+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

MuseSeeker wrote:

Dont worry - I dont think the patch will change anything to do with weapon accuracy/hitpoints etc. Probably just server crashes, graphic problems etc.
it better fix that grphics problem!

aslpride wrote:

One bug found in SF Map Ghost Town. When helio attacks on soldiers, I did saw one player in air from the normal force of explosion from the missles, but what is not normal is when the player coming down to the ground. I saw the player went (thud) (thud) (thud) (thud) (thud) before hit to the ground. HUH?! There were no buidling or anything object causing the player to being hit on something. It was interested sighting.
lol. i gave up trying to understand that.

Last edited by F.Rabshaw (2006-02-20 16:56:59)

bad touch

F.Rabshaw wrote:

aslpride wrote:

One bug found in SF Map Ghost Town. When helio attacks on soldiers, I did saw one player in air from the normal force of explosion from the missles, but what is not normal is when the player coming down to the ground. I saw the player went (thud) (thud) (thud) (thud) (thud) before hit to the ground. HUH?! There were no buidling or anything object causing the player to being hit on something. It was interested sighting.
lol. i gave up trying to understand that.
ragdolls ftw
The new patch will be a 'placebo' patch. Nothing will change, only that EA will say that everything is working as it should. It will "fix all the problems", and with everyone thinking that the problems are fixed in this 'new patch', the belly-aching and whining will stop ! Theres something fishy about it though... Flip 21.... v1.12! ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!

Last edited by GeneralDodo (2006-02-20 17:12:15)


mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.

You don't here people shooting beside or behind you at times when you should!
Helicopters with unlimited flares?????  Haven't seen that one.
Being unable to move after you spawn without jumping 3 or 4 times!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
AT Rockets and Grenades passing through things and not doing damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It's gotten me killed a lot
The graphics on Special Forces maps are so FUCKED UP now I can't even play single player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that is just a partial list of the SHIT that EA/DICE need to fix. 



Last edited by DSRTurtle (2006-02-20 17:18:48)

+8|6851|Mission Viejo, CA
When I command and drop an arty I like to stay zoomed in to watch the carnage. I swear I saw an arty bomb drop straight on top of a tank and it bounced straight back up in the air with no damage to the tank. I thought I was trippin. Anyway, I have a 7800gtx and I can barely move without video lag on special forces single player. They screwed something up there.

PheloniusRM wrote:

When I command and drop an arty I like to stay zoomed in to watch the carnage. I swear I saw an arty bomb drop straight on top of a tank and it bounced straight back up in the air with no damage to the tank. I thought I was trippin. Anyway, I have a 7800gtx and I can barely move without video lag on special forces single player. They screwed something up there.
Thank god someone with and nVidia card is having the same problem. 

Sorry for you lack of enjoyment of SF but I'm so glad that it doesn't affect ATI cards only.

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
If you think the patch is so perfect then perhaps you should take a look at the link in my sig...

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
you must admit there are some issues that still need to be changed

DSRTurtle wrote:

PheloniusRM wrote:

When I command and drop an arty I like to stay zoomed in to watch the carnage. I swear I saw an arty bomb drop straight on top of a tank and it bounced straight back up in the air with no damage to the tank. I thought I was trippin. Anyway, I have a 7800gtx and I can barely move without video lag on special forces single player. They screwed something up there.
Thank god someone with and nVidia card is having the same problem. 

Sorry for you lack of enjoyment of SF but I'm so glad that it doesn't affect ATI cards only.
yea maybe well get soem help over here

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
No you are quite wraong, its not the whiny kids, its about the fact that 46 to 52 % of players on a given night are getting lag issues, not enough to kill their game but evil "spikes" that hit them so bad, when they quit spiking, they have either crashed, what they were in or are dead.  But hey yeah you are right, there is nothing wrong with the patch, thats why they decided to fix it.  I mean hey god knows you must be fuckin right, after all you are but one voice among the hundreds of thousands that own the game, so they should listen to you and you alone.  What a choad, you better get them on the phone and tell them how wrong they are, cause damn i hope you can stop them before they make any other changes you don't approve of......heres the number 1-800-you-slow ....DUH
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6866|Purplicious Wisconsin
It would be better if the european union army would be added to the a bf2 patch because making something that doesn't have much in it is just dumb.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

ryan_14 wrote:

MuseSeeker wrote:

Dont worry - I dont think the patch will change anything to do with weapon accuracy/hitpoints etc. Probably just server crashes, graphic problems etc.
it better fix that grphics problem!
The graphics problems arent in the patch.. thats dealt with by your individual graphics card company.

ATI has already released a driver update to help BF2 players.

I bet Nvidia has one or is working on one.

Go Find your new driver and install it and most if not all of your issues will be dealt with.

Something I learned from testing graphics cards with games and telling both game developers and graphics card developers what and how their problems are. You get to understand those drivers issues.

hope I can pass on that wisdom. 

7h3647h32in6 wrote:

woo maybe it'll let me play now.
Currently running a radeon 9700 mobility 512 ram on a lapper, the pings have increased 6x since before the patch and I can no longer play the game online lag free.
Get rid of "lapper" and get a computer for your games.

GeneralDodo wrote:

The new patch will be a 'placebo' patch. Nothing will change, only that EA will say that everything is working as it should. It will "fix all the problems", and with everyone thinking that the problems are fixed in this 'new patch', the belly-aching and whining will stop ! Theres something fishy about it though... Flip 21.... v1.12! ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!
Copy that, I haven't had or seen a single glitch, bug, or problem.
B.Horning2, what are you taking cause I want some of it.  I have seen most if not all of those bugs listed.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
The Original

Kamikaze17 wrote:

anyone else have a feeling that they will just create more bugs with this new "fix"?
I want to say no, but you know what EA means when they "fix" something (red name bug, anyone?)
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6982|Denver colorado

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

"On a more pleasant note, Battlefield 2 hit somewhat of a milestone last night with over 52,000 simultaneous players. This is the highest number of players we’ve seen at one time for Battlefield 2 and almost 4 times more than the peak number of Battlefield 1942"

Isn't it funny,all the whining everywhere from "castrated" jetwhores and C4-chuckers about the new unfair patch,yet the simultaneous number of players goes breaking records shortly after the 1.2 release....

Need we more proof that with the 1.2 patch they did the right thing?
Seeing as EA is the biggest games publisher of current times, i reckon we deserve some money for the hours of playtesting weve done for them since the 1.2 patch.... :p
Oh well, cant wait to have to personally bug test euro forces when its released.....

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

"On a more pleasant note, Battlefield 2 hit somewhat of a milestone last night with over 52,000 simultaneous players. This is the highest number of players we’ve seen at one time for Battlefield 2 and almost 4 times more than the peak number of Battlefield 1942"

Isn't it funny,all the whining everywhere from "castrated" jetwhores and C4-chuckers about the new unfair patch,yet the simultaneous number of players goes breaking records shortly after the 1.2 release....

Need we more proof that with the 1.2 patch they did the right thing?
Or it may have been because everyone signed in to get euro forces!!
bad touch

oberst_enzian wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS

m3thod wrote:

Have you seen the Insane AA vid from secretsofbattlefield.com?

The AA is fooked beyond buggery.
Or maybe the guy's just good?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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