1.21 Fix list


- Fixed the Hmmwv with TOW crash on Battlefield 2: Special Forces maps
- Fixed the Battle Recorder crash
- Fixed the screen capture
- Fixed the issue with Pixel Shader 1.4 video cards
- Fixed the issue that caused heat seeking missiles to stick to oil towers
- Fixed the issue that caused heat seaking missiles to ziz-zag
- Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
- Fixed the Server Browser filter to enable search by map name
- Fixed the error in Client - Server communication causing sound, animation and other
sync issues.

So what it says on the tin - what is now fixed or improved and what remains a problem
I'll start with the 1.2 bug list

New Bugs:

1 Fixed = Weapons firing soundlessly
2 Fixed = Shock Paddle Recharge Bug
3 WIP = GL Bounce
4 Fixed by client server fix = AT/TOW/AC missiles disapperaing
5 Fixed = Packet Loss/Lag Bug.
This includes: Sniper rifle zooming in, few moments later the person unzooms automaticly due to lag, because the server wasn't aware the person zoomed in, in the first place. AT Rocket firing and going through an armored vehicle, then a few moments later the rocket is not fired, because the server was never aware the person shot. This also includes a hand grenade problem, someone trys to throw a hand grenade, but through lag it doesn't happen, the user trys again to throw, then two grenades are thrown. - Fixed by client server fix
6 Unknown = Spawning results in player being trapped in ground etc.
7 ATI problem fixed = ATI object render problem
8 Unknown = In BFHQ my rank is "rankname", my next rank is "private" and my progress to next rank is 100% despite being in fact 60%.
9 Unknown = Hit indicator often doesn’t display for sniper rifles and some other weapons.
10 Fixed and Improved AA - SAM has a tighter turn than AAM and the angle of lock acquisition has been reduced= AA Bug, Video: http://media.putfile.com/zataraa
11 Fixed = Massive amounts of graphics lag for very high performance pc users.
12 Fixed = Map filter no longer works on server browser.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/map-name-filter-bug
13 Fixed = Firing a TOW mounted on a HMMWV in Special Forces results in the whole server crashing.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Tow-crash
14 Not fixed = Distance marker appears on radar / ground sometimes. (UAV radius in meters?).
15 unknown = Mystery death - You die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator, or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more". Video Note: In this movie the person doesn't die, however there is no shot to be heard, and no person to be seen.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/no-bullet-sound
16 Unknown = Name bug where a player's name only shows up after they have been killed.
17 Server client communication fixed = F2000 sometimes depletes the entire clip in a single shot, which if they kill an enemy you don't get the points from the kill.'
18 Fixed = Blackhawk flares glitch
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Battlefield-2-12-Blackhawk-bug
19. Fixed = Medic defilibrator glitch, it recharges while not in use - even if it is not being used for a fraction of a second.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Medic-bug-12
20 unknown = Join Game bug, when a round is over, and a new round commences, clicking the 'Join Game' does not get rid of the round score screen. Video Note:
Video: http://media.putfile.com/join-game-bug
21 Very Rare bug - Unknown = Squad bug, more than 6 people are in a squad. Pic Note: Look on the left, squad entitled 'QC'.
Picture: http://x7.putfile.com/2/4522330281.png
22 Fixed = Texture problems, lots of texture errors have been created in 1.2, more specifically on sandbag textures.
Picture: http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915233341.jpg, http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915241656.jpg, http://x4.putfile.com/2/4915233341.jpg
23 Fixed by Battlerecorder fix = Invisible gunner, a bug, discoverd by trying to capture footage of other known bugs, that's just how packed 1.2 is with bugs. It seems the kit items of the gunner were slightly visible, but the body is nowhere to be seen.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Invisible-Gunner
24 Fixed = Taking a screenshot through Battlefield is no longer possible.
25 Fixed = Reload animations loop continuously, most known for the sniper weapons and the DAO-12.
26 unknown - seems to be still an issue linked to the red friendly tag bug  = Explosives warning skulls for Claymores, AT Mines, and C4, are sometimes not displayed if they are friendly, or sometimes they are displayed if they are the enemy's. Since the 1.2 patch made explosives not to be triggered by friendlys, if there is an enemy mine or claymore with the bug, they could die.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/warning-bug

Add or remove as appropriate for DICE's perusal
Death StatPadder
+228|7053|Human Meat Shield
They fixed alot of shit.
new post for convenience

More 1.2 Complaints

Minor Errors - Require confirmation of status:

