Firestarter wrote:
The reason the Minigun/Vulcan is so weak is because people think there is splash actually fires WAAAAAAAAAY too fast for it to be real, reduce the firing rate by 1/4 and it'll be real, and it also takes a good pilot to make a good angle
Following your logic, the minigun is weak because it fires way too fast or it is weak because people think it has splash damage. Reducing it by 25% is the magic real number, and people weren't shooting it at good angles before so thats why it sucked.
I believe you are wrong on all counts regardless of how you interpret that mangled sentence above.
The reason the minigun is weak is because it got nerfed to the point that its hits either do not register, they register and do little to no damage, or the accuracy on the gun was always so horrible, that removing the splash that compensated for its horrible accuracy was the quick solution DICE implemented.
Ever try hitting things in the other flying tubs? They suck horribly too, yet they have the same guns mounted on the FAVs that totally destroy anyone foolish enough to walk in front of their fire. I think DICE fucked up the plane mounted guns to the point that they really can't hit shit (which is not reality), and they compensated for the BHawk by adding that splash damage. Not many people fly the other tubs, so DICE let it slide, like every other beta problem with this game. People bitched about the BHawk, they nerfed it, and now you have three armies with useless choppers, that cannot put down suppressing fire, which, if you have a clue, is what they do.
The miniguns suck is NOT because people aren't using them right (e.g. bad angles) or because it fires too fast (that gun sucks! it fires too fast! rofl).