
wich sniper rifle has more bullet drop?

M247%7% - 4
M9578%78% - 43
L9614%14% - 8
Total: 55
remember that the bullet drop is more common to see around 200 and over.

i didn't put the semi-auto sniper rifles in the poll, because the SVD and Type 88 are more mediun range than long range and just few snipers use them for long range.

AKA: badhq
+937|6758|Derby, England

M95 ( 50 mill calibers )
I would say the m95 yea, im thinking the .308 l96 and m24 drop inches at 500 yards, where the m95 would probably drop feet =p
well, actually the L96 has more bullet drop than the M95
yeah the l96 definately has a lot of bullet drop at long range, i was using it earler on plant, 200m shot, crosshairs on him, nothing, 4/5 pixels above, boom headshot
Team NHB
+35|6781|Los Angeles, CA
Yes this is true. The L96A1 has a lot more bullet drop than the M95. Although I like the L96A1's scope, I just the M95 a lot better now due to its low bullet drop and increased accuracy after the 1.2 patch.
+0|6758|Hellsinki, Finland
To anyone who thinks that M95 has more bullet drop, consider this: M95 is a .50 cal weapon, with much more power than the M24 or the L96. Therefore, more power = higher effective shooting distance = less bullet drop over a measured distance (say 0 to 200m) than the less powerful weapons. Jeez, it's not fucking rocket science.
Well the 50cal is a hell of alot heavier then the l96 too. The l96 bullet is about as thick as your pinky, where as the 50 cal is thicker then your thumb. You talking 165 grain bullet vs a 750 grain bullet atleast.

It really depends on where the rifle is zeroed in at . So unless EA releases that info we really are just taking a wild stab at it. I know zeroed in at 100 yards the l96 will drop 3-4" at 200, the 50 cal i ahve no clue I couldnt find any charts that wernt zeroed in at 1000 yards.
Team NHB
+35|6781|Los Angeles, CA
Well, there's a video on secretsofbattlefield.com that blatantly shows that the L96A1 has a lot more bullet drop than the M95. Go check it out.
Oh i belive you, I was talking about in real life =p
Team NHB
+35|6781|Los Angeles, CA
Ahh ok. Well, in real life the M95 probably would have more bullet drop than the L96A1 would, simply due to its size and weight.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6897|AUS, Canberra
as the sniper rifles have the same accuracy and same damage id say the gravity they built into the game would affect them the same, although there is bullet drop, i have never once adjusted for it even for the longest shots you can possibly see ingame, and still get 1 kill head shots.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6821|Vancouver BC Canada
Actually, in real life, the size of the bullet would not matter. That is to say the acceleration or gravity on any object is 9.8meters/second squared (basic highschool physics). The only way a difference would be caused is by the velocity of the bullet vs. the distance.

Imagine this: You have a M95 and you fire it horizontally at a target 500 meters away the time it takes the bullet to reach its target gives you the time it gets to accelerate downwards due to gravity. So a faster bullet will drop less while covering the same distance.

So the real question at what velocity do each of the guns shoot at? Could we pull the value out of the editor?

The reason the M95 seems to have more IMO is that it is just plain inaccurate.

Last edited by the_outsider38 (2006-03-11 19:50:27)


I want to extend on what outsider said.

Thanks to Galileo, we know that objects of different weight fall at the same time. Excluding air resistence.

So, a bullet dropped out of someones hand is going to fall at the same speed as a bullet shot out of a gun, as well as the same speed as a different bullet out of a different gun.

What we ought to pay attention to is (zomg) BULLET VELOCITY!

And, taking a quick venture into the configuration files of BF2, we find these very important numbers.

This is the velocity of the bullets from the bolt action snipers:

M24: 1000
M95 Barret: 1000
L96A1: 1000

What? That doesn't make any sense. They all have the same velocity and should therefor have the same bullet drop!

It looks like Dice can bend physics in its games...

I really wish we knew what units these numbers were in. If we did, with some simple math we could easily calculate Bulletdrop vs. distance to perfection.

As to my guess: I think it's meters per second. I've made 500m shots, not a 1 hit headshot (I'm not going to lie ) yet but I've hit targets 500m away and they hit (and im approximating) in 1/2 a second.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-03-11 20:51:18)

+0|6890|Givataim, Israel
PKM has the lowest.
well, looks like most of the poster have the idea that the M95 has less bullet drop than the L96 (which is true but the poll said that the M95 has more drop

bullet drop doesnt matter when ur only target is that noob who got to the jet before u
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6821|Vancouver BC Canada
Well said Defiance

the_outsider38 wrote:

Well said Defiance
Thank you, although you gave me the idea...

I did some mild work and found out that at 1km a bullet traveling at 1thousand feet per second (standard measurment in the US) would fall 315 meters to hit a target, which isn't clicking right with me.

If it were 1000 meters per second, the bullet would fall 96 meters.

That is "clicking" but something doesn't seem right...anyone else care to take a look at this?

This of course isnt fact in BF2, as in BF2 it would only 10-20 pixels on the scope, 10m most, but I'm talking about real life.

noobmurderer wrote:

bullet drop doesnt matter when ur only target is that noob who got to the jet before u
So that's why you have so many TK's? You TK for vehicles? Tisk tisk.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-03-12 01:19:08)

Mod Incarnate

noobmurderer wrote:

bullet drop doesnt matter when ur only target is that noob who got to the jet before u
Considering you've killed more teammates than enemies, I think you qualify as that noob.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6821|Vancouver BC Canada
Ok i looked it up, muzzel velocity on the M95 is aprox 850m/s. Now if i ccan remember the equations...

Distance to target (Dx) = 1000m
Bullet Drop (Dy) = ?
Starting X velocity (Vox)= 850m/s (this will not change if we ignore air friction, it would be pretty small anyhow as a bullet is fairly aerodynamic)
Starting Y velocity (Voy)= 0m/s
Acceleration in X direction (Ax) = 0m/s squared
Acceleration in y direction (Ay) = -9.8m/s squared
Time (T) = ?

All we need the X direction for is to calculate the time it takes the bullet to travel the 1000m. We will use this equation.
Dx = Vox x T
1000 = 850 x T
T = 1.18seconds

So our bullet takes 1.18 seconds to travel the 1000 meters, that gives gravity 1.18 seconds to act on the bullet. so we use this equation

Dy = (Voy x T) + (1/2 x Ay x T squared)

so we get

Dy = (0 x 1.18) + (1/2 x -9.8 x 1.18 squared)
first term is zero (kinda handy)

Dy = 6meters

So our bullet dropped 6m on its way to our target 1000m which it hit 1.18 seconds later with a velocity of aprox 850m/s. I think this sounds better then the 96m.

These equations will give even better results at a closer range as the real air friction approaches zero with a shorter distance. Adding friction to the equations is a major pain in the ass as we would have to find the friction constant ยต.

Hope you could follow to lazt to go find how to do sub/super script

(Vo is pronounced "V not" as is Xo)

P.S. Damned greek letters!!!
Citizen One
한국 공주
+338|6775|South Korea.

maton wrote:

well, actually the L96 has more bullet drop than the M95
Oh of course it does. -_-

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