1 Ribbons can no longer be highlighted/viewed through clicking in the ribbons section in BFHQ, Special Forces awards can only be viewed while the Special Forces mod is activated.
2 Under community menu Special Forces version number is '1.12', however BF2 is labelled 1.2.
3 Incorrect version number in BFHQ.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/version-number-bug
4 The grey text which informs you of whom you killed does not display if you are commander.
Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1.../commander.jpg
5 On the weapons unlock selection screen the MP7 is displayed as a medic unlock. Pic Note: Notice the medic icon in the upper left corner for the MP7 unlock.
Picture: http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/6789/mp7unlock2ha.jpg

Bugs Not Fixed by 1.2:

1 Unknown = Red/Blue name tag bug still exists
Video: http://media.putfile.com/redname-bug
2 Fixed = Half the time it is impossible to run in special forces.
3 Not Fixed = Veteran tactical support badge and special forces medals still cant be achieved.
4 Unknown = Map bug on zatar and dalian plant still exists despite EA claims it was fixed.
5 Unable to make squads / become commander sometimes.
6 Fixed by server client improved communication = Sometimes you join a server and your a private with no unlocks.
7 Unknown but mostly fixed = It is still possible to enter buildings not designed for entering in order to shoot people without being seen.
8 Fixed = Multiple pack toss - when playing support kit, I'll toss TWO ammo bags with ONE click.
9 Fixed = Sometimes vehicles go invisible when looking directly at them.
10 Not fixed = When healing or resupplying the 'zipping' sound from a heal or a metal 'ching' from a resupply continuously loops until one is resupplyed or healed again.
Not Fixed according to some reports
11 not Fixed = When you are in a vehicle repairing something, the repair bar comes up, but it's always 100%, you can't see how much you have repaired at all.
12 Not fixed = In some instances, if someone shoots their gun, the shooting sound continues until the person is dead, or shoots again. This happens most frequently to the AKS 74U, however it has been witnessed on other weapons.
13 Unknown = Shooting a sniper rile, the cocking animation is not played majority of the time, the odd time the whole reload animation doesn't work.
14 Unknown = 'E Bug' Sometimes typing a text message in game with the letter 'e' often results in the person who is in the vehicle to exit, this is most frustrating while in a plane or helicopter.
15 Not fixed = Jumping, or running beside a vehicle squeezed up agaisnt a wall or another vehicle of somesort, will kill you instantly, and counts as a suicide ("[Your Name] is no more.").
16unknown =  Commander Assets bug, some commander assets are on the wrong team when certain assets are destroyed during the time period that the base with those assets are being converted to an enemy team. This is known to Kubra Dam MEC UAV trailor, and Wake Island PLA artillery Pic Note: The UAV trailor belongs to the USMC team, but it is at a MEC base.
Picture: http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/files/UAVbug.jpg
17 Not Fiixed = On the kill notification board it will say "[Weapon name] [Yourname]" and it will not display the name of the person who killed you.
Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...8-38-30-04.jpg
18 Unknown = Squad bugs, sometimes you can be stuck in a squad with no way out, even the squad leader cannot kick you. Sometimes you get information from fellow squads (ie: "John Doe has joined/left your squad") even if you do not belong in that squad. Sometimes you cannot create a squad (you get the message "Squad Cap Reached") however there are only two or three squads on your team.
19 Fixed = APC Missile Bug, the APC's firing animation replays rapidly the odd time when firing.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/Cheat-Auto-shotgun-APC
Full List of Bug Issues for 1.3 - Note non gameplay related

Unknown indicates awaiting confirmation of staus post 1.21
Not Fixed indicates awating fix

WIP = GL Bounce

Unknown = Spawning results in player being trapped in ground etc

Unknown = In BFHQ my rank is "rankname", my next rank is "private" and my progress to next rank is 100% despite being in fact 60%.

Unknown = Hit indicator often doesn’t display for sniper rifles and some other weapons.

Not fixed = Distance marker appears on radar / ground sometimes. (UAV radius in meters?).

unknown = Mystery death - You die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator, or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more". Video Note: In this movie the person doesn't die, however there is no shot to be heard, and no person to be seen.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/no-bullet-sound

Unknown = Name bug where a player's name only shows up after they have been killed.

unknown = Join Game bug, when a round is over, and a new round commences, clicking the 'Join Game' does not get rid of the round score screen. Video Note:
Video: http://media.putfile.com/join-game-bug

Very Rare bug - Unknown = Squad bug, more than 6 people are in a squad. Pic Note: Look on the left, squad entitled 'QC'.
Picture: http://x7.putfile.com/2/4522330281.png

unknown - seems to be still an issue linked to the red friendly tag bug  = Explosives warning skulls for Claymores, AT Mines, and C4, are sometimes not displayed if they are friendly, or sometimes they are displayed if they are the enemy's. Since the 1.2 patch made explosives not to be triggered by friendlys, if there is an enemy mine or claymore with the bug, they could die.
Video: http://media.putfile.com/warning-bug

Unknown = Red/Blue name tag bug still exists
Video: http://media.putfile.com/redname-bug

Not Fixed = Veteran tactical support badge and special forces medals still cant be achieved.

