antin0de wrote:
Perhaps you meant to say "Horseman, your views are more 'right wing' than mine"?
Alas he didn't, not sorry you weren't following along and missed all the details. Big suprise ?
antin0de wrote:
Nor does he have to explicitly show favor of those things. The people (SS) who carried out the anti-semitic will of Hitler had been convinced through propaganda (and fear) passed down the chain of command, that what they were doing was right. Just like our soldiers in Guantanamo bay, and the black interrogation sites.
Comparing our soldiers to Nazis is way out of line. A poor move at best. The Fear you speak of is not found in Them or me.
Also you are Rabid in your conviction that you and Your Ideas alone are right. Sound familiar?
antin0de wrote:
While I can agree that most of the claims on section9's "resume" are ill-founded, Horseman77's responses are just plain
Horseman77 wrote:
Like I care What Snackostan or Fritolaysia think lol
Ya those are really ugly words " Snack O Stan Frito Lays-ia "Someone Clue him in OK!
antin0de wrote:
Not quite racial superiority, but national superiority. Fanatical conviction that we are always in the right, and separate from the rest of the world. Amerrkin high-horse..
And don't call me a fanatic it fits you better, Ranting and Name Calling, sweeping over Generalizations.
The fact is you know nothing about me or who I am but that didn't stop you. You seem to be the Real fanatic.
Horseman77 wrote:
Who Cares the UN is Rife with Fraud and corruption
antin0de wrote:
Good, good. Trash the international convention whose goal is to encourage cooperation amongst countries.
I know what the UN's Goals are Thank you, My point was is It Goal Rarely/never gets achieved.
Also the USA seems to pay for and Do the Lions share of the Work that it does do.
antin0de wrote:
Make claims you can't back up, while completely ignoring the corruption amongst republicans in our own congress. You'll make a great propagandist.
Corruption is in all parties. I give my opinion, You make claims you cant back up, I don't call you a Nazi.
So who is the Propagandist? you or I ?
Not that you are an effective one.
antin0de wrote:
Horseman77, I suggest you stop trying to justify your vote and do some reading (preferrably not on forums). Check out Rolling Stone's article:
The Worst President In History?Also open your eyes to the destruction of our civil liberties, as evident in the NSA's
refusal to grant Justice Department lawyers security clearance for their illegal wiretapping inquiry.
They also
probably have your phone records.I can see how rdx-fx can relate our right-wing friends to Nazis. They are, after all, the ones who so blindly allow our government to take steps toward totalitarianism--a term not uncommonly used in conjunction with Nazism.
I am not your Right wing friend, My Friendship and loyalty is not easy to earn. Rarely does someone like you achieve it.
You are the one who is in lock step with the loudest voice, most popular opinion, etc. not I, so your whole argument
"The people (SS) who carried out the anti-semitic will of Hitler had been convinced through propaganda (and fear) passed down the chain of command, that what they were doing was right "
Would apply to you more than it would me.
Cancel you assumed air of Superiority and Wisdom, I suggest you do some reading of your own and not parroting what you hear
" The loudest Voice of others say " or Pasting Links like it is some Irrefutable form of argument, " Rolling Stone" Really, jeeezz
The Fear you speak of so often is not found in me. You are the one who Says basically.
"If you don't agree with Me and My observations made from my perspective and from What I happened to Read you are the greatest enemy mankind has Produced.
That Line of Logic is much closer to What it took to be a Nazi. Also you guys are always wearing Ribbons and pins an things not us. Snicker...