm going to do?  Bake them a fucking chocolate cake and throw them a party???  No, I'm going to do two things; 1) Call the cops to have them removed/arrested.  2) Hit them.  Lots.

Good on you USA for kicking them out!

unbroken.m wrote:

Some people in Germany feel overrun by Turkish people (yeh, not good to say such things as a German)
Germany's past doesn't mean you shouldn't speak up when things aren't right, you're still entitled to an opinion.

Last edited by Pubic (2006-05-02 00:02:47)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6882|132 and Bush

It does not make you racist to want them to become legal citizens.

Last edited by Kmarion (2006-05-02 01:55:10)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+27|7053|Atlanta, GA USA

KRU-FEOS wrote:

When I was coming home today (I live in DC), there were multiple radio news reports from the various demonstrations. For those protesting, they kept saying "immigrants are people too and deserve rights just like everyone else." The thing they kept leaving out was the word ILLEGAL. There are multiple LEGAL ways to emigrate to the US. Yes, it takes a while. Yes, it's a bureaucratic nightmare. Guess if you really wanted to take your FAIR part of the American dream, you would go through with that, wouldn't you?

But's easier to just cross the border, get a (or multiple) low-paying jobs from unscrupulous employers. And not pay taxes (payroll or income--multiple guilty parties). And leach off of an already-stressed public service infrastructure. And then bitch because you "deserve" the right to be here!

What a load of crap. You deserve to be here if you follow the rules that were established for you to come here legally and FAIRLY participate in the system. If the first thing you do on coming to this country is break the law, you don't deserve anything but a quick trip back to where you came from, minus the taxes on the amount of money you earned while here.

BL: Follow the rules, and you're welcome here. Break the law...get the *&ck out!
+1 for that.
+302|7017|Salt Lake City

As always, there are some sound words from the past to remind us that while a nation of immigrants, this is America, and every citizen of this country should be an American, and only an American.

Theodore Roosevelt

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.
This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.
But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.
The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic.
The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic. He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American.
Addressing the Knights of Columbus in New York City
12 October 1915

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-05-02 08:16:25)


Pubic wrote:

Good on you USA for kicking them out!
My Kiwi friend, it's never going to happen. Anyone who speaks of such things is immediately labelled a racist. Corporations love the slave labor, as it deepens the gap between rich and poor.

Tired of pesky Americans who want "fair wages" and things of that nature? Hire yourself a illegal. They work for pennies on the dollar, and think they are living the American dream! It's great. The best part, they breed like roaches. A truly expendable human resource.

They leech off of the government, but we don't care. We make so much money, we can afford the best healthcare, and don't need social security. Let them bleed the so called "middle-class" dry. The poorer they get, the more power we wield. Make sure none of them speak the same language, and keep their education low, so they can't revolt against us. Take away their national pride, so they have nothing to stand up for.

Keep breaking the public of their will until they succumb to your power and influece. Make them realize they can't live without you. They need you.
What I would like to know is why our own goverment won't do what the people want. The 2 a$$ holes from my state Kenndy and Kerry support the illegals. Even though the people don't. They must be thinking that these illegals will be a good thing for there party. How the people of this state could keep voting them into office is beyond me. I guess I live in a state with a bunch of idiots. Why this county of middle class majority lets these rich a$$ holes run things is also strange. Of couse by election time we forget that they don't listen, and again put them into office.
As for these f@cking ILLEGAL Immigrants I say shoot them in the knees and send them packing, and maybe they could take Kenndy and Kerry with them.

Last edited by yuck7777 (2006-05-02 09:30:39)

+302|7017|Salt Lake City

yuck7777 wrote:

What I would like to know is why our own goverment won't do what the people want. The 2 a$$ holes from my state Kenndy and Kerry support the illegals. Even though the people don't. They must be thinking that these illegals will be a good thing for there party. How the people of this state could keep voting them into office is beyond me. I guess I live in a state with a bunch of idiots. Why this county of middle class majority lets these rich a$$ holes run things is also strange. Of couse by election time we forget that they don't listen, and again put them into office.
As for these f@cking ILLEGAL Immigrants I say shoot them in the knees and send them packing, and maybe they could take Kenndy and Kerry with them.
Because you don't really have two parties any more.  You have Republocrats.  They are beholden to the wealthy that give generously to their campaigns, and in return expect them to vote in ways that are going to continue to make them wealthy.  Illegal immigrants are a boon to the corporations and their bottom lines.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

yuck7777 wrote:

