This needs to be fixed!! These have way to much radious damage affect.  And they Hurt tanks WAY TO MUCH!!! It takes no skill at all to use them!!  I let a 8 yr old play bf2 with the gp and he wuz killing people.... wow... that must be skill....    >:-/

A frag takes 1-2 bars of health from a tank. 
A GP take 3-4 bars from a tank.

1. Frag grenades are more powerful then GP's!!  1/2 of the GP is used to propel it!!

2. GP's are WAY WAY WAY to accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know for a fact that grenade launchers are not that accurate... as well as they do not fly as far as they can in this game!!!!!!!!!!  --I have been hit from 1/2 across the map with a gp... its pretty lame.---


So accuracy, damage of the grenade, and range of the weapon all need to be fixed!!!!

Did i mention they take no skill to use???????
just nothing
Wrong section.
its not a complaint... it is a request to fix something.
just nothing
Then why did you post this in the BF2S.com Feature Request forum?
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
Why must people keep complaining about this?  Sometimes I think this is all we (society) know how to do, complain.  I don't remember buying the game because it's supposed to mimic real life exactly.  It's a game, learn to deal, play a different kit or something.  Life is too short to get upset over a game!  We need to play for the fun and teamwork of the game.  Oh yeah, did I mention it's a game?  HAVE FUN!!

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Then why did you post this in the BF2S.com Feature Request forum?
I figured it was closer to a request then it was to a complaint....  But yes, it can be a complaint too... I already saw the thread about the "n00b tube" posted in complaints, which is why i placed it in
"Request" section.  I did not want to have to go into detail with these people who defend the n00b tube.  But it appears we already have some disbeleivers. (figures, that what happens when it is in a complaint section)


CMDR_Dave wrote:

Why must people keep complaining about this?  Sometimes I think this is all we (society) know how to do, complain.  I don't remember buying the game because it's supposed to mimic real life exactly.  It's a game, learn to deal, play a different kit or something.  Life is too short to get upset over a game!  We need to play for the fun and teamwork of the game.  Oh yeah, did I mention it's a game?  HAVE FUN!!
do you know what complaining does?????? think about it for more then 3 seconds like you are doing.... if it were not for complaing... NOTHING would get done, every sugestion is a form of a complaint, just depends on how you interpret it (think about it).  Then EA would think their game is "Perfect", and let me tell you.... IT IS FAR from perfect!!

Yeah... I understand it is a game.  And yeah, I didnt buy it either to mimic "real life", if i wanted that i would be playing Rainbox Six 3. 

Any person can easily figure this out, even with out research of the weapon, just common sense... which obviously the programmer didnt really have.  After all they put antenna's next to the Jet runways.... (got to be the #1 most un realistic, unlikly, n00b thing i have ever seen!!)

You obviously dont play bf2 that much... bc if u think for 1 second that 90% of the bf2 players play for teamwork... you are out of your mind!!!!!!!!!!  Did you know that Assult has no teamwork feature???????  90% of the people i play with online dont have a "second thought" to use a GP on me to kill the enemy that is right next to me. ( in other words kill me, to kill the enemy, is that teamwork??? NO) 

And yes it is worth getting upset over, I paid 50$ for this game (u forget about that?)... and as much as i play it and still like it (not sure why).... I am still convinced that i was sold a BETA product.
Aussie Outlaw
DICE/EA always adds something ubar in first release.. anyone remember the M60 from first release BF:V? (shudder)

I dont think they have testers...
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
I think I'll start using the Grenade Launcher all the time now...just for kicks.  Welcome to the forums pish180, I see you registered today.  You'll get the hang of the "teamwork" if you play long enough.  Just keep at it!  HAVE FUN!!
lol... "CMDR_Dave", maybe you should look at my profie..... I AM A MEDIC... i porlly have more Res'es then you have kills.  So i dont need to be lexured about "teamwork".  I am a team player!!! and I am always inviting people into my squad!!!  ALWAYS!  Weather they want to join it or not, is not up to me!

yeah thx for the welcome, i thought sense i have played so much bf2, my input would be good. 

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-20 06:57:26)

Sleep Deprived

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

DICE/EA always adds something (f)ubar in first release.. anyone remember the M60 from first release BFV? (shudder)
Yes, I remember the insane, snipe at a distance (and from the hip), M60. 

