+301|6836|Denver, CO
Okay. I miss being able to jump while shooting, mostly in Sharqi, because of all those concrete barriers you had to hop over.

But when 1.2 came out, I really didn't have any anxiety toward 'what the game will be like now!'

I got into an AA turret and took down a chopper. I thought WAHOO!
Then I got into a jet and got shot down.

My first thought was not "OH MY GOD! That is so fucking cheap! Dammit! Lame!"
I thought "Hmm, I guess I had better jink better."

In most servers I will see someone dominating in a jet, taunting people and generally thinking they are on top of the world. And then the get shot down and start spamming "FUCKING 1.2!! GOD!" To which I reply by hitting J and typing "I really don't mind it."

This leads into the thought on my main rant.

Working at a gaming center I see two different types of people. Those who love games and play a wide variety of them, and gaming fanboys. The fanboys are kids that come in and just want to play Halo because they havent heard of anything else, or are too scared to try something new.

The Jacks of All Games are guys that come in and play a game, and then get a 'hankerin' for something else, maybe Half-Life or Burnout or Command and Conquer Generals. And THOSE are the guys you have to watch out for in game. They will MESS YOU UP!

Why is that? I wonder.

The key is flexibility. Adaptability. Those who are proficient in all areas of gaming and Battlefield combat are not just the ones you'll find with the highest scores. They are also the ones who AREN'T COMPLAINING!

I despise monotony. Counter-Strike and Halo fanboys are the worst part about my job, people who are so good at something that they use it as a status symbol, and they are so annoying and obnoxious that they aren't even fun to play with.

That is how my animosity toward Karkand, sorry... COUNTER-STRIKE AT KARKAND....has grown. Noob-tubers and bunny hoppers throwing little fits about not being able to win by exploiting cheap tactics. 14-year old boys who search for JUST Karkand when they come into my store. Drives me fucking batty.

This isn't to say that Karkand is a bad map, but it now a hive of scum and villainy of the Fanboy Variety.

I really don't mind the patches. It's new gameplay....keeping me on my toes....making me adapt. I am not afraid of changes in the game, because I am confident that I will be able to change with it. And those who complain are the ones that are frustrated because they find it most difficult to evolve.

My screenname is Boomerjinks, and I'm an air vehicle whore who approves of patch 1.2

Boomerjinks wrote:

My screenname is Boomerjinks, and I'm an air vehicle whore who approves of patch 1.2
Amen.  Except for the screenname part
+301|6836|Denver, CO
It just bugs me....I'll bet you that 85% of the people that love Karkand are under the age of 17. And they just hyper-focus on crap....

A stranger in the dark

Karkland is a good map
but I always play the city maps and wake island

Last edited by kingkong777 (2006-02-24 11:13:11)

It"s Karkand Not Karkland, No L
The Microwave Man
"exploiting cheap tactics" . This I find funny . Becuase people who don't have the "skill" to kill a guy hopping around like a lil bunny get killed and blame it on the "noob" for using said "cheap tactics" . Bunny hopping has been in EVERY FPS they have ever played before this game , so why all the bitching and griping . Talking about being able to adapt ? WTF over - you've been playing FPS's for how many years now and you STILL can't kill the bunny hoppers ? Sad , so sad indeed . I hate when people say it's cheap when people toss the c4 and blow it up . WTF is that noise all about . What would you say if I tried to shoot you with an anti tank weapon ? That I'm a noob ? That I should ONLY use it on tanks not infantry ? LOL . So redicluos . What is really sad is that a quick fix could have been made about c4 - just take the tossing out . Make it so you can't throw it , problem solved . All that bitching and griping simply made the guys at dice cater to a bunch of whiners . Now we have to put up with much more annoying things such as sound bugs . Nothing is more annoying then getting shot and not hearing where it is comming from . This bug right here pretty much ruined the game . Nice work guys , nice work .
Tactical Specialist

Boomerjinks wrote:

Okay. I miss being able to jump while shooting, mostly in Sharqi, because of all those concrete barriers you had to hop over.

But when 1.2 came out, I really didn't have any anxiety toward 'what the game will be like now!'

I got into an AA turret and took down a chopper. I thought WAHOO!
Then I got into a jet and got shot down.

