Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7153|Bryan/College Station, TX
Since BETA I have been in discussions with many players in the Battlelog forums about VOIP in my thread
No Mention of VOIP in PC Version in FAQ. . It received the support of hundreds of players and reached 13 or so pages before Beta closed. I reposted it on the EA Forums US to continue the conversation but it was deleted twice by admins. So I posted it on the EA Forums UK where it's getting traction. I had attempted to be civil and nice and wait patiently for an answer since I had a discourse with Baz who is with DICE. Then this article came out...

Battlefield 3 Beta Interview

GameSpy: The beta didn't support in-game VOIP; players had to form a party through battlelog to be able to chat just to their party. Will Battlefield 3 include in-game VOIP – be it squad or team based – at launch?

    Lars: No, on PC this (battlelog) is what we're going to ship with. Then we're going to evaluate how we move forward with this. It's something we've heard from the community, it's something we understand. At the same time, building a game of this size, you can't win all of the battles. The convenience of going in with friends with your party VOIP channel and keep it even after the game, is definitely a strength. That's just the start – we can definitely evolve from there down the road.
I said this in a EA Forums US & the UK thread, I've said this in the article comment section and I'll say it here again.

The lack of any intelligent VOIP for the PC community is sickening. To have any developer think that a VOIP channel for Squads and a channel between Squad Leaders isn't needed in a teamwork effort military shooter is not only shortsighted it's moronic. Did they completely forget their own roots? Did they forget that BF2's communities were formed through teamwork play between players and that bonds were formed through VOIP within squads? This is horrible and one of the greatest travesties I've seen to the PC players. Then to say in their FAQ that console gamers will have VOIP for Squads and Teams is just adding insult to injury. It's like they are giving a big frack you to the PC communities. For a game that was "supposedly" created for the PC first they sure have forgotten some important PC innovations in their game. DICE has not only forgotten it's roots it has forgotten it's core fan base the PC player. Shame on them. It's pathetic.

I am more than ever determined to make the thread I posted on the EA Forums UK 1000 posts long filled with proof that PC Gamers are pissed off by the lack of a credible VOIP system.

Spread this thread far and wide PC Gamers. Put it in every single Forum you are part of that has any PC gamers that want VOIP in the game to work as we've stated.

Make this a media frenzy because it's really the only way they MIGHT implement VOIP down the road. Without a huge backlash they will obviously do nothing.

The EA Forums UK Thread:

No Mention of VOIP in PC Version in FAQ. … n-faq.html

If you read just the first post you can see how civil and detailed I was with our efforts. We need the support of the PC Gamer community. If you want a VOIP system in game that works automatically for Squads and between Squad Leaders please support this UK thread. Pass it along to your friends of like mind.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
say that 2 my face fucker not online
teamwork effort military shooter

You are clearly playing the wrong game here, or are totally unfamiliar with what a reflex-based shooter is.
Make this a media frenzy
Are you ignorant or plain fucking stupid? DICE and EA are multi-million dollar development studios. Considering they have already put time, effort and more importantly money into Battlelog, they aren't going to cut down a VoIP system that is already in place. Think about this from their perspective. Would they:

A) Ship a product that already has a system in place which fulfills its purpose, and is available to all players; requiring no more spending on development which is a tick in the box for 'we're trying to make money from this because we are a fucking for-profit business'

B) Increase budget to remove the current iteration, and develop an entirely new one which requires contracting/outsourcing to other studios if necessary in addition to unforeseen costs which could potentially cause the game to be short-shipped considering its less than a month till release.

I couldn't give a fuck less about VOIP. You don't need to work with players in public games unless you're terrible and need to rely on other people.