But also remember after EA appropriately nerfed it closer to where it should be, everyone who had relied on it, essentially had to start from square one and learn a new kit. 

Meaning all of us who have learned appropriate skills may soon be able to enjoy fragging "noobs" with 100+ hours of game play.

(Assuming of course they actually do something with this.)

Last edited by Ronball9 (2005-09-20 07:01:59)

Horseman 77
i thouht thats why they made them?
Well if you look at most of the top players... NONE of them use the n00b tube!  There might be a few... but not many.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

pish180 wrote:

This needs to be fixed!! These have way to much radious damage affect.  And they Hurt tanks WAY TO MUCH!!! It takes no skill at all to use them!!  I let a 8 yr old play bf2 with the gp and he wuz killing people.... wow... that must be skill....    >:-/

A frag takes 1-2 bars of health from a tank. 
A GP take 3-4 bars from a tank.

1. Frag grenades are more powerful then GP's!!  1/2 of the GP is used to propel it!!

2. GP's are WAY WAY WAY to accurate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I know for a fact that grenade launchers are not that accurate... as well as they do not fly as far as they can in this game!!!!!!!!!!  --I have been hit from 1/2 across the map with a gp... its pretty lame.---


So accuracy, damage of the grenade, and range of the weapon all need to be fixed!!!!

Did i mention they take no skill to use???????
as much as I agree with you, pish, there is nothing anyone can do about it right now, I guess.
maybe EA is addressing this issue in the upcoming patch, but I wouldn't bet on that...

yeah. I dont expect anything to be done now... but it hope it is something that is addresses, because it needs to be!  Very unbalanced.

pish180 wrote:

This needs to be fixed!! These have way to much radious damage affect.  And they Hurt tanks WAY TO MUCH!!! It takes no skill at all to use them!!  I let a 8 yr old play bf2 with the gp and he wuz killing people.... wow... that must be skill....    >:-/

A frag takes 1-2 bars of health from a tank. 
A GP take 3-4 bars from a tank.

1. Frag grenades are more powerful then GP's!!  1/2 of the GP is used to propel it!!
hmm they might be but the impact that a nade makes is also very important. especially against a tank.
Btw you should think different about gp... make it a habbit of killing them. i first got very frustrated :P , but when i used it myself i realised when to attack them.

*charge them and bunny hop as much as you can. try making them use the nade and miss you. when they miss they are very easy. I usually get them very very frustrated :P because when trying this, if they kill they make TK's :)
+0|7107|Jupiter, FL
Why would the M203/GP be considered a "n00b tube"? If you get TK'd by an M203, then that's a TK/aiming problem, not a grenade launcher problem. In battle, it's either me or the enemy who dies; if I have a grenade launcher and other guy has a rifle, you'd better believe I'm using the grenade launcher. It has more to do with survival than with being a n00b...I hope they don't change the grenade launcher.
just nothing

pish180 wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Then why did you post this in the BF2S.com Feature Request forum?
I figured it was closer to a request then it was to a complaint....  But yes, it can be a complaint too... I already saw the thread about the "n00b tube" posted in complaints, which is why i placed it in
"Request" section.  I did not want to have to go into detail with these people who defend the n00b tube.  But it appears we already have some disbeleivers. (figures, that what happens when it is in a complaint section)
I don't think you understand. The BF2S.COM FEATURE REQUEST forum is for requesting a stat or something cool for the WEBSITE. Not to complain about the grenade launchers.
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
Trigger, I'm confused. Is this the BF2S request forum? Or the BF2 improvements forum? Cuz up top is where I see the BF2 request forum, and I thought this one was for improvements we'd like to see in the game itself.

My brain hurts.
Sleep Deprived

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

I don't think you understand. The BF2S.COM FEATURE REQUEST forum is for requesting a stat or something cool for the WEBSITE. Not to complain about the grenade launchers.
Can we get grenade launchers for this website?

LordNader wrote:

Why would the M203/GP be considered a "n00b tube"? If you get TK'd by an M203, then that's a TK/aiming problem, not a grenade launcher problem. In battle, it's either me or the enemy who dies; if I have a grenade launcher and other guy has a rifle, you'd better believe I'm using the grenade launcher. It has more to do with survival than with being a n00b...I hope they don't change the grenade launcher.
1st - It is extremely unbalanced!

