power corrupts
Applied for a warehouse job today, £6.75/hr, 40 hpw, 3 month job
would be absolutely perfect for me
would be absolutely perfect for me

yeah you think that but alls it takes is about a week. maybe 2 if you're full of enthusiasm and shit.
gl anyway
gl anyway
naw I know it'll be tiring as fuck but the money would be worth it and would get my rents off my back

the only good thing about working in a job like that is you dont have to pretend youre happy. im serious... i worked for a liquidation company in an office and everyone was so cheerful and happy, it was exhausting trying to keep it up and fit in. as if the admin work wasnt monotonous enough i had to smile while i fucking did it. its the one job ive had to actually sit in my car and eat my dinner, just so i could have half an hour being in my own miserable world. needless to say the first works do i got invited out on i got wasted (because the wait between the starter and main meal was like 2 hours), told my boss i loved her before exiting down the stairs quickly (because i was throwing up).
so yeah the 1 actual good thing about working in a manual labour environment is that you can have whatever expression on your face you want, and if your default facial expression is a frown like mine is then fantasic because you fit in with every other miserable fuck in the place.
so yeah the 1 actual good thing about working in a manual labour environment is that you can have whatever expression on your face you want, and if your default facial expression is a frown like mine is then fantasic because you fit in with every other miserable fuck in the place.
Last edited by jord (2012-05-30 12:08:45)
lol jord
Having worked in both environments, Jord is right. Industrial settings are way more relaxed than office. A bit of it probably has to do with the sorts of people who find their way into these sort of jobs.
This is interesting. Tell us more.just so i could have half an hour being in my own miserable world.
It was a dirty '99 renault clio.Macbeth wrote:
This is interesting. Tell us more.just so i could have half an hour being in my own miserable world.
7 pound an hour? You serious? I havn't worked for that cheap since I was 16.Finray wrote:
the money would be worth it
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
He wants to know why you're miserable old cunt not what the type of shed where you ate your lunch.jord wrote:
It was a dirty '99 renault clio.Macbeth wrote:
This is interesting. Tell us more.just so i could have half an hour being in my own miserable world.
(mac is a bad lad and this is prob something along the lines of misery loves company)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
i still do. Roughly 7.50e's/h (minimum). I get plenty of extra's, like 50% extra for hours after 19:00, 200% or 300% on holidays and it can go up with like 1e if i work more than certain amount of hours a week (which i do quite often)tazz. wrote:
7 pound an hour? You serious? I havn't worked for that cheap since I was 16.Finray wrote:
the money would be worth it
It's still not much, but it's actually a pretty decent pay. Most of my peers work in bars and they make minimum wage (like 4,50 or something). They get tips, but even then, I will most likely make more.
e: if i actually get the promotion i would crank up to a whopping 12 or 13e/h! Honeslty, i know it all sounds like shit to some, but it's actually pretty good.
Last edited by Kampframmer (2012-05-31 02:31:55)
Just landed a job making 18.10/hour working 84 hour weeks (yes I'm serious). Basically work for 3 weeks, straight, then come home for one to three weeks.
Basic job description is I'm either driving a truck around looking for polar bears, or following a group of scientists out onto the tundra looking for polar bears. I am a bear guard, I'm given a remington 870 with slugs but can only shoot the bears if they're eating someone. Boss said to shoot myself instead of the bear as it's less paper work.
Looking at about $4700ish after taxes after my three weeks... Super stoked to start working, busting my ass working low end jobs has finally paid off.
And I do get paid overtime... Fucking insane.
Basic job description is I'm either driving a truck around looking for polar bears, or following a group of scientists out onto the tundra looking for polar bears. I am a bear guard, I'm given a remington 870 with slugs but can only shoot the bears if they're eating someone. Boss said to shoot myself instead of the bear as it's less paper work.
Looking at about $4700ish after taxes after my three weeks... Super stoked to start working, busting my ass working low end jobs has finally paid off.
And I do get paid overtime... Fucking insane.
Last edited by iceman785 (2012-05-31 02:01:21)
That sounds pretty crazy.
Also, the difference between untrained and skilled jobs
Started earning what I earned in a day in an hour, what I earned in a week in a day.
Also, the difference between untrained and skilled jobs
Started earning what I earned in a day in an hour, what I earned in a week in a day.

Yeah it's bad ass. I'll be making more money just off my 120 hours of regular time than my last job, which consisted of me working 196 hours in 3 weeks. Then add the 132 hours of overtime to it and... well. fuck.
I imagine you'll get plenty of time off too due to 84h/weeks?
Want me to order you some very tasteful business cards saying 'bear guard'?
Yeah, I'll work 3 weeks straight then be flown home and get anywhere from 1-3 weeks off depending on the need for guards. Honestly I'd like to do 3on/2off but I don't get to choose =/Ultrafunkula wrote:
I imagine you'll get plenty of time off too due to 84h/weeks?
Cost of living in AU is higher than Scotland.. £4.98 is the minimum wage heretazz. wrote:
7 pound an hour? You serious? I havn't worked for that cheap since I was 16.Finray wrote:
the money would be worth it
Last edited by Finray (2012-05-31 04:05:11)

If you're a bear guard aren't you supposed to defend the bears?iceman785 wrote:
I am a bear guard, I'm given a remington 870 with slugs but can only shoot the bears if they're eating someone. Boss said to shoot myself instead of the bear as it's less paper work.
Maybe its guard bear - in which case I don't think you should have a shotgun.
Fuck Israel
Just interviewed for a job, and it went really well. I've met the guy a few times and he invited me for interview today. I'll got from £17k basic to OTE of c.£33k. And the targets are very achieveable. Here's hoping I get it; should hear in the next few days.
ex dee

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
fuck you, i liked that car. good memories.m3thod wrote:
He wants to know why you're miserable old cunt not what the type of shed where you ate your lunch.jord wrote:
It was a dirty '99 renault clio.Macbeth wrote:
This is interesting. Tell us more.
(mac is a bad lad and this is prob something along the lines of misery loves company)