Unknown = Map bug on zatar and dalian plant still exists despite EA claims it was fixed.

Unknown = Unable to make squads / become commander sometimes.

Not fixed = When healing or resupplying the 'zipping' sound from a heal or a metal 'ching' from a resupply continuously loops until one is resupplyed or healed again.
Not Fixed according to some reports

not Fixed = When you are in a vehicle repairing something, the repair bar comes up, but it's always 100%, you can't see how much you have repaired at all.

Unknown but mostly fixed = It is still possible to enter buildings not designed for entering in order to shoot people without being seen.
Not fixed = In some instances, if someone shoots their gun, the shooting sound continues until the person is dead, or shoots again. This happens most frequently to the AKS 74U, however it has been witnessed on other weapons.

Unknown = Shooting a sniper rile, the cocking animation is not played majority of the time, the odd time the whole reload animation doesn't work.

Unknown = 'E Bug' Sometimes typing a text message in game with the letter 'e' often results in the person who is in the vehicle to exit, this is most frustrating while in a plane or helicopter.

Not fixed = Jumping, or running beside a vehicle squeezed up agaisnt a wall or another vehicle of somesort, will kill you instantly, and counts as a suicide ("[Your Name] is no more.").

unknown =  Commander Assets bug, some commander assets are on the wrong team when certain assets are destroyed during the time period that the base with those assets are being converted to an enemy team. This is known to Kubra Dam MEC UAV trailor, and Wake Island PLA artillery Pic Note: The UAV trailor belongs to the USMC team, but it is at a MEC base.
Picture: http://www.secretsofbattlefield.com/files/UAVbug.jpg

Not Fiixed = On the kill notification board it will say "[Weapon name] [Yourname]" and it will not display the name of the person who killed you.
Picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...8-38-30-04.jpg

Unknown = Squad bugs, sometimes you can be stuck in a squad with no way out, even the squad leader cannot kick you. Sometimes you get information from fellow squads (ie: "John Doe has joined/left your squad") even if you do not belong in that squad. Sometimes you cannot create a squad (you get the message "Squad Cap Reached") however there are only two or three squads on your team.

Last edited by $kelet0r (2006-03-10 04:44:12)

How many claymore's can you drop did they limit that to 2 or did they forget?
is drunk and crazy
What about the sound bug of when you pick up a medic kit and heal yourself (or throw a bag on the floor) then change kit and the sound of you healing still carries on playing till you die?

section9 wrote:

How many claymore's can you drop did they limit that to 2 or did they forget?
Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2

E7IX3R wrote:

What about the sound bug of when you pick up a medic kit and heal yourself (or throw a bag on the floor) then change kit and the sound of you healing still carries on playing till you die?
Not fixed = When healing or resupplying the 'zipping' sound from a heal or a metal 'ching' from a resupply continuously loops until one is resupplyed or healed again.
Not Fixed according to some reports
Aslan the Creator
Welcome to duty

jordan108616 wrote:

Why Are Most Of The Severs Red
They haven't updated to 1.21 yet, neither has any of the EA official servers.
heres one you can add thats unconfirmed as being fixed.
after being revived into prone position,pressing prone to stand up again results in going back to prone & having to press it a 2nd time to stand back up.
and i have noticed ( maybe its just me ) that in 1.21 the flares dont do a hell of alot?

Last edited by Hyper (2006-03-10 07:36:20)


Psychotron wrote:

section9 wrote:

How many claymore's can you drop did they limit that to 2 or did they forget?
Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
Does this mean you cant sit next to a supply box and get more??
They fix the no sound bug, thats all I wanted
The New Johnnie Cochran

49merc wrote:

Psychotron wrote:

section9 wrote:

How many claymore's can you drop did they limit that to 2 or did they forget?
Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
Does this mean you cant sit next to a supply box and get more??
of course! However, the moment you drop one of them, the first claymore you dropped will disappear.
Community Modder
There is also a UAV bug. The UAV bar can be full in the commander screen, but when you go to use the quick way (T method) it says, "UAV already airborne, request denied." Gets very annoying when you need it in a combat situation.
+1|6960|Kihei, Maui (hawaii yo!)
that did that before 1.2

I never cared though, since I do all my commander stuff from the commander screen.