2nd - It does not take skill to kill someone with it.  If you have to use a n00b tube to kill 1 person then yes you are a n00b, plain and simple.  That is like going to a boxing fight and wearing brass knuckles.  If you cant aim at them with a gun and kill them before you get killed well then you just are no good, but it is when you have to use the n00b tube vs 1 person that makes you a n00b!!  I completly agree with using grenades vs squads/groups/small vehicles... etc.  But when u r just running around poping off the n00b tube, trying to kill 1 person here,  1 person here... You ARE A N00b, and you need to get some skills and learn how to use a gun to kill someone!! 

3rd - Survival... that about the most n00b excuse i have ever heard!!

4th - I am not going to feel bad for you n00b tube users, if or when they do balance this weapon.  Then you will all REALLY GET OWNED... hehe

5th - Grenades can NOT hurt tanks in anyway shap or form (in real life)!!!!! I am not asking for them not to hurt tanks and be that realistic but i know that gp/203's do NOT do as much damage as a frag grenade would do!!!  A frag grenade is 3 times the size of a GP, and 1/2 of the gp is its propelent.

So you have a REAL visual of the size for comparison
http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m67.htm - frag grenade if you didnt know.

5th - Did i mention that it is not balanced ??

It is not to bad going against 2-4 n00b tube users on one 32 player map it is mainly when you get 20 tube n00bs on one team using them, but on any note it still needs to be re-balanced.  It makes me laugh, after they fire off all their nades.... they pull out their gun... and they SUC A$$!!!!   Geee... i wonder why.  Mabye bc they are n00bs.  Or when they go run and hide after they shot off all their nades, and scream for ammo. = n00bs :/

I don't think you understand. The BF2S.COM FEATURE REQUEST forum is for requesting a stat or something cool for the WEBSITE. Not to complain about the grenade launchers.
just looked quickly and noticed  improvments and bf2 and put the 2 together. 

i got it now... 2 parts bf2s.com part and battlefield 2 part.. thx  ;)

Last edited by pish180 (2005-09-20 13:37:12)

+0|7107|Jupiter, FL
Survival's a n00b excuse? Hmm, working by that logic, if the game's tickets are down 1 to 1, and I run into an enemy, and he's got an M249 and I have a GP30, I'm NOT going to grenade launch him, b/c, hey, I don't want to be a n00b, I want to have leet skillz! Your argument's based on the idea that people don't want to be labeled n00bs. As long as I'm the one standing and the enemy's the crumpled heap on the floor, it doesn't really matter if I'm a n00b or not. All's fair in love and war. Stop yer complaining. Or at least, go complain in the right forum. :-)
just nothing

Miakei wrote:

Trigger, I'm confused. Is this the BF2S request forum? Or the BF2 improvements forum? Cuz up top is where I see the BF2 request forum, and I thought this one was for improvements we'd like to see in the game itself.

My brain hurts.
I moved the thread... silly forum goer
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
Hmm...I never noticed how good shoe leather tastes.

Trigger, quick question...in game are you knows as OSM TriggerHappy? or TriggerHappy998?
I wanna know if I was playing against you.
just nothing

...look at my sig.
Get your body beat.

LordNader wrote:

Why would the M203/GP be considered a "n00b tube"? If you get TK'd by an M203, then that's a TK/aiming problem, not a grenade launcher problem. In battle, it's either me or the enemy who dies; if I have a grenade launcher and other guy has a rifle, you'd better believe I'm using the grenade launcher. It has more to do with survival than with being a n00b...I hope they don't change the grenade launcher.

http://ubar.bf2s.com/kits.php wrote:

Grenade launchers aren't really effective in close range combat, you have to have a direct hit to kill an enemy, or you will miss them, and its easy to do damage to yourself. Some people are actually very proficient with the grenade launchers in close ranges, and long ranges. Though using grenade launchers on people point blank is generally frowned upon. Unless you are using it in one of the situations described in lenght above, you should keep the assault rifle out. Nothing is more annoying then confronting someone to have him switch to a grenade launcher and blow you away without so much of a fight from him. If you run into someone that is firing bullets at you, answer with bullets, its very unsportsmanlike to then blow the other guy away with the grenade launcher.
read the last 5 lines.

Last edited by kontrolcrimson (2005-09-20 22:39:14)

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