Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
Skill with the TV Missle can be compared to drumming.
Alot of people know how to do it, and fewer are good at it but there are alot of people who can use it well.
But there are few who are exceptionaly good, dare I say...Amazing?

Alot of people say they are good at TV Missles, just because they assume its a rare skill, and they can kill things sometimes... The best gunners are consistant and almost never miss and make it look easy.
I never use a gunner. If you get good with tv missles and flying alone, 1 helo can completely dominate the entire map. Especially when you get good at shooting planes down ^^
Property of BF2s©
+112|6896|Brisbane Australia
And they are going to learn to be better...

And don't say single player or unranked! Because you know as well as I that it's not going to happen. Everyone's going for points, especially the beginners!

Of course it's irritating to have a shitty gunner, but then you just take him sight-seeing and practise your hellfire-skills in the process. Once in a while, line him up for some shots, if he doesn't know how to use the TV-missile, F it, and practise some more on your hellfire-skills. When reloading, try the good ol' "Bail Out". It might not work, but he might not jump in with you once you've died, respawned and found a new chopper.

If your regular gunner is eager to jump in and the shitty one doesn't get it.. Well.. Take him for a ride, make some kills, and once you've died, try to get the next one with your regular.

I have once taken a shitty gunner out of bounds to die. But he was also the teams commander who refused to bail out..

But usually, I just take them along for the trip and my regular gunner does some ground-pounding. If it's the other way around, and my gunner gets in, and I don't, the first thing I do is check if I can steal the enemys chopper/jet, and go after them.

Last edited by DonFck (Today 03:06:06)
Ya know I must be the biggest n00b out on the field. I cant shoot for shit with ANY weapon or in ANY vehicle in comparison to you guys but what you have said above at least makes me have some hope.

I play on Australian servers (mainly internode) and its really rather degrading to have kids screaming abuse at you for missing a shot due to the fact that your practise time in a chopper is almost nothing.

I hear so many people pissing and moaning about us new players and telling us to f*ck off someplace else or "Get out" etc, or telling us to "go practice onan empty server. The problem I have with this is the only other person I know who plays BF2 is about as "n00bish" as me so we end up with the blind leading the blind. No one ever learnt anything from someone with equal knowledge. You want better gunners/pilot/players? help the new guys, teach them or at least give them a break so they can try to learn by themselves if you dont want to give them all your l337 tips.

I read these forums every night (and every day at work but shh dont tell the boss) hunting for extra tidbits of information to help my game that little bit more and I see so many of you guys offering advice or ideas on the best ways to play the game yet when it comes to game time I am yet to find ANYONE that is willing to take a little time and explain a couple of things to me.

When I hop in a chopper (if I ever get the chance) I always attempt to make contact with my pilot, I either look for him in the squad roster and join his squad or *gasp* attempt to type to him yet it amazes me how many times I have simply been ignored and the pilot goes about his merry way with no concern at all for his gunner, even to the point that I have had a pilot just fly to where he wanted to go and bail out without even waving good bye.

Anyway I guess I got a bit carried away there with my rant but in closeing I just want to say to DonFck and a few others like him....Thank You for taking the time to help some of us n00bs understand things a little better, hell without us you'd all run out of favourite victims.
Wow, my dead topic has been reborn!

Just to add, I agree with not capping flags in the helo. But my point back then was that I cap flags in the helo when my team is down to 1 flag and getting slaughtered. By capping a distant flag, it can give the team a chance to fight back...surely.

Edit!-Ok I re-read my 1st post & realise that I said I capped flags. That was misleading and was probably why people disagreed.

I am a very naughty BF2'er!

Last edited by wilber69 (2006-05-17 06:53:26)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Your dead topic is red and sticky. Like an abortion.
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant

polarbearz wrote:

Your dead topic is red and sticky. Like an abortion.
EERaarggghhh! thats gross bearz...even for you!lol
Ah, but I'll still love it whatever its deformity!
No 1 Gooner..go on my son...AFC FTW.
No 1 Gooner
coopj Dependant
Aw cheers mate! starting to get drunk now!! am pissing my pants with excitment!
Yep, same here! Keep pinching meself.

wilber69 wrote:

Wow, my dead topic has been reborn!
I succeeded in resurrecting it! It's ALIVE!
I need around tree fiddy.
+22|6977|England, UK
Well yeah you should always give good lineups for your gunner. But as for hovering still as possible, you should NEVER hover still unless you know all threats are eliminated.
a fly
+105|6957|The netherlands

wilber69 wrote:

Just read a thread on helo's and it got me thinking. Did a quick search and got the usual pages of threads!

So I'm gonna chance this topic.