What I would like to know is why our own goverment won't do what the people want. The 2 a$$ holes from my state Kenndy and Kerry support the illegals. Even though the people don't. They must be thinking that these illegals will be a good thing for there party. How the people of this state could keep voting them into office is beyond me. I guess I live in a state with a bunch of idiots. Why this county of middle class majority lets these rich a$$ holes run things is also strange. Of couse by election time we forget that they don't listen, and again put them into office.
As for these f@cking ILLEGAL Immigrants I say shoot them in the knees and send them packing, and maybe they could take Kenndy and Kerry with them.
Because you don't really have two parties any more.  You have Republocrats.  They are beholden to the wealthy that give generously to their campaigns, and in return expect them to vote in ways that are going to continue to make them wealthy.  Illegal immigrants are a boon to the corporations and their bottom lines.
You sure they aren't Demicans? Hail savage.

Class warfare at it's finest, with dirtly little immigrants used as pawns.
+302|7017|Salt Lake City

Erkut.hv wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

yuck7777 wrote:

What I would like to know is why our own goverment won't do what the people want. The 2 a$$ holes from my state Kenndy and Kerry support the illegals. Even though the people don't. They must be thinking that these illegals will be a good thing for there party. How the people of this state could keep voting them into office is beyond me. I guess I live in a state with a bunch of idiots. Why this county of middle class majority lets these rich a$$ holes run things is also strange. Of couse by election time we forget that they don't listen, and again put them into office.
As for these f@cking ILLEGAL Immigrants I say shoot them in the knees and send them packing, and maybe they could take Kenndy and Kerry with them.
Because you don't really have two parties any more.  You have Republocrats.  They are beholden to the wealthy that give generously to their campaigns, and in return expect them to vote in ways that are going to continue to make them wealthy.  Illegal immigrants are a boon to the corporations and their bottom lines.
You sure they aren't Demicans? Hail savage.

Class warfare at it's finest, with dirtly little immigrants used as pawns.
+1 for the laugh...Demicans, I like it. 
Pope of BF2s
+355|6907|Sea to globally-cooled sea

IronFerret wrote:

In the other hand i dont buy that shit that US is the one to punish. Im really pist of with our cheap goverment who has sell the whole country in the last 20 years to everyone else. Vicente Fox goverment its a joke since the begining probably the most ingnorant president ever. Im pist off with mexican in mexico (where im am) blaming US!! Fuck that!! lets blame our stupid presidente making stupid statments about protecting our inmigrants dignity, while he dont care  for the whole country dignity.
You're absolutely right.  The mexican government publishes books on how to cross the US border.  Fox knows that mexicans will come to the US, make money, and send it home to Mexico.  US dollars RIGHT into the mexican economy.  That guy is slime.

The problem is that the mexicans who come here--in GENERAL--haven't made the disticntion between national pride and cultural pride.  In other words, for them, it's the same thing, whereas in general Americans expect the Mexicans to come to the USA legally, and feel pride for USA.  Fair enough, you can still eat your tortillas, but this flag is the one that is keeping you safe now, not Mexico's.  It is possible to never forget your roots and still love your new country.

Also--many illegal mexicans do pay taxes.  Their employers make them so that they don't get busted for tax evasion.  not ALL, but many.

My take on the situation is, don't pay attention to what people are saying.  It's an election year.  This issue is part of the whole chess game to muster up votes.  You have no idea which politician is sincere and which is just riding the tide.  This issue is too important (in terms of national security) to become a political water balloon fight.

If this situation is going to be resolved in the interests of our nations and not our elected officials, we should address it on a non-election year.

