Uzique The Lesser
i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.

same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-15 07:56:09)

guess youre literature degree has helped you out with archetypes eh
>We're coming for you, Zimmerman. … 4515666944


dem bbs

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

remove gangbangers in america and you'll see those numbers plummet. I don't see switzerland having a country full of gang problems in former industrial towns.
again, i'm not talking about the gang issue, and never have been. i'm talking about gun massacres, mass shootings, public atrocities. america has a a preponderant amount of these compared to other 'civilized' western states. it's a cultural phenomenon there (no doubt aided by the fact it's a media phenomenon, too). american life is becoming more and more like a hollywood action movie. if switzerland faced the same problems, i'd be inclined to treat them with the same reasoning. switzerland doesn't. canada has similarly high levels of gun ownership, too, but not many massacres. like switzerland. again, make a point.
massacre every 3 months? lol k
6 months. No seriously I was looking up stuff for the death thread and you can count on 5-10 people being killed in a mass shooting to occur every 6 months. There are smaller random workplace shootings every day but national stories occur in 6 month spots.

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-15 08:10:02)

Uzique The Lesser

Cybargs wrote:

guess youre literature degree has helped you out with archetypes eh
it has evidently helped me out a lot more than your international business degree has helped to raise your intellectual bar. you're one of the dimmest people on this forum. all you can do is post 1-line snipes and facetious half-kidding stuff, because you're constantly unable to forward or commit to any belief or statement of your own. you're bottom-rate. my literature degree has indispensably helped me to read the subtext of your inadequacy.

ever considered taking a creative writing degree, by the way? maybe an MFA? your fiction-writing could do with a little bit of work. that car crash tale had so many basic continuity errors.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

gun owners like to show off their gun cabinets because they secretly feel depressed about their inadequately small member, and thus suffer from the inability and anxiety that such a stunted growth exerts upon their basic masculine desire to display and assert.
Inversely would pocket sized, pearl handle 22 signify a larger, more turgid member
Uzique The Lesser

jsnipy wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

gun owners like to show off their gun cabinets because they secretly feel depressed about their inadequately small member, and thus suffer from the inability and anxiety that such a stunted growth exerts upon their basic masculine desire to display and assert.
Inversely would pocket sized, pearl handle 22 signify a larger, more turgid member
a fine and tumescent statement of your vigour and vitality you have, there. i congratulate you. don't take anyone's eye out.
Uzique The Lesser

Cybargs wrote:

guess youre literature degree has helped you out with archetypes eh
and are you starting to inherit EM's retard grammar or something? you guys need to stop sucking each other off. the stupid is spreading with all the semen ingestion.

The verdict added 1.00 militancy to all the poor strata and non-accepted cultures of the U.S. All accepted cultures and middle strata gained 2.00 consciousness.

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-15 08:36:05)

Uzique The Lesser

Macbeth wrote:

The verdict added 1.00 militancy to all the poor strata and non-accepted cultures of the U.S. All accepted cultures and middle strata gained 2.00 consciousness.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

Roc18 wrote:

>We're coming for you, Zimmerman. … 4515666944


Her boyfriend must be a medic whore

Tweet constitutes threat. Time to arrest tweeter.
Uzique The Lesser

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Tweet constitutes threat. Time to arrest tweeter.
will you be in the UK for long? enjoy your stay
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
So Trayvon was guilty aggrevated assault right?

Spearhead wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

>We're coming for you, Zimmerman. … 4515666944


Her boyfriend must be a medic whore
I was wondering how she got the L85 from BF2

Roc18 wrote:

>We're coming for you, Zimmerman. … 4515666944


I wonder if the pistol is loaded? At least her finger is off the trigger.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Pistols/Shotguns>Assualt Rifle's for home defense.  This isn't even really debatable.
yes i know this. it's part of my point: why do people need AR's? why do civilians need access to them, i mean. other than hunting/sport (some sport that is).
Sigh, welcome to next second amendment thread.

Once again, the second amendment protects them and that's enough for me.  The real reason people fight to protect them is for the same reason the second amendment exists, militia purposes.  The underlying purpose for the second amendment is to allow people to ability to rise up against a tyrannical government.  May sound stupid but no one knows what kind of government we may have in 100 or 200 or 300 years from now.  Just because it doesn't make sense now doesn't mean it won't make sense in the future.  You have to understand that the birth of our nation came about from regular civilians taking up civilian arms against a government they thought didn't deserve to rule them.  The founding fathers knew this and wanted to make sure future generations had this option IF they needed it.  I don't expect you to understand this seeing as how you forefathers were usually the ones getting shot at for being dickheads.

Honestly, I don't understand what is so goddamn complicated about this that people feel the need to argue and debate it.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.

same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.
Unfortunately, my dick is SO SMALL I feel obligated to own >5 guns.  Maybe you can come over and show my wife how a real man fucks when you get some time.  I'll be out drinking beers in my giant 4x4 to try and forget about my SO SMALL penis.
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.

same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.
Unfortunately, my dick is SO SMALL I feel obligated to own >5 guns.  Maybe you can come over and show my wife how a real man fucks when you get some time.  I'll be out drinking beers in my giant 4x4 to try and forget about my SO SMALL penis.
is that the troll you met and fingered under a bridge one starry night out on the bayou? no thank you.