The other night, I played a Wake map, managed to jump in as an Cobra gunner. I'm an ok pilot, but want to improve my TV missile skills. The pilot took us 2 a flag where i spotted infantry & opened up with my cannons. He then flew erractically & we ended up in a tree! Upon respawning, he lauched into a tarrade along the lines of; 'OMFG-what kind off gunner are u?' 'Stop shooting @ the bushes', etc. I calmly asked if his flying had anything 2 do with it. While he was typing a reply, I nipped in as the pilot, & took him on a 5 minute 15 kill spree!  Now, although it may sound like I'm trying to claim greatness here, I realise that sometimes, the pilot looks at one target, whilst the gunner looks at another. Voip can help avoid this but, hey, shit happens.

But I also wonder if other pilots actually have a plan as to how they are going to fly?

If I have a gunner, I concentrate on getting them in a good firing position, keep as steady as possible , cap flags and avoid get shot.

If no gunner, then I move as fast as possible and kill as many enemy I can...and avoid getting shot!

This all may seem obvious to most, but when gunning sometimes, I do wonder what my pilot is trying to achieve?
*not reading after*
i use free look with my joystick and the gunner view bar to see what they see. yesterday my gunner (the best one for me cause we are used to eachother) had a 42/2 ratio. the first death was early in the round and the 2nd was cause of arty when he got out to shoot some people that where hiding..... after that we had a few more kills.

The whole round there where kickvotes against us.... i wonder why.... (it was a 4vs3 game)

if i got no gunner, wich i like to prevent heat locks, i gun myself. its realy not that hard, just roll the chopper to the left and go forward, goto seat2 and it will keep that motion for 15 seconds.
+31|7002|Phoenix, AZ

wilber69 wrote:

But I also wonder if other pilots actually have a plan as to how they are going to fly?
...thats why i BOTH FLY and GUN. dont have to worry about pilot flying like a noob, and dont have to worry about gunner using chaingun on armor.

DonFck wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

If you're gunner gives you mouth kill him via the map boundry.

Gunning = Easy points
Piloting = Real work

Let him know who's boss.
second that

Shadow893 wrote:

DonFck wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

If you're gunner gives you mouth kill him via the map boundry.

Gunning = Easy points
Piloting = Real work

Let him know who's boss.
second that
I'm changing my opinion a bit.. Gunning infantry=easy points.

TV-missiles on enemy attack chopper = a bit more difficult.

Also, the map boundry thing.. That's a bit harsh.
I need around tree fiddy.
I REALLY hate the fact that anyone that presses the "activate" button rapidly can get in a chopper, I hope that the next BF (probably not the bf2142) urges wannabee-pilots to get some kind of PROVE they can fly....and I don't mean easy stuff like "fly into the loop"...HARDCORE stuff!!!

I am a good pilot, and despite my extreme modesty, I'm going to say I'm a VERY good pilot, why? No, not all of my missils hit, no, I don't have some kind of uber joystick....

I fly well, i.e. I don't fly low just to show my copilot my "uber leet skilllzzz" like most pilots do...and most of all, I give my co pilot the BEST chances, I spot, tanks, helos, everything for him, I keep my nose aimed at the target, etc...

A good pilot is a pilot that gives the gunner the better chances to kill.

You're going through hell to pilot a chopper, but I assure you that once a average copilot and myself are into a chopper, we stick together until death do us part because we are so good. I rarely crash in trees, most reasons why I die is because of the

AA/Jets combo (including the ramming ) or because an nmy Helo spotted me unaware and TVed me, thats IT.

It just PISSES me off when people INSIST to fly when they clearly are douchebags.

oh, I forgot to add that I hate people shooting randomly (both missiles and gun)....they heat up the gun for NOTHING

GRHHHAAA I'm worked up now!!

Last edited by Vartan (2006-05-17 09:09:53)


Shadow893 wrote:

DonFck wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

If you're gunner gives you mouth kill him via the map boundry.

Gunning = Easy points
Piloting = Real work

Let him know who's boss.
second that
I'd rather pilot..gunning is a bit hard, especially in the apach..I hate their guns...anyways..if the pilot is GOOD then gunning is very fun :p...that takes the hard part away :p
im a pretty good gunner, better with the missles than the guns tho , when im with a good pilot i can get like 30 kills before we get shot down because the team got up all their AA sites and were having troubl avoding 4 at a time , but when my friends flying...PWNAGE...pilots should never cap flags or sit still tho, if my pilot ever even slows down to the speed of a land vehicle without and helos/tanks in sight i get mad at him for making us a huge target , ive been shot down by AKs cus my pilot slowed down during a helo-helo fight lol

to get rid of bad gunners/pilots tho they should add the apaches that have only a pilot and he controls everything lol...i belive a standard 1 man apache has like 8 hellfires, 32 normal missles, and 1000 chain gun rounds lol