My first thought was not "OH MY GOD! That is so fucking cheap! Dammit! Lame!"
I thought "Hmm, I guess I had better jink better."

In most servers I will see someone dominating in a jet, taunting people and generally thinking they are on top of the world. And then the get shot down and start spamming "FUCKING 1.2!! GOD!" To which I reply by hitting J and typing "I really don't mind it."

This leads into the thought on my main rant.

Working at a gaming center I see two different types of people. Those who love games and play a wide variety of them, and gaming fanboys. The fanboys are kids that come in and just want to play Halo because they havent heard of anything else, or are too scared to try something new.

The Jacks of All Games are guys that come in and play a game, and then get a 'hankerin' for something else, maybe Half-Life or Burnout or Command and Conquer Generals. And THOSE are the guys you have to watch out for in game. They will MESS YOU UP!

Why is that? I wonder.

The key is flexibility. Adaptability. Those who are proficient in all areas of gaming and Battlefield combat are not just the ones you'll find with the highest scores. They are also the ones who AREN'T COMPLAINING!

I despise monotony. Counter-Strike and Halo fanboys are the worst part about my job, people who are so good at something that they use it as a status symbol, and they are so annoying and obnoxious that they aren't even fun to play with.

That is how my animosity toward Karkand, sorry... COUNTER-STRIKE AT KARKAND....has grown. Noob-tubers and bunny hoppers throwing little fits about not being able to win by exploiting cheap tactics. 14-year old boys who search for JUST Karkand when they come into my store. Drives me fucking batty.

This isn't to say that Karkand is a bad map, but it now a hive of scum and villainy of the Fanboy Variety.

I really don't mind the patches. It's new gameplay....keeping me on my toes....making me adapt. I am not afraid of changes in the game, because I am confident that I will be able to change with it. And those who complain are the ones that are frustrated because they find it most difficult to evolve.

My screenname is Boomerjinks, and I'm an air vehicle whore who approves of patch 1.2
They did (ea/dice) cave into making this patch for all the whiners out there.  1.2 Great planes are now going to have to think about what they need to do to avoid the aa.  Thats fine i have know problem with that.  A pilot should be smarter than the kiddies on land.  But the dogfighting?  Cmon, before it actually took skill to bring down another aircraft air to air.  Now it is whomever see's another plane first, usually wins the dogfight.  Blah.

At first I liked the patch, noobs would take a plane up and get shot down withing 30 sec's, then never come back for it again, they would go on the ground and get flags!  Nice be productive, instead of hanging out in front of jets, tking for planes, parking vehicles in front of jets, being smacktards!!

But with all the bugs that this patch has created, I wonder if EA/Dice actually plays this shit?  On top of all that red/bug, sound issues, my hi end system will crash to desktop while playing this game.  I get 80-100 fps from my ati x850 xt pe video card.  But what good does it do me when 30 minutes later im looking at desktop?

After looking into my problems, it turns out that if you have a 80$  creative labs, audigy 2z5 sound card, you will probally get this crashing also.  Not only did ea/dice hose up the software, creative technologies, haven't come out with a fix for this crash, its been two years!!

Im ranting because when my system does run well, i have to deal with the morons in the game who love to tk and do negative things to not help the team?  Are you people retarded?  How is it you get off on tking ramming, and destroying friedly equipment?  I wish that ea/dice can make a stable game in the next patch, and i wish that the smacktards who hurt the experience would just go away.

This does prove that it is an unperfect world, and there will always be issues, if not techicall, its humanity!!

jonnykill wrote:

All that bitching and griping simply made the guys at dice cater to a bunch of whiners . Now we have to put up with much more annoying things such as sound bugs . Nothing is more annoying then getting shot and not hearing where it is comming from . This bug right here pretty much ruined the game . Nice work guys , nice work .
Easy there champ, something tells me that this bug could have happened in any patch for the game, whether or not there was whiners about hoppers and divers. And oh my God, you have to wait a week or two till they fix it, it is just a game, not the end of the world. Yes it does suck, but suck it up or play something else in the meantime. So here you are whining about the whiners!?! Oh, sweet irony.
I personally never complained about the hopping, but it is very unrealistic to have in a war game. That kind of shit should be left up to the Quake's and Unreal's of the industry. Have you ever really tried to jump and fire even a handgun accurately, or even a paintball gun or something? Doesn't work to well.
+271|6796|United States of America
That was very well thought out rant. I loved it, and I agree, patch 1.2 is like other patchs, adapt to survive.
its a great post - mainly because its all true
i rarely bother complaining about a game i play - mainly because i wouldnt be playing it if i didnt enjoy it so much
for me a typical Sunday's gaming is a decent Halflife2 mod followed by some Counterstrike, then maybe some UT2003 or Deus Ex and then a good dose of Battlefield 2 - i play for the love of the game
+301|6836|Denver, CO

