So they can raise their shaved ape baby in peace.
read the top banner...
read the top banner...
Last edited by Nicholas Langdon (2006-02-21 12:10:26)
That is hilarious. Wonder which one plays the mother and which the father?
Also, how did they get my DNA?
Also, how did they get my DNA?
Well, the wedding photo shows that Saddam is the catcher.
Weekly World News has the best cover stories... PERIOD
at last.............. a news paper that reports on the truth and documents the facts , the TIMES had nothing on this whatsoever , well done WEEKLY WORLD NEWS for that scoop
Last edited by number901 (2006-02-21 13:16:57)
I have a paper like that except in mine. Hitler and Sadam are now gay lovers, and it showed a picture of Hitler wearing a tux and riding a horse, and holding on to Hitler behind him was Sadam in a tu-tu.