I am all that is MOD!

Third performance review in a row where I'm being told I'm difficult to work with. I was told I need to have more of an "executive presence" by the executive management team. Makes me lol
The X stands for
+1,810|6156|eXtreme to the maX
I've been told I'm "challenging", also I need to cut down my swearing, apparently "people find it offensive" whatever the fuck that means.

Today we were given a mousemat which tells us what our values are.
Thank god, I had literally no idea.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I got into an argument with a student today. I realized I am a toxic person.
I probably gave that kid a negative foundational memory.
It was first period today. There is one student in the class who is failing for the year. He is not moving into sophomore year. He is still coming to school though. Tall Hispanic kid.
This isn't the black kid I sent for a drug test last week. I need a chart to keep up with it all.
The students were supposed to quietly do independent work. Instead this guy had a female student sitting at his desk and they were playing flirty grabby games.
I eventually ordered the girl student to return to her desk. The guy student started arguing with me on her behalf.
So I yelled at him "You aren't even graduating." He got upset about that and yelled "that ain't anyone else's business!" We got into a back and fourth where he cursed me out and was upset I mentioned he wasn't passing in front of the class. "You didn't need to tell the whole class my business." I told him "everyone knows already."

The whole class was watching and laughing. I guess they found the drama of it funny. It was probably funny watching the student curse at the teacher.
Eventually after we finished arguing back and fourth. The student got quiet. He then took out his Chromebook and did a few assignments.
I was talking to a senior teacher about the situation and he said "telling the whole class he is failing probably made the whole situation real to the kid and made him want to not fail."

In any case I now realize that I may have given the kid a scaring memory. He will remember the time the teacher told him, the class, and the girl he was flirting with that he is going to be a freshmen again and not walking across the stage with them.
And for what it is worth, this has been a part of my personal growth.
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6735|United States of America
That is an... interesting take from the senior teacher, like in the most after-school specialy sort of way one could describe it. I would think it far more likely the kid would resent the teacher who dropped that info and is more likely to think they and all other teachers don't have the students interests at heart.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Both of these students from my last two post have discipline reports with 20 to 30 entries from different teachers. I can have a parade of teachers who will confirm they are both terrible. I can also produce a parade of students who would say I have been great with them this year.  These are the students people are afraid to have around their kids.

Evil adults were once teenagers too. It is a shame the monsters don't feel included.

The teachers didn't try to teach me nothing.
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6735|United States of America
The kids being terrible is even more of a reason why I wouldn't be prone to think they would take that moment of abasement as a turning point.
The X stands for
+1,810|6156|eXtreme to the maX
Sometimes you just have to let Darwinian selection take its course, interfering is a bit like travelling back in time and meddling with things - it just makes it worse in the long run.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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