lol Japanese food was nothing like any Teppanyaki place I've been too. Way more fish and weird shit.Steve-0 wrote:
Beni Hana
one of the best places to eat in San Francisco.
it introduced hibachi to America, and for that i am grateful.
when i went to Japan, Beni Hana in San Francisco is the closest in menu, service, and cost.
for most of a mortgage payment i highly recommend . . .
I'm bored
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Is accepting a blow job from a man ever okay?

keep us updated spittle
I only have about 150GB left on my 1TB hard drive. Now I have to uninstall some games to make room for different ones.
Looks like Arkham Knight is my biggest Steam program, at 52GB. Looks like Battlefield 4 has it beat with 58GB.
why would you do that rick. just why
Get a new HD, preferably SSD.
Also GTA V = 62Gb
Also GTA V = 62Gb
Last edited by DrunkFace (2015-11-26 22:48:50)
I am tempted to get a new SSD, but I think I should wait and get my kids Christmas presents first.
Read in his voice:Adams_BJ wrote:
why would you do that rick. just why

GTA also needed like double that just to unzip itself upon release. Very obnoxious on an already nearly filled 512GB 850 Pro SSDDrunkFace wrote:
Get a new HD, preferably SSD.
Also GTA V = 62Gb
I remember hearing Titanfall is also like 60GB because all of the audio on the PC version is uncompressed
Final Fantasy XIII is somehow right around 60 as well.
But overall I think GTA V seems to hold the record. There's gonna be a lot of beefy 50+ GB games now that all the current console hardware uses Blu-ray primarily
Titanfall feels deader than Space Marine. It's been boiled down to a small core of players who, at Gen 10 or on their $5 smurf accounts, absolutely rip into new players every sale with unadulterated glee.
It doesn't even have the saving grace of a single player draw. What was the point of all that storage-eating narration when it all gets drowned out by the chaos of a multiplayer match?
But the biggest flaw for me was that the screen was, well, messy. Even at max res on a large monitor, the palette was so muddy that I couldn't tell what was going on half the time. As a result, I just camped back in my giant robot suit farming people dumb enough to show their faces, rather than getting stuck in like a giant robot suit should. And then it wasn't fun anymore.
It doesn't even have the saving grace of a single player draw. What was the point of all that storage-eating narration when it all gets drowned out by the chaos of a multiplayer match?
But the biggest flaw for me was that the screen was, well, messy. Even at max res on a large monitor, the palette was so muddy that I couldn't tell what was going on half the time. As a result, I just camped back in my giant robot suit farming people dumb enough to show their faces, rather than getting stuck in like a giant robot suit should. And then it wasn't fun anymore.
I was looking at the new Rainbow 6 and briefly considered buying it. R6 was the first online game I ever played on the MSN Gaming Zone. They are selling it for $59.99 but it is only a multiplayer game. There isn't any single player campaign. The single player was the thing I was interested in. Loved the mapping and planning of the early Rainbow 6 games. It was very much the anti-COD.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
It doesn't even have the saving grace of a single player draw. What was the point of all that storage-eating narration when it all gets drowned out by the chaos of a multiplayer match?

Isn't it currently up for free preview on Steam, or was that something else? If so, you could try it first.
I replaced my foam pillow of 20+ years with one I actually have to fluff every few nights. -1 for effort.
It's gross you slept on the same pillow for 20+ years. For someone with clear ocd tendencies I'm surprised
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
They don't make pillows certified boot spider safe anymore

Woke up after sleeping for 11 hours with a migraine so bad it makes you want to throw up #NightShiftProblems
Aww, migraine sucks._j5689_ wrote:
I got the full deal with mood changes a few days before an attack, aura symptoms (scintillating scotoma, numbness on half my body including tongue and uvula, followed by debilitating pain, vertigo, nausea and vomiting, and after that exhaustion for a few days.
At worst, this cycle can repeat for 4 days consecutively, switching body halves each time.
I use metamizole (Novalgin from Sanofi) as soon as possible when I notice the first aura symptoms, but that only reduces the pain a bit.
Previously I used ergotamines and triptanes, but those weren't any better than regular analgetica, but much more expensive.
I also once tried beta blockers, but that made extremely tired (gave crazily realistic sexual dreams though).
I now reciprocate between metamizole, coffee and Jamaican rum.
I never get them quite that bad and I don't get them so frequently anymore since I'm less stressed and better rested these days. But when I do get one, they're still bad enough to ruin my day sometimes. My coworker gave me her last Imitrex(Sumatriptan) one day when I got one so bad that I would've had to go home mid-shift and two Excedrin didn't do shit. I sat in a room with the lights turned off and closed my eyes for 20 minutes after taking the Imitrex and after that it was almost like it was never there. I meant to try to get my own prescription at some point for emergencies like that but I get them so infrequently that I'm not sure if they would give them to me. I don't really have chronic migraines, I just have a tendency to oversleep on days off because of working on the night shift and that causes particularly nasty migraines.
The FDA over here has cleared Botox for use in longer term treatment of chronic migraines about two years ago so ultimately that's what my coworker did and she hasn't needed anything since as far as I know. Before that she had the nasal spray, injection and pill form of Imitrex depending on the severity of migraine, with the injection being for the most extreme ones
The FDA over here has cleared Botox for use in longer term treatment of chronic migraines about two years ago so ultimately that's what my coworker did and she hasn't needed anything since as far as I know. Before that she had the nasal spray, injection and pill form of Imitrex depending on the severity of migraine, with the injection being for the most extreme ones
Last edited by _j5689_ (2015-12-10 09:42:36)
I get them too, but not nearly as bad as Globefish. Mine are usually brought on by stress and trigger smells (Pine-Sol is the worst). I have spent many a day in my office at work with the lights dimmed while popping Excedrin every couple hours, when I can get out of bed and into the office safely.