Last edited by dtacs (2011-10-12 01:27:56)
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7153|Bryan/College Station, TX
Obviously I offended you by suggesting teamwork and VOIP. To each their own. You continue doing what you want as a lonewolf because obviously it's important to you.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

dtacs wrote:

teamwork effort military shooter

You are clearly playing the wrong game here, or are totally unfamiliar with what a reflex-based shooter is.
Make this a media frenzy
Are you ignorant or plain fucking stupid? DICE and EA are multi-million dollar development studios. Considering they have already put time, effort and more importantly money into Battlelog, they aren't going to cut down a VoIP system that is already in place. Think about this from their perspective. Would they:

A) Ship a product that already has a system in place which fulfills its purpose, and is available to all players; requiring no more spending on development which is a tick in the box for 'we're trying to make money from this because we are a fucking for-profit business'

B) Increase budget to remove the current iteration, and develop an entirely new one which requires contracting/outsourcing to other studios if necessary in addition to unforeseen costs which could potentially cause the game to be short-shipped considering its less than a month till release.

I couldn't give a fuck less about VOIP. You don't need to work with players in public games unless you're terrible and need to rely on other people.
why don't you just go play cod then ?
Who actually used voip in BF2?

I can't recall ever using it

Sturgeon wrote:

Who actually used voip in BF2?

I can't recall ever using it
I used it only in PR.
+93|6982|Alaska, mother fucker.

aerodynamic wrote:

Sturgeon wrote:

Who actually used voip in BF2?

I can't recall ever using it
I used it only in PR.
This. Bf2 really didn't require all that much teamwork, 1 squad could dominate the flag capping end, while everyone else just farmed kills.

Besides, most the time you'd ask your squad to do something, but they'd be too busy farming kills to care.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS
i literally only remember using voip once.

i muted it soon afterwards. there literally wasn't anything it could do that i couldn't just use squad chat for in a more useful way.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
say that 2 my face fucker not online

kilroy0097 wrote:

Obviously I offended you by suggesting teamwork and VOIP. To each their own. You continue doing what you want as a lonewolf because obviously it's important to you.
You're implying that VOIP is essential to teamwork. It isn't.

Your argument is solely from a players' perspective, who is receiving a product from a manufacturer, and demanding an expensive asset is removed, with an entirely new one put in place at an increased in cost with a small, insignificant improvement in the overall product for a platform which ISN'T as financially viable as consoles.

You didn't offend me, this is the internet.

thepilot91 wrote:

why don't you just go play cod then ?
It doesn't offer the same gameplay environment, speed and developmental quality as the Battlefield series. Need any other reasons?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
i used it all the time.  It was better than TS/vent as it supressed all the other sounds when you used it.

cant use it now as i dont have a mic and i cant be arsed to get one.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6999|Tampa Bay Florida

m3thod wrote:

i used it all the time.  It was better than TS/vent as it supressed all the other sounds when you used it.

cant use it now as i dont have a mic and i cant be arsed to get one.

Certain servers had a core group of really cool players who actually liked to work together.  it was fun to talk to someone in game, who you wouldnt have had that feature not been in place....

Is it really that expensive to implement?  I mean look at the loads of money they will make off BF3 compared to 2.  Why remove features just because not everyone used something?

Those of you who turned it off, well, obviously youre never going to hear other people who like to use it.  derp

in 2142 sometimes I'd talk to my squadmates even though they didnt have mics.  And they responded to what I was saying.

Last edited by Spearhead (2011-10-12 04:38:17)

VOIP is essential for teamwork , teamwork with logically handicapped people/noobs = 90% of the gamers who're blind to what you write and doesn't listen to "commrose-commandos" nor do see the voice commandos (yes the "radio" messages went up on the log in bf2)
never used it and the only time I ever saw it used was when someone was pressing the wrong key.

jmsprovan wrote:

never used it and the only time I ever saw it used was when someone was pressing the wrong key.
but it's ESSENTIAL for teamwork!@!!!1
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6984|Canberra, AUS

Spearhead wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i used it all the time.  It was better than TS/vent as it supressed all the other sounds when you used it.

cant use it now as i dont have a mic and i cant be arsed to get one.

Certain servers had a core group of really cool players who actually liked to work together.  it was fun to talk to someone in game, who you wouldnt have had that feature not been in place....

Is it really that expensive to implement?  I mean look at the loads of money they will make off BF3 compared to 2.  Why remove features just because not everyone used something?

