I think we've made our point
kimm owes the beard community an apology or else....
west-phoenix-az wrote:
I think we've made our point
So much beard.
Band broke up last week when the singer/guitarist quit and now he is all over facebook talking about how his new band mates are so much better and how he can finally "spread his wings and fly." <--exact words. Apparently flying is a lot like playing dive bars in the Tampa Bay area. Who knew?
Band broke up last week when the singer/guitarist quit and now he is all over facebook talking about how his new band mates are so much better and how he can finally "spread his wings and fly." <--exact words. Apparently flying is a lot like playing dive bars in the Tampa Bay area. Who knew?
2000 days bitches!
I remember 100 days ago. Ah so young, so free.
found out 2 days ago, uncle phil is the voice of shredder.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
he has a special folder and everything
hahaha I'm pretty sure this explains most of my life.m3thod wrote:
found out 2 days ago, uncle phil is the voice of shredder.