I'm Irish, but only in ancestry. the rest of me is German and Jamaican. One side of me tried to kill the other side. May be why I'm so fucked up.
Did I see "Ouselves Alone" up there, I think I did. I supose you knew that's what your name meant [GDC]SinnFein.
I did Irish History in fourth form. Can still remember most of it too, definatly one of the more interesting topics.
Did I see "Ouselves Alone" up there, I think I did. I supose you knew that's what your name meant [GDC]SinnFein.
I did Irish History in fourth form. Can still remember most of it too, definatly one of the more interesting topics.
[Blinking eyes thing]
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Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon