I admit i have had my few crashes into other players but when they say "nice ram" they never consider the possibility that it was an accident. I end up gettin caught in these pointless arguments about noob rammin, knowin that fightin over the internet is like racin in the special olympics, cause u end up bein a retard in the end anyway. No offense to any handicapped people who read this
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6785|The United Center
being handicapped and being retarded are two different things.

also, if youre in a jet and you ram into a chopper, its almost always your fault.  i know you want to get as many rounds into the side of the chopper as possible, but even if it wasnt your intention, its still most likely your fault.  the only times i can think of when it isnt your fault is when the chopper is flying over your runway (this is usually your teammates who do this) or if you clip an object which sends you into a spin for a few seconds and then you hit something.  other than that, it is the jet pilot's fault.
i had some nob head do this to me last night i was in the china helo and this guy in the us helo used about 20 rockets on me but couldn't hit me (cos im just so good)(lol) i the end just as i reared up to shoot at him he rammed into me!, he done this twice and when i called him a noob rammer, he told me it was my fault, then started swearing and cursing at me. unfortunately for him he didnt realise i was an admin on the server!
ive had loads of them. usually the top dogs having a sulk cos i killed them. i dont see the point in these stats either, everyone has them as their sig but how do we know you arnt one of the many cheats out there, you can never tell. they mean nothing to me.

I admit, ramming with that as the sole purpose is pretty dumb. Its skill-less and a lame tactic. But if you want to spend the time waiting for your aircraft to respawn just for 1/2 kills, go ahead. Your loss.

If you are trying to shoot something down, and accidently ram, its not always your fault. Even if it is your fault, its not like that was your *intention*.

Normally when i ram, i take the time to type in "sorry, didnt mean to ram". its not like its a pleasant experience for me either.
Hmmm u guy r right. But there is another problem i encountered. a guy i saw lauched a TV missle at me whe i was a ground trooper, and then as soon as he fired it he kept rotating his chopper. The missle hit Everytime  even when i got behind him wit the chopper and also, the missle never had a time limit. please help?
Time to Die Kids!
accidents happen, i dont ram on purpose, id rather keep my shiny plane in the air, but i do collide by accident, whether its staying on a strafe too long or pulling up into a chopper i didnt realise was there, doesnt happen a lot but still.

The idiots who feel the need to call you a "rammer noob" etc usually have no clue, ive only been called it once after an accident with a cobra on Dalian.  It annoyed me, its only a game after all.  I felt the need to teach him what a real "rammer noob" would be, so strap 5 C4 charges to the front of my J - 10 "rocket with wings" and fly into his fully loaded with clan mates blackhawk

I got my point accross.  And made a pretty explossion too.
ROFL omg dude thats hilarious. good way to show the difference:)
i sincerely despise those who start shit just to get in an  argument. makes me wanna punch em thru the computer.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6783|Houston, TX

PELZMAN666 wrote:

Hmmm u guy r right. But there is another problem i encountered. a guy i saw lauched a TV missle at me whe i was a ground trooper, and then as soon as he fired it he kept rotating his chopper. The missle hit Everytime  even when i got behind him wit the chopper and also, the missle never had a time limit. please help?

Check out this thread.

what im saying is that when i was tryin to shoot a chopper down and Daging Oil fields, i had to use the guns cause missles suck on em since they can use flares so fast. but i pulled up incorrectly and crashed into the oil tower not the chopper. However, the big destroyed part of my plane fell down and landed on the chopper taking it out
Holy Shit
Dropped on request
Ramming is so easy to avoid. And I don't see why anyone would want to do it. I hate dying when I'm flying in a jet. And when people ram me I usually call them noob rammers. Of course I'm usually facing the jet when it rams me and I base it on the fact that they don't even turn to avoid.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

Ramming is so easy to avoid. And I don't see why anyone would want to do it. I hate dying when I'm flying in a jet. And when people ram me I usually call them noob rammers. Of course I'm usually facing the jet when it rams me and I base it on the fact that they don't even turn to avoid.
Actually, I think it can be hard NOT to hit the chopper.

Usually the chopper is trying to dodge to the best of his ability.  This often means cranking the throttle and launching.  The thing is that oftentimes you're coming at him from above, and planning on pulling up to get away, this means you end up ramming.  If you cut to either side, he may dodge that way too.

I usually don't go after helicopters all out for this reason-- I usually try to weaken them a bit in passing and let my team's choppers get the kill.

When I do ram, I chat: "sorry--didn't mean to ram."  I'm usually more ticked at myself than the other team is.
Dropped on request
I think you just need a little more practice in jets and need to work on turning off earlier. Also try not using missle lock becuz then they don't run, as often, and just let your bullets eat through them.
I usually run into choppers because my computer sucks so badly that I can't really tell which way the chopper is moving until I'm right on top of it. So if it's perpendicular to me and I think it isn't, I hit it because I don't have time to move at that point. Either that or it will be coming at me and I can't tell so I hit it because I would have had more time had it been going the other way.

