How is prayer banner is so terrible you must make this big of a deal about it? I'm pretty vehemently opposed to religion and am extremely critical of many Christian ideals. Despite that I'm not at all bothered by religious symbols. Religious people talking to me doesn't bother me either. Maybe I'm strange.Weeks after a judge ordered the removal of a prayer banner at a Rhode Island school, the atheist teen at the center of the controversy continues to receive threats as the school board decides its next move.
Since 2010, Jessica Ahlquist had been urging school officials to remove the banner from the auditorium at Cranston High School West.
The 8-foot banner features a prayer a student wrote in 1963 -- a prayer some consider part of the school's history.
On Jan. 11, federal judge Ronald R. Lagueux ruled it was unconstitutional for the banner to hang at the public school, The New York Times reports.
But the fight to remove the banner has come with consequences for the teen.
Ahlquist has encountered online threats and bullying and has even taken some time off from school, WPRO News reports.
Nevertheless, the 16-year-old says she plans on graduating from Cranston West next year.
So could anyone here convince me that the little kid wasn't totally asking for it?