I hate quote trees and have been a critic of some of our countries gun policies but your entire tirade is so terrible I need to address it point by point.
Shocking wrote:
I don't see why civilians should have them.
Hunting? Only a third of the U.S. is anywhere near as densely populated as the U.K. Hunting deer goes beyond a pastime hobby and in down times people make living/subsist on hunting.
If everyone has weapons it significantly increases the chance of people being seriously hurt or killed in violent encounters and it makes riots / civil unrest that much more dangerous.
For a country of over 300 million and one of the most gun heavy in the world we have suprsingly few instances of gun related deaths. Only
30,000 per year. Of those over 50% are suicides. The likelihood of getting killed by a gun is minimal despite whatever your T.V. tells you. If you own a gun in the U.S. you are more likely to kill yourself than ever hurt another human being. It's not the wild west over here.
From what I've gathered the US police force relies heavily on SWAT teams for even the most inane things leading to people being killed unnecessarily.
That is an issue of our drug policy and not of our gun policy..
Remember the incidence of a SWAT team shooting an Iraq war vet on a 'drug raid' (search for.. marijuana)? SWAT teams are sent all over the place for that sort of shit all because you have to assume everyone has guns. I can't blame them.
Also a failure of our drug policy.
That criminals would get their hands on guns regardless of their legality may be true, but at the same time it makes it much harder for them to get them in the first place. Making guns illegal altogether also makes it much easier for law enforcement to track gun dealership as you know where to look. So: the criminals have less guns, the public has no guns and I guarantee that gun-related crimes, injuries&deaths will recede.
Again I have to refer you to my gun deaths stats. Going full draco and clamping down on everyone in order to
try to prevent 30,000 deaths a year is silly. If you want to stop people from dying you should be advocating for mandatory engine sizes to be stuck at 4 cylinders. More people die in this country in auto accidents and because of speeding every year than due to guns.
37,000 deaths per year due to auto accidents. Should we collectively punish everyone by forcing them to use small engines because 0.000110737% of our population die in auto accidents? No that is a ridiculous over reaction.
If you're concerned about your own safety pick up a martial art or something, it'll help 1000x more than a gun.
Depends. Like I said to shifty- I can kill him with my bare hands. A 250 pounder can also kill me with his bare hands. That girl from your link could have also been killed by the guy with his bare hands. Brazilian Jujitsu would not have helped her at all.
No. 99% of the people with no proper training will not react timely or accordingly to a dangerous situation, they'll stand there having a brain freeze of sorts before they even realise what's going on. (perfect example: a 911 dispatcher
having to tell a gun owner to use her gun link )
I don't see how you can say that 99% of people will brain freeze in that situation when the woman in your link was able to call the police and ask what should she do. She survived. Had she not had a gun to protect her she may very well have been stabbed to death. Going by the picture of her my little self {140 lb.) could over power her and kill her easily. The two guys coming into her house would easily do the same.