Then when I do kill them, I usually hit the debris.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

being handicapped and being retarded are two different things.

also, if youre in a jet and you ram into a chopper, its almost always your fault.  i know you want to get as many rounds into the side of the chopper as possible, but even if it wasnt your intention, its still most likely your fault.  the only times i can think of when it isnt your fault is when the chopper is flying over your runway (this is usually your teammates who do this) or if you clip an object which sends you into a spin for a few seconds and then you hit something.  other than that, it is the jet pilot's fault.
NO It's not your fault,
I was making a pass over a Flag on OMAN when My A guy on my team got Nervous About my jet And he Pulled up right into me .

I had no time to Move out of the way .then he proceeded to call me a noob rammer And went on to rant foe about 3 minutes.

Before I have had enough of his name calling .
there should be a hall of shame because i just played a game and as a troop watched an apache dive ram a transport heli, then later i got rammed by the same guy over and over in the j10 for 3 round. its pathetic.

all i can do is keep going to their airfield and use c4 and give myself supplies...yes it really pissed him off and i was out of order but he was the one that made my fair play impossible.

i think it was concubine77 or slightly diferent spelling. maybe thats why...women drivers! lol

Last edited by numbnuts (2006-03-26 10:08:29)

Some idiot on my team the other day rammed my attack heli three times, and apparently he thought it was funny because he kept saying: "sorry, lol". Idiots...
+1|6708|TC Michigan
Just to bring a new perspective here; I was flying the Chinese jet on Wake Island, and was gunning at a pretty full Hawk a little ways from the carrier. I took a couple hits from the Essex, which lit my ass on fire. Seeing as how my plane was about to explode anyways, I went ahead and launched my (almost)wreckage at the BH as a last ditch attempt to take it down, which I did. Sometimes a ram is simply a refusal to give up.
I accidentally rammed someone on Kubra Dam the other day. Instantly typed that I was sorry, and he responded by calling me a noob. Granted I'm not good in a plane\helo but this irratated me. That's when the M95 came in to play. He was cussing up a storm by third and final time I got him. Then he left the server after I asked him to call me a noob again. LOL
Pope Picard II

There is no justice when you are flying a jet vs. a heli in regards to accidental collision. People consider it ramming, but ramming is intentional, whereas in a general sense, collisions are not. I've tagged more then a few helicopters when getting over-aggressive, and regardless of whos in the chopper, they will always call you a ramming noob and flame off until it respawns. Yet you can go the whole round downing choppers and no one will say boo, but as soon as a collision happens your a ramming noob.

Also, there are many many people that just can't fly and do ram either from incompentance or from saying omg two kilsz1!11one!!1 I've flown helicopters as well and been rammed over and over on purpose and it has just made so that everyone accuses pilots of ramming. They will not consider that if I ram someone "on purpose!!11one!" I have to make up 13 more kills and get the plane back to work off that's a less enjoyable experience for me then for them. What's worse is that, say you collide once, shoot them down 3 times, and have an unfortunate second collision. Thats sure "damning" evidence of your noob ramming skills. They will just go off and off, it is quite retarded.

Same thing with chasing a helicopter back to the repair pad or essex - you will get omg base raping noob you can't fly etc. etc. While every other kill you get in any other fashion that round, no one will make a comment unless to accuse you of hacking. You take a lot of flak (har) being a pilot, with the teamkills getting into the plane, the teamkills running people over with the plane, nevermind people who park or drive vehicles into your path, then add on the friendly fire missles, all of which people will punish you, add on friendly fire kills from bombs which happen to the best of everyone, all who will punish you, and then actually add on combat in the plane with accidental collisions, real noob rammers, spawn rapers, being accused of spawn raping when you don't, etc. and you can see why many people get super angry frusterated when flying in BF2.

It was not like this in DC thats for sure, but when all is said and done, if you can rise above this crap, and stay in the air for lengthy periods of time, flying can be a real pleasure. It was for me and I miss it now and I go back every few weeks for a few hours but the new lock on missles have kind of sapped my joy for shooting down enemy planes and helis. It's just too easy in the J10, and the F35 is even weaker now that it gets lit up so easily. I'm still bitter they shafted the blackhawk, it made Wake so much fun to take the airfield, then light up all the other flags with the miniguns. I actually started playing USMC more then China just to do that even though China was a guaranteed win and huge kill streaks in the J10. Anyways I'm getting sentimental and run on sentences are clouding anything useful I had to contribute so I will go and shoot people in Sharqi with my RPK now
+27|6769|Gold Coast Aussieland
90% of team kill mid-air collisons are accidental, that why if i'm in a jet and I ram into someone else I NEVER PUNISH, and if I recieve the TK for it I apoligise,

I'm not a little pwintee that says "noob" every time someone accidently TK's me,

those pwintee's (people that use the terms pwned, owned and noob) can never take accidents like a man .
+31|6862|St. Louis, MO
If I get accused of ramming on purpose I sometimes actually start doing it on purpose just to piss them off and appologize each time.Screwing with someone can often be more rewarding than any points or badges.
There was only one time I crashed into a heli on purpose...and lucky me,it was a full Blackhawk,yay!!

I guess with the jets it's 99% accidental crashes,if you have a laggy hickup in just the wrong moment you are bound to crash.
And seeing some people fly I guess they are still using mouse and keyboard for flying,which is not good at all.

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