jonnykill wrote:

"exploiting cheap tactics" . This I find funny . Becuase people who don't have the "skill" to kill a guy hopping around like a lil bunny get killed and blame it on the "noob" for using said "cheap tactics" . Bunny hopping has been in EVERY FPS they have ever played before this game , so why all the bitching and griping . Talking about being able to adapt ? WTF over - you've been playing FPS's for how many years now and you STILL can't kill the bunny hoppers ? Sad , so sad indeed .
I never said I couldn't kill bunnyhoppers. As with BHers and NTers, I adapted and got good at doing that so I could beat them at their own game.

But, if I want to be jumping around shooting people, I'll go play UT and turn on quad jump.

It IS a cheap tactic, just like jihading a jeep into a tank and killing yourself.

To me, the goal of the game is to KILL THE ENEMY and STAY ALIVE. That usually means that I won't use a method that pretty much ensures my death as a PRIMARY TACTIC.

I just dislike having to shoot at a soldier who seems to be defying the laws of nature in an other-wise realistic game.

Person preference.

I think you're dumb.
just nothing

Boomerjinks wrote:

+301|6836|Denver, CO

Trigger...I like you more and more.

Except when we play.

I fucking hate you when we play.
just nothing

Boomerjinks wrote:


Trigger...I like you more and more.

Except when we play.

I fucking hate you when we play.
ROFL!  "Counter-Strike at Karkand" ... why didn't I think of that!?

I don't understand how some people can spend as much time there as they do.  It's so fucking monotonous.  I mean... playing 1000+ hours on Karkand just FARMING points to rank up?  Fuck that, I'd rather be working for MONEY... not status in some game.
+301|6836|Denver, CO

Boomerjinks wrote:


To me, the goal of the game is to KILL THE ENEMY and STAY ALIVE. That usually means that I won't use a method that pretty much ensures my death as a PRIMARY TACTIC.

I just dislike having to shoot at a soldier who seems to be defying the laws of nature in an other-wise realistic game.
Augh, I forgot my second thought.

Just because I like the realism of a game doesn't mean I don't enjoy it's other nuances.

I LOVE running someone down with a knife.

I enjoy rolling vehicles off of cliffs to get to spawn points.

I love flying INSIDE buildings.

And I absolutely LOVE stabbing legs that stick out of walls.

I don't think the game should necessarily be 100% realistic. Then it would be America's Army and it would suck ass.

I just dislike EXPLOITS OF GAMEPLAY! I don't think we should disable the exploits, but I am not afraid to disconnect from a server full of bloody wankers.
+7|6798|Boulder, CO
Personally I was disappointed with 1.2. The super insane rockets really got old fast. It's one thing to be able to get a lock and fire and score a hit. It's another thing to get half a lock, fire at the flares the pilot ejected and have the missile travel up the flares and hit the jet. What's the point in flares? 1.22 has put the game back to a standard I believe is acceptable. Not being able to jump and shoot was crippling when you're like I am and you like to run into battle or if you use a barrier to hide behind that you used to be able fire an AT rocket over when you jump.

P.S. Boomerjinks - Ever go to any local lans? I'm in Boulder. I don't go to em very often but it's cool to game with locals.
Got His War On
+37|6814|Golden, CO

Boomerjinks wrote:

uh, de_dust?  As someone who avoids aircraft (yes, even pre-1.2), I absolutely love the new patches.  It gives ground pounders a better chance to at least scare the jets away and take out those damn attack choppers.  I don't plan on getting in the jets ever again because I honestly don't find it that fun.  I'd rather run around as an Engineer owning people with a M11-87 than fly.

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