Last edited by meowmix4jo (2006-05-17 10:43:26)

Dropped on request

meowmix4jo wrote:

im a pretty good gunner, better with the missles than the guns tho , when im with a good pilot i can get like 30 kills before we get shot down because the team got up all their AA sites and were having troubl avoding 4 at a time , but when my friends flying...PWNAGE...pilots should never cap flags or sit still tho, if my pilot ever even slows down to the speed of a land vehicle without and helos/tanks in sight i get mad at him for making us a huge target , ive been shot down by AKs cus my pilot slowed down during a helo-helo fight lol

to get rid of bad gunners/pilots tho they should add the apaches that have only a pilot and he controls everything lol...i belive a standard 1 man apache has like 8 hellfires, 32 normal missles, and 1000 chain gun rounds lol
According to your sig your best kill streak is 19... LIAR!!!
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

wilber69 wrote:

Just read a thread on helo's and it got me thinking. Did a quick search and got the usual pages of threads!

So I'm gonna chance this topic.

The other night, I played a Wake map, managed to jump in as an Cobra gunner. I'm an ok pilot, but want to improve my TV missile skills. The pilot took us 2 a flag where i spotted infantry & opened up with my cannons. He then flew erractically & we ended up in a tree! Upon respawning, he lauched into a tarrade along the lines of; 'OMFG-what kind off gunner are u?' 'Stop shooting @ the bushes', etc. I calmly asked if his flying had anything 2 do with it. While he was typing a reply, I nipped in as the pilot, & took him on a 5 minute 15 kill spree!  Now, although it may sound like I'm trying to claim greatness here, I realise that sometimes, the pilot looks at one target, whilst the gunner looks at another. Voip can help avoid this but, hey, shit happens.

But I also wonder if other pilots actually have a plan as to how they are going to fly?

If I have a gunner, I concentrate on getting them in a good firing position, keep as steady as possible , cap flags and avoid get shot.

If no gunner, then I move as fast as possible and kill as many enemy I can...and avoid getting shot!

This all may seem obvious to most, but when gunning sometimes, I do wonder what my pilot is trying to achieve?
this is exactly why i don't fly in choppers.  I can't fly one very well, and whenever i get in the gunners seat, i get a n00b pilot... so i just stick to Tanks
Cold Fussion
72% alcohol
+63|6981|Sydney, Australia

slicknic wrote:

i downloaded it but flying around is nice but... i never saw you kill anyone lol ><   
plus you need to underclock your graphics card... thats why its getting all those lines n such =/  it cant handle the voltage its getting
I would of though it was an over heating problems :\
I've been having a hell of a time with choppers lately.  This being mostly on Sharqi as MEC.

Most of the time, the guys in with me are either not joining my squad or aren't in one for me to join.  No VOIP, I guess...

The other fun thing is actually getting the chopper in the first place.  My friend's pretty much just Karkand whoring it which leaves me hoping to have a decent pilot or gunner with me.

If I can get a chopper, I've had a lot of times where I'm flying and no one wants to gun.  I'm gonna have to start getting better at solo gunning, I guess.

If I do get someone, here's some of the fun I've been having recently.

Me piloting:
I'm lining my gunner up for shots.  First is either the Hotel AA or the TV Station AA/Chopper.  No sound of guns firing.  I see a tank.  I spot him, line up a missile shot and..... nothing.  I end up maybe taking the tank out with Hellfires.  What'll usually end up happening is that we'll get taken out by AT while I'm trying to spot stuff and/or type to get my gunner to wake up.  If I'm lucky enough that he's semi-concious, he's still going to miss 80-90% of the targets I'm seeing and isn't paying attention to me telling him to hit <F9> to get a better view.

Me gunning:
I either get these guys that seem to think they're going to just take the enemy chopper out with the hellfires or they can't be bothered to line up a shot, flying around erraticlly.

I actually had one guy complaining that he was lining up great shots for me.  FFS, I admit I'm not that good with the tv but the "line up" he gave me wasn't even a second of line up followed by breaking off before I could get the tv pointed at the damn tank.  That or he'd end up in a position great for his hellfires and not so good for me.  I gave up the gunner spot after we were blown up by his inability to combat the enemy chopper.  He ended up with a gunner worse than me.

Last edited by niomosy (2006-05-17 14:30:21)

bad touch

there is a certain equilibrim you must reach between a pilot and a gunner. for example, good gunner/pilot relationship … 0018an.png
Fantasma Parastasie

stryyker wrote:

there is a certain equilibrim you must reach between a pilot and a gunner. for example, good gunner/pilot relationship … 0018an.png
Heh, Nice use of print screen .2 seconds before you were going to die

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