Spearhead wrote:
So you're saying that if murder was legal people would do it more than they already do? Wow, talk about trusting and loving your fellow man, like Jesus would. Do you have any idea the percentage of people who already get away with murder in this country? It's much higher than people think.
People and cops ARE doing drugs, because the majority of people know the laws are bullshit and law enforcement cannot possibly chase down everyone. So who gets punished the most? The poor, and minorities. I'd love to be a big city police commissioner for a few months, just so I could listen to the thousands of upper middle class white assholes bitch and moan when the cops knock down their doors and send their kids to prison. That'd be fun. And the drug laws would be reformed the day after that, if we were to enforce the law proportionally, and fairly.
But that's really what laws are all about. You seem to think people would be murdering each other on a daily basis we murder to become legal (a completely ridiculous hypothetical). What you're missing here is that the law, and governments, are formed from the consent of the people, not the other way around. The social contract.
Social conservatives are disgusting because they are the first and loudest to call others socialist, despite being socialists themselves when it comes to other people (even more so when those people have differences in lifestyle). If I were to believe in hell, they'd be the first to arrive on judgement day.
Also marijuana is smoked by more people then you realize.
While being a completely ridiculous post, I will still respond in this:
YES, more people would be murdered it murder was legal. I have no doubt about that.
YOU brought up legal murder, not me, but still, YES that is true. More people would be killed. For one thing, there would be nothing to stop all the people that already do murder from murdering all they want...
I have a good idea of how many people smoke marijuana, and as I said IN COMPARISON to LEGAL alcohol consumption it is a small fraction.
Arguing how the laws are enforced and who can get away with what has NOTHING to do with the law, and everything to do with the justice system. The laws do not state "Drugs are illegal unless you are a middle income white male."
To say "What you're missing here is that the law, and governments, are formed from the consent of the people, not the other way around. The social contract." is moronic as an argument. It that were the only truth, then there would be no need for the law to begin with... If everyone accepted and agreed to it, this thread wouldn't even exist. But no, a few people get to DECIDE the laws, and a few more later get to DECIDE the interpretation of those laws...
By the way, popular vote on many laws have been overturned by higher courts.