InviSniper wrote:
It's a ground game, the way Battlefield was meant to be played. I feel EA has strayed from the original purpose from the first Battlefield, Battlefield 1942. I've been playing BF1942 since it came out, and I still do. Why? Because vehicles do not play such a large role. That's why I like Warlord.
No. Battlefield is ALL about the vehicles. There are a ton of first person shooters but none do vehicles as well as the Battlefield series.
The reason I like Warlord is because all of the classes are useful. Its the only map I can say that I actually use all of the classes in. Also there are a lot of tricks you can learn on this map to help cap flags. I'll share some but not all...
The Mosque: One of the most overlooked CPs on the map. The actual CP is captureable from the roof. You can use a grappling hook to climb up there or if you have a zip line you can zipline to the roof from a nearby tower. It looks like a bell tower but there's no bell in it.
The Palace Security Outpost: The taller building's roof at this CP can also be used to capture the flag. Unlike the Mosque though roof is ideal for defending the CP as well as capping it. The only way you can really get up there though is by grappling hook I think. Oh yeah and its good times when someone is laying down next to the propane tank and you shoot it with the M95.
The Palace 3rd Floor: From the ground on the west side of the palace throw a grappling hook to the roof. Then you can drop down to the northern most part of the balcony of the 3rd floor. Kill anyone on the balcony. Then throw in a flashbang and clear the room. Hopefully you brought backup with you so you can cap the flag before all the insurgents respawn. Oh yeah and hopefully you don't have dumbass teammates on the inside of the building lobbing frags into the flag room.
That is the one thing about Warlord that pisses me off. People that won't stop throwing frags long enough for you to go in and cap the flag. Its funny how Dice said they fixed frag spammers in BF2 by not having any static ammo crates. IMO its worse now.