?? wrote:
PLZ vote
i used the ghost unlocks before the EF came out now im regretting it i want ot unlock the L96 soo bad cause i always get killed by it i use the M24 now man its sweet but L96 has better scope and reload time
While I like the L96 a lot and use it nearly exclusively when playing MEC or Chinese, I prefer the M24 and use it most often when playing U.S. It's probably just me, but I've found I'm a bit more accurate with the '24 than the '96. I'll agree with EvilMonkeySlayer, though, that it's largely a matter of personal preference and play style, as well as what works best for the situation you find yourself in. If I'm being pestered by a chopper, I'll either respawn with an M95 or (preferably) I'll kill an enemy sniper who's kitted out with one and switch kits. Kill a chopper pilot a few times with a '95 and they tend to stay away from you. All of the rifles can be extremely effective weapons if implemented properly.
?? wrote:
also whats the farthest u killed someone form mine is 500meters
Some of this was noted on a previous thread ("Longest Confirmed Kill by a Sniper"), but I have no problem restating it here. My longest single-shot kill on an unwounded soldier is 399 meters on Kubra Dam, from the cliff above the Refueling Station to the Supervisor's Base. A headshot on the 12.7 gunner in an FAV. He'd just spawned at the Materials Station and drove up the trail to cap the flag, then jumped to the 12.7 to shoot at a Blackhawk. One shot with an M24. I've taken down a target at over 450 meters on Kubra, too, but I don't know his previous health condition and I couldn't see the individual soldier because of draw distance limitations. Again, he was in an FAV on the 12.7 firing at something, and all I could see were the tracer rounds going out. I could see the rear machine gun's pintel mount on the FAV and fired at it, hitting him (or the FAV) on the second shot. I missed with the next two rounds, but finally scored another hit with my fifth shot and received the kill message. I witnessed [GDC]SinnFein make a headshot on an unwounded soldier from 502 meters (over three months later and I'm still awestruck by this shot).
MorbiD.ShoT wrote:
I'ma fair Sniper and I like the l9 alot. As soon as i unlocked that weapon, i was playing on dalian plant and i took a blackhawk to the huge mountain next to the mec airfield (chinese?). Anyways i was upwards of 800 meters on top of a friggin 500 ft. mountain. BOOM HEADSHOT! dropped the guy, i was so proud.
I'm not calling you a liar, but I'm not sure that mountain is 500 ft. tall, and no one I've spoke to can see anything more than 550 meters away, let alone a single individual soldier. I've got a fairly middle-of-the-road vid card (128 meg 6600GT) and I can't see individuals beyond 420 meters even on extremely clear maps like Kubra or Dragon Valley. A few close friends of mine have recently upgraded to NVidia 7900 cards and they lose sight of individuals circa 550 meters on those same maps. I guess I'd have to know more about your settings and your equipment before I'd be inclined to be unskeptical about that distance. I'd encourage you to recheck that measurement; if you still come to the same conclusions, then my congratulations to you--that's an impressive shot.
Impaqt wrote:
Personally, I dont believe the 500m claims around here. 350-400 is about the max you can effectively see onmost maps.
I stand by my claim about [GDC]SinnFein. He made the kill from the ridge above the Bridge Base on Kubra to the high crane above the Lower Dam. The commander had a UAV up and spotted an enemy sniper on the end of the crane boom. Two seconds later, I heard the crack of an M24, saw the kill message "[GDC]SinnFein (M24) {some poor surprised bastard}. We weren't sure of the distance at the time, so I logged on later and checked the distance. From where Sinny was at to the flag at the dam is 502 meters, and it's at least that distance to the crane boom.
Last edited by Books_DCDF (2006-04-10 16:18:14)