Last edited by G3|Genius (2006-05-02 10:00:24)

The Stillhouse Kid
Licensed Televulcanologist
+126|6923|Deep In The South Of Texas

FriiginChomper wrote:

The Stillhouse Kid wrote:

FriiginChomper wrote:

but you all do realize that california and texas and a few other states used to be part of mexico and some spanish people may feel that, in thoes states they feel they have a right to be there.
And before California and Texas were part of Mexico they were territories of Spain, and before the Spanish came over they belonged to the Native Americans(Injuns). But the Spaniards came and killed some of the Injuns and took the land from them, then Mexico wanted to be independent from Spain so they killed some Spaniards, and then Texas wanted to be independent from Mexico. Being a native Texan I seem to recall a little thing called The Alamo, and an even better a thing known at The Battle of San Jacinto, where the Mexican army was caught sleeping IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON DURING A WAR and defeated, and that General Santa Ana tried to escape disguised as a woman. So to any illegal alien who thinks they have a right to be here, in the gentle words of Ted Nugent:

"Kiss My American Ass!"
haha, which native is that. are you refering to the native spanards, native indians, or a native "american". all of them are native.
You know precisely jack squat about what you're talking about. American Indians(Apache, Cherokee, Shawnee, etc.) are the only people considered "Native Americans". Look it up.

and if you didnt read my whole post i am from america to, so i will not kiss your ass, but once bush is done in office and goes back home to his dad, you can ask him to do it for you.
Obviously you don't practice what you preach:

Me wrote:

So to any illegal alien who thinks they have a right to be here, in the gentle words of Ted Nugent:

"Kiss My American Ass!"
+271|7037|United States of America
I live down here closer to the border than those up in Sacremento making our poilicies for California.  My high school is roughly 2/3 Hispanic. I doubt that all of them are illegal, but most of them probably are. Back during the Civil War the Ammendment that says if you're born here you are a citizen, was created for blacks who were split from home and couldn't go anywhere else. Now it has just become a feeding frenzy for anyone who wants to come here. Illegals use to have a positive effect on the economy. That all changed when people lose their hard earned money and give it to someone who is breaking laws. I got this in an email a few weeks back when this all first started.

"Some sad statistics from LA.....

From the L. A Times

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L. A. County has 10 million people)
are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are
predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien
Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican
nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely
illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.

10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak
Spanish (10.2 million people in L. A. County).

(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of
California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET
(after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor
Donald Huddle, Rice University].

The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average
adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

If they can come to this country to raise Hell and march by the thousands,
Why can't they take charge over the corruption in their own country? We are
fools for letting this continue."

Time to wake up smell the roses, then go be pissed at those who want to keep illegals coming.

Just my two cents .
I am all that is MOD!

yerded wrote:

I submit that we mirror Mexicos illegal immigration policies. I would also condone targeted removal ( to the hereafter ) of ANY politician who supports our lack of a border. This is not fun and games kiddies; while you weren't looking your country was sold out.
     I am an employer, and yes some of my men are illegal aliens. The funny thing is that they also make the most money. I have struggled for five years to have a totally legal work force but it's impossible. Try it.
     My highest paid wetback makes about $1,000.00 per week. He drives a new truck, has a cell phone, a social security number but can't have a drivers license. It's completely false to say that these people, en masse are being taken advantage of. I don't care anymore who you are or where your from I am truely a color blind employer. Except for my fellow whites; I tend to discriminate, if anything AGAINST them because in my experience they are most likely to have attendance problems, drug habits and sticky fingers.  I love my Mexicans ( whom, of the four I have only one asked for the day off to join the national " Day without a Mexican Day"), not for the money they make me but because they are usually really good people.
     The politicians, on the other hand, whom spend billions on this " war on terror", yet leave our borders open...these are the people I focus my wrath on. It's now clear that we have lost this war without a shot being fired. I say, don't shoot the Mexicans, shoot our cowardly politicians.
     In closing, were I not in my posistion as an employer, I would be down on the border with the Minuteman Project. As someone who has to deal with illegal immigration everyday I can honestly say that the situation IS VERY complicated. We have a 4.6% unemployement rate; deduct ten million or so Mexicans and what do you have? A major fucking labor crisis.
     It's time we dig a fence, or annex Mexico. Anything less is cowardly and unrealistic.
     By the way, yes I may have miss-spelled a few words and botched the grammar; I'm a 9th grade drop-out who owns a million dollar company ( gross revenues per year ). Is n't that the real American dream? To succeed according to our efforts? Will my son ( who WILL have the chance to go to college ) have the same chance? Not likely, because there are millions more behind this current crop, waiting to get in. A poorly built house will soon collapse under it's own weight, and Americas house needs some repairs.
So you put the blame on the politicians that allowed illegals here, not on yourself who continues to support illegal immigration by paying them for work?  If they had no work, they would not be here.  You my friend are a hypocrite in the most concrete form, calling for closed borders, yet hiring and readily admitting illegal immigrants.  Why?
is still a BF2 Gunnery Sgt.
I was reading in the paper that there are people that have been waiting for years and have paid out the ass for fees and whatnot to come here.Now our government wants to just make the illegal motherfuckers legal?
WTF? THEY ARE ILLEGAL!THEY HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT CITIZENS!SO WHEN THEY 'PROTEST' THEY SHOULD JUST BE ROUNDED UP AND SHIPPED BACK TO THE MEXICAN SHITHOLE THEY CAME FROM! I cant believe our government would want to piss in the face of those who are trying to legitimately come here and realize the American dream.They're leeches!! GET THEM OUT.
+302|7017|Salt Lake City