Those of you who turned it off, well, obviously youre never going to hear other people who like to use it.  derp

in 2142 sometimes I'd talk to my squadmates even though they didnt have mics.  And they responded to what I was saying.
good. that doesn't make it essential, though.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
sophisticated slacker
+334|6633|Graz, Austria
I used it once and immediately disabled it because I found it annoying that the volume of everything else got turned down automatically.

IMO, the commo-rose commandos worked fine throughout all the years. The only things that I missed in BF2:
"Enemy minefield spotted" (unused voice files were actually available)
"Enemy UAV spotted"

Too many friendlies were blindly driving over mines or entering UAV covered areas, where they got ambushed.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black
VOIP is useless now-a-days. You're not gonna find any pubber who wants to utilise teamwork anymore. If you want to be all tacticool, then get some friends and go on TS. If you do end up finding someone, get them to go on your TS and stop being a sissy girl.
+572|6968|BC, Canada
Finny done said it right.
back to i-life

Spearhead wrote:

m3thod wrote:

i used it all the time.  It was better than TS/vent as it supressed all the other sounds when you used it.

cant use it now as i dont have a mic and i cant be arsed to get one.

Certain servers had a core group of really cool players who actually liked to work together.  it was fun to talk to someone in game, who you wouldnt have had that feature not been in place....

Is it really that expensive to implement?  I mean look at the loads of money they will make off BF3 compared to 2.  Why remove features just because not everyone used something?

Those of you who turned it off, well, obviously youre never going to hear other people who like to use it.  derp

in 2142 sometimes I'd talk to my squadmates even though they didnt have mics.  And they responded to what I was saying.
I used it and liked it, mostly because I was too lazy to alt+tab from game to launch TS, write down the address of the server one etc...
I am not saying that I used it all the time, but still, it always could be used as an emergency switch for quick support somewhere or to get some intel.

Also, when in chopper, you had to talk to the pilot or gunner to not get shot that easily.
For me its a pitty that they didnt implement it, for you all other who dont care, well good for you...
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5278|Dundee, Scotland.

kilroy0097 wrote:

This is horrible and one of the greatest travesties I've seen to the PC players.
first world problem
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Artifice of Eternity
I used it all the time. Maybe because I played with a core group of guys on public servers. Was great, IMO.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+572|6968|BC, Canada

Camm wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

This is horrible and one of the greatest travesties I've seen to the PC players.
first world problem
Everyone so often you'd get somebody worth talking to in your squad, but for the most part I'd join my clan's or a server's TS/Vent if I wanted to communicate.

kilroy0097 wrote:

Spread this thread far and wide PC Gamers. Put it in every single Forum you are part of that has any PC gamers that want VOIP in the game to work as we've stated.

Make this a media frenzy because it's really the only way ...
Pass it along to your friends of like mind.

so BOSSY, so no. lolollol

Last edited by Kimmmmmmmmmmmm (2011-10-12 20:02:32)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7153|Bryan/College Station, TX
I put the post out there for those that might feel the same way I do about VOIP and how essential it is for classic Battlefield Teamwork. Not everyone used it and that was their choice. I probably didn't play with you very long if I did during BF2. It was the teamwork I learned through VOIP in the game that led me to better players and after BF2 lost it's spark it took team to PR.

Not everyone approves of VOIP which is fine. All I ask is that those of us who want VOIP get the chance to use it, in game, within our squads, automatically without the need to get someone to join the a TS server, every new round, every new server. I do not want 150+ friends on Battlelog just to have them in the Party VOIP system.

DICE already has a TS type app called SONAR which you might notice get started if you ever used the Party VOIP. That application, with a little bit of coding, could easily become the in game VOIP system I am talking about.

So to those that care about this issue all I'm asking is for your support on that EA Forums thread in the OP and I ask that you advertise it a little to those people you know that may feel the same way.

To those that have no love of VOIP or any use for such things then feel free to continue doing what you are doing. I'm not stopping you. And if by some miracle the VOIP I am wanting does appear in the game I fully expect that you will disable it and will never be bothered by it again.

Thank you for your time.

BTW a few years ago this place and community was a bit different than it is now. Maybe my outlook has changed.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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