Elamdri wrote:

49merc wrote:

Psychotron wrote:

Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
Does this mean you cant sit next to a supply box and get more??
of course! However, the moment you drop one of them, the first claymore you dropped will disappear.
Is it the same with mines?
The Cereal Killer
+201|6942| United States of America
@ every one moaning: do u want some cheese with that whine?
It's actually possible to drop a third claymore even after you allready have dropped 2 of them.
But of course, when you drop a new one it replaces the one you dropped first.

Use the number buttons to take advantage of this glitch. Haven't got time to tell more... The rest you'll have to figure out for yourself.
Found a major bug in 1.21:

Autobalancing seems not to work. At least not on EA DE, EA UK, and EA Europe Servers. The autobalance in the server settings is switcht on, but everybody starts als USMC... and stays there if he is not switching by purpose.

...and games with 20 vs 12 or 24 vs 8 are no fun at all.

xstax981 wrote:

There is also a UAV bug. The UAV bar can be full in the commander screen, but when you go to use the quick way (T method) it says, "UAV already airborne, request denied." Gets very annoying when you need it in a combat situation.
You have to point it at the ground in order to use it. If you try deploying UAV while looking at the sky you'll get "UAV already airborne, request denied".
the more than 6 ppl in a squad i think is a manifestation of the color bug. back in the days when i played the demo and not as much since i played bf2, i would see squads with more than 6 ppl in them b/c the extra person was in the equivalent squad on the enemy team but he would also have the color bug.

another thing that i noticed is that the color bug has only happend to ppl on the "secondary" team (ie mec/pla).

i have noticed that i think on 2 occasions unless i was halucinating or being tked, that now instead of a color bug there was a full out unifomr bug. not only was the player on the other team but he had the wrong uniform. i really hope it wasnt a bug/hack and that i was just confused on which team i was on.

the getting squished bug is not a bug its just how they programmed it. that when a person is "hit" by a vehicle and another vehicle or static obj that the collision "force" is enormous and ends up in an instant death. they did this b/c they want it to be easy to runover ppl in general. i have often run b/w two tanks repairing each other and accidentally induced a tk b/c the gap was too small.

Last edited by benben10 (2006-03-13 04:20:20)

I also noticed that when you join a server and your initial team's commander assets are destroyed, a voice will say that those have been destroyed just like if they were destroyed right now. Another thing is when you join a server and your initial team's artillery is on, the arti will sound as if 20 of those were fired.

BTW, I've all requirements for first sergeant but i'm still master sergeant

Here's what they said:

Hail, Soldier!

Thank you for taking the time to contact us about ranking problems with First Sergeant in Battlefield 2.  We want to let our players know that DICE is aware of the issue and may be addressing this in a future patch. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to award this rank but we are hoping that a retroactive fix in the future may correct this error in the ranking system. I'm afraid we have no ETA on this currently and apologize for the trouble.

If you need further assistance, please let us know.  Good luck to you and take care!


EARep Malachite
Player Relations
Electronic Arts   

Last edited by sermsys (2006-03-16 17:02:34)

Can someone confirm for me that friendlies do NOT trigger your AT Mines after 1.2 and 1.21 ?

It seemed like I got hit for a TK -punished (of course) - after setting some AT mines and then a friendly vehicle drove over them.
That's what seemed to happen... the TK could have been for something else but I was on foot and not shooting at the time. I thought friendlies couldn't trigger your mines after 1.2.
Or has it changed back since 1.21

$kelet0r wrote:

21 Very Rare bug - Unknown = Squad bug, more than 6 people are in a squad. Pic Note: Look on the left, squad entitled 'QC'.
Picture: http://x7.putfile.com/2/4522330281.png
This bug works a little bit differently than just 7 people in a squad. The '7th' person in that squad is the only person who thinks that he/she is in that squad however he/she cannot leave the squad or join another one. The player can spawn on the squad leader and voice com with the squad but the rest of the squad does not see him in the squad.

I know this because it happened to my friend several times while he was at my house and we were playing. It also happened to me once. It may happen when the server you are playing on is using the auto switch after the round feature. At least before the patch, when it was happening, the server I primarily play on was switching every round and now, since the patch, it's not and no more bug. Either it's the auto switch or it's fixed in the patch.

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