Screw it.  Let's just take over Mexico. [/SARCASM]

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2006-05-02 11:38:27)

+255|6918|Westminster, California


yerded wrote:

I submit that we mirror Mexicos illegal immigration policies. I would also condone targeted removal ( to the hereafter ) of ANY politician who supports our lack of a border. This is not fun and games kiddies; while you weren't looking your country was sold out.
     I am an employer, and yes some of my men are illegal aliens. The funny thing is that they also make the most money. I have struggled for five years to have a totally legal work force but it's impossible. Try it.
     My highest paid wetback makes about $1,000.00 per week. He drives a new truck, has a cell phone, a social security number but can't have a drivers license. It's completely false to say that these people, en masse are being taken advantage of. I don't care anymore who you are or where your from I am truely a color blind employer. Except for my fellow whites; I tend to discriminate, if anything AGAINST them because in my experience they are most likely to have attendance problems, drug habits and sticky fingers.  I love my Mexicans ( whom, of the four I have only one asked for the day off to join the national " Day without a Mexican Day"), not for the money they make me but because they are usually really good people.
     The politicians, on the other hand, whom spend billions on this " war on terror", yet leave our borders open...these are the people I focus my wrath on. It's now clear that we have lost this war without a shot being fired. I say, don't shoot the Mexicans, shoot our cowardly politicians.
     In closing, were I not in my posistion as an employer, I would be down on the border with the Minuteman Project. As someone who has to deal with illegal immigration everyday I can honestly say that the situation IS VERY complicated. We have a 4.6% unemployement rate; deduct ten million or so Mexicans and what do you have? A major fucking labor crisis.
     It's time we dig a fence, or annex Mexico. Anything less is cowardly and unrealistic.
     By the way, yes I may have miss-spelled a few words and botched the grammar; I'm a 9th grade drop-out who owns a million dollar company ( gross revenues per year ). Is n't that the real American dream? To succeed according to our efforts? Will my son ( who WILL have the chance to go to college ) have the same chance? Not likely, because there are millions more behind this current crop, waiting to get in. A poorly built house will soon collapse under it's own weight, and Americas house needs some repairs.
So you put the blame on the politicians that allowed illegals here, not on yourself who continues to support illegal immigration by paying them for work?  If they had no work, they would not be here.  You my friend are a hypocrite in the most concrete form, calling for closed borders, yet hiring and readily admitting illegal immigrants.  Why?
Why you ask? Well...because the view is different from inside the box. You live in an idealist world that may be seperate and outside of the box that is border states.
Want a job? Like I said, my best paid wet makes $1,000.00 per week. Like I said, the border situation is WAY complicated. Duh...okay, I'll be the only contracter in California without a Mexican crew. Right. I also said I love my Mexicans because they are generally good people. I am perhaps a hypocrite, to the inexperienced. In fact I am a realist.  I say;
     Grant some sort of legal, non citizen/non voting worker status to those here already employed.
     Round up every Mexican gathered at day labor sites and deport them.
     Make lack of vehichle insurance and littering a serious crime.
     Apply the law evenly across the board; to randomly pick a few companies to do a crack down and immigration sweep is a pretend solution. I am all for compliance as long as EVERYBODY complies.
     For the U.S. government to offer assistance to the Mexican  government in putting down the Chiapas uprising, it shows that the powers that be approve of the cleptoctracy that is Mexico and it is a national embarassment.
     Assist the Mexican people by sending down weapons, explosives and techinal information in insurgency technics and help them over throw the government down there.
    People, say we did what they want and give back the  Southwest; They would simply cross, en  masse, whatever new border there was. They would have no jobs, no security and no future just like they do now because Mexico is a TOILET!!!
    If you support illegal Mexican immigration, what about Armenian, Chinese, Indian etc. etc. At what number is there enough?!
    Understand, I am catagorically opposed to lack of LAW ENFORCEMENT in regards to the border. The day a real solution is announced I will gladly fire and then rehire my four illegal aliens when they are legal because they are kick ass employees. And like I said, amicable good people.
    This situation IS more complicated than most people realize. I know...I live in it.
    And to those whom have called me racist in the karma system I say fuck you!!! I have said it four times now, these are generally good people.