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world. stockpile the rifles, boys! you'll be shooting the drones and stealth bombers out of the air. face it: if tyranny is coming to america, you idiot rednecks are fucked already. you've already let the military-industrial complex become the most powerful force in the american political and economic spheres. you will not stand a chance. seems stupid to cling onto the vain hope that one day civil war will come again, and you'll be lying in hedges with your precious rifles, re-enacting 'nam. no. you'll all be dead. the government track everything about you already, and have a vastly superior military.

seems like the most use those guns are getting is in shooting 14 year olds. guess you should cling to that 18th century conception of militia-organising though. militias sure are relevant in the modern age.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world.
guess somebody has never heard of insurgency warfare.

edit: yeah tell the swiss their militia is outdated too. why must they conscript every male citizen to be in the militia? whos gonna invade them? ze germans?

Last edited by Cybargs (2013-07-15 10:48:56)
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.

same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.
Unfortunately, my dick is SO SMALL I feel obligated to own >5 guns.  Maybe you can come over and show my wife how a real man fucks when you get some time.  I'll be out drinking beers in my giant 4x4 to try and forget about my SO SMALL penis.
is that the troll you met and fingered under a bridge one starry night out on the bayou? no thank you.

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world. stockpile the rifles, boys! you'll be shooting the drones and stealth bombers out of the air. face it: if tyranny is coming to america, you idiot rednecks are fucked already. you've already let the military-industrial complex become the most powerful force in the american political and economic spheres. you will not stand a chance. seems stupid to cling onto the vain hope that one day civil war will come again, and you'll be lying in hedges with your precious rifles, re-enacting 'nam. no. you'll all be dead. the government track everything about you already, and have a vastly superior military.

seems like the most use those guns are getting is in shooting 14 year olds. guess you should cling to that 18th century conception of militia-organising though. militias sure are relevant in the modern age.
At least we have the choice.  Do you?  The colonists going up against Britain probably seemed pretty hopeless/futile/retarded at the time.
Uzique The Lesser

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world.
guess somebody has never heard of insurgency warfare.

edit: yeah tell the swiss their militia is outdated too. why must they conscript every male citizen to be in the militia? whos gonna invade them? ze germans?
switzerland is not america. you seem to get them confused again. are you feeling okay? switzerland is not america. look at a map. switzerland probably trains a militia because it is landlocked on all sides and is a tiny power, with a long history of major wars exploding all around it. switzerland's militia is not there to guard against the fear of their own government becoming tyrannical; it's there because the swiss people have lived with some unruly neighbours for decades (if not centuries). and, mostly it IS an archaism. switzerland is very quaint. it's nice. you should check it out in summer.

america's militia organisation is there with the idea that you're still going to be able to organise against a tyrannical government, like it's still the 1700's. okay. the game has changed. the battlefield is no longer a 'level' field. the government are right at the top of a way steep hill, with, like, some impressive gear. insurgency warfare? in america? yeah that will sure unseat tyranny when it comes. let's organise an insurgency when the government has every single phone and internet connection tapped, sucking all your data to an underground treasure trove in utah. i'm sure it'll be super effective. face it: if tyranny came to america, it would be more kristallnacht than afghanistan.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-15 10:55:46)


Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world.
guess somebody has never heard of insurgency warfare.

edit: yeah tell the swiss their militia is outdated too. why must they conscript every male citizen to be in the militia? whos gonna invade them? ze germans?
you do realize that iraqis got their asses handed to them during gulf war 2 and the syrian army will soon put down a 2 year civil war?
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Unfortunately, my dick is SO SMALL I feel obligated to own >5 guns.  Maybe you can come over and show my wife how a real man fucks when you get some time.  I'll be out drinking beers in my giant 4x4 to try and forget about my SO SMALL penis.
is that the troll you met and fingered under a bridge one starry night out on the bayou? no thank you.

and yes, "militia purposes". okay. a bunch of rednecks with AR-15 sure are going to topple a government with nuclear bombs and the most advanced technical military in the world. stockpile the rifles, boys! you'll be shooting the drones and stealth bombers out of the air. face it: if tyranny is coming to america, you idiot rednecks are fucked already. you've already let the military-industrial complex become the most powerful force in the american political and economic spheres. you will not stand a chance. seems stupid to cling onto the vain hope that one day civil war will come again, and you'll be lying in hedges with your precious rifles, re-enacting 'nam. no. you'll all be dead. the government track everything about you already, and have a vastly superior military.

seems like the most use those guns are getting is in shooting 14 year olds. guess you should cling to that 18th century conception of militia-organising though. militias sure are relevant in the modern age.
At least we have the choice.  Do you?  The colonists going up against Britain probably seemed pretty hopeless/futile/retarded at the time.
yes i have a choice. it's called democracy. i vote. i don't keep a gun that i stroke when i'm feeling anxious, worried that "the tory's" are going to burst through my window to rape my wife. as if any western power is going to fall to tyranny again, now. we're in global capitalism, baby. no neighbour or international community is going to sit and watch one of the major western world powers fall to interior dictatorship. each state is too valuable and instrumental on the world market. again: it's not the 1700's. this seems to surprise some of you.

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