Last edited by yerded (2006-05-02 19:00:14)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7040|MA, USA

travisb05 wrote:

What i dont understand is why northamerican countries have borders but when you go to europe you can  go to many different countries and go through them just like a state now explain that to me?
You have heard of the European Union, haven't you?
I am all that is MOD!

yerded wrote:


yerded wrote:

I submit that we mirror Mexicos illegal immigration policies. I would also condone targeted removal ( to the hereafter ) of ANY politician who supports our lack of a border. This is not fun and games kiddies; while you weren't looking your country was sold out.
     I am an employer, and yes some of my men are illegal aliens. The funny thing is that they also make the most money. I have struggled for five years to have a totally legal work force but it's impossible. Try it.
     My highest paid wetback makes about $1,000.00 per week. He drives a new truck, has a cell phone, a social security number but can't have a drivers license. It's completely false to say that these people, en masse are being taken advantage of. I don't care anymore who you are or where your from I am truely a color blind employer. Except for my fellow whites; I tend to discriminate, if anything AGAINST them because in my experience they are most likely to have attendance problems, drug habits and sticky fingers.  I love my Mexicans ( whom, of the four I have only one asked for the day off to join the national " Day without a Mexican Day"), not for the money they make me but because they are usually really good people.
     The politicians, on the other hand, whom spend billions on this " war on terror", yet leave our borders open...these are the people I focus my wrath on. It's now clear that we have lost this war without a shot being fired. I say, don't shoot the Mexicans, shoot our cowardly politicians.
     In closing, were I not in my posistion as an employer, I would be down on the border with the Minuteman Project. As someone who has to deal with illegal immigration everyday I can honestly say that the situation IS VERY complicated. We have a 4.6% unemployement rate; deduct ten million or so Mexicans and what do you have? A major fucking labor crisis.
     It's time we dig a fence, or annex Mexico. Anything less is cowardly and unrealistic.
     By the way, yes I may have miss-spelled a few words and botched the grammar; I'm a 9th grade drop-out who owns a million dollar company ( gross revenues per year ). Is n't that the real American dream? To succeed according to our efforts? Will my son ( who WILL have the chance to go to college ) have the same chance? Not likely, because there are millions more behind this current crop, waiting to get in. A poorly built house will soon collapse under it's own weight, and Americas house needs some repairs.
So you put the blame on the politicians that allowed illegals here, not on yourself who continues to support illegal immigration by paying them for work?  If they had no work, they would not be here.  You my friend are a hypocrite in the most concrete form, calling for closed borders, yet hiring and readily admitting illegal immigrants.  Why?
Why you ask? Well...because the view is different from inside the box. You live in an idealist world that may be seperate and outside of the box that is border states.
Want a job? Like I said, my best paid wet makes $1,000.00 per week. Like I said, the border situation is WAY complicated. Duh...okay, I'll be the only contracter in California without a Mexican crew. Right. I also said I love my Mexicans because they are generally good people. I am perhaps a hypocrite, to the inexperienced. In fact I am a realist.  I say;
     Grant some sort of legal, non citizen/non voting worker status to those here already employed.
     Round up every Mexican gathered at day labor sites and deport them.
     Make lack of vehichle insurance and littering a serious crime.
     Apply the law evenly across the board; to randomly pick a few companies to do a crack down and immigration sweep is a pretend solution. I am all for compliance as long as EVERYBODY complies.
     For the U.S. government to offer assistance to the Mexican  government in putting down the Chiapas uprising, it shows that the powers that be approve of the cleptoctracy that is Mexico and it is a national embarassment.
     Assist the Mexican people by sending down weapons, explosives and techinal information in insurgency technics and help them over throw the government down there.
    People, say we did what they want and give back the  Southwest; They would simply cross, en  masse, whatever new border there was. They would have no jobs, no security and no future just like they do now because Mexico is a TOILET!!!
    If you support illegal Mexican immigration, what about Armenian, Chinese, Indian etc. etc. At what number is there enough?!
    Understand, I am catagorically opposed to lack of LAW ENFORCEMENT in regards to the border. The day a real solution is announced I will gladly fire and then rehire my four illegal aliens when they are legal because they are kick ass employees. And like I said, amicable good people.
    This situation IS more complicated than most people realize. I know...I live in it.
    And to those whom have called me racist in the karma system I say fuck you!!! I have said it four times now, these are generally good people.
I live inside the box my friend.  I live less than 100 miles from the Mexico-California border (as a matter of fact I probably live about 30 mins. CLOSER than you do).  Maybe you should look where I am from before you start basing your arguments on living outside the box.  So now instead of placing the blame on those who hire illegals (you) and keep the demand for cheap labor, you blame: a)everyone else by saying you can't be the only one without a mexican crew; and b) a lack of law enforcement.  No, you are not at fault at all.  Then you offer ways for the US to help Mexico, one being giving them weapons to overthrow the government.  Yeah, great way to help a country out.  Last time I checked that was against a few international treaties.  But hey, as long as those aren't enforced across the board, might as well take advantage of that too, right?  I do not support illegal immigration at all, I think it is destroying our economy.  And people like you that offer them jobs, you are not helping solve the problem at all.  They may be good employees, but they are illegal, bottom line.  As long as people who employ illegals think the way you do, there will be no solution.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-05-03 09:25:47)

PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7040|MA, USA
I think that what I wrote in the other thread bears on this a bit

whittsend wrote:

This is not about the rich exploiting the poor, this is about everyone needing low wage workers to maintain economic growth.  Everyone's standard of living is improved because there are some people who are willing to work for less than minimum wage (which indicates a larger problem with minimum wage laws - but that is another discussion).  Middle class people don't want to pay $10 for a head of lettuce, so yes, we (the middle class) need them too.  If a worker can earn more money here than in elsewhere, and still be getting less than an American would for the same job, then they benefit as well.

We can demonize the greedy rich, but if we force them to pay full wage for the labor to ensure that nobody is 'exploited', then the low wage worker isn't hired, the price of goods goes up, sales go down, profits decrease, jobs get eliminated, and the entire economy suffers, from top to bottom.  For a good example of what happens when your labor costs price you out of the market, look at GM.  Largest auto manufacturer in the world, sure, but they are on the verge of bankruptcy because their union labor costs  more than they can generate in profits.  I don't have a problem with workers coming in and taking jobs.  What is NOT acceptable is that the benefits of a taxpayer go to people who pay no taxes - in short, immigration must be legal and documented and taxed.  It simply isn't fair for a non-citizen to have all the benefits of citizenship at no costs to themselves.

I believe a possible solution has been proposed already, which would include a liberal guest worker program, a one time fine for illegals converting to legal from the inside (because we cannot simply reward illegal behavior), mandatory English, and a place at the end of the line for citizenship.  Sounds pretty good to me, and in the long run everyone benefits.

Re: English.  The US doesn't have a national language, but the GOVERNMENT of the US has an official language.  You can't FORCE anyone to learn anything, however, the language of government in this country is ENGLISH; and you CAN say that if you wish to have ANY dealings with our government (to include applications for citizenship, employment, etc.), that you must be able to speak English.  Bi-lingualism does not work.  It fosters animosity and unecessary complexity.  Quebec is bad, Belgium is worse, and I suspect there are some Asian examples which are hardly flattering to the bi-lingual concept as well.  I think that is the one thing we really should stand fast on:  If you come here, you really should learn the language.
The point being that there is a vicious circle.  It isn't simply about the nasty people who hire illegals, or the nasty illegals, or the nasty government, etc.  It is about various groups feeding off the needs of each other.  One thing that I think we all agree on, is that we need to find a way to make a process which is happening illegally, occur in a way that is legal, and does not injure those who do it legally.

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