
JaM3z wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

hey trig, pull your pants down, i think youve got some people here trying to kiss your ass.
hahaha so true

and yeah AA IS NOT THAT BAD i manged in a wake 24/7 not to be shotdown well once but you AVOID IT these n00b pilots need to learn some skillz and use a keyboard and mouse instead of that joystick crap, BF2 is not a flight sim and with new AA it wont be
Im with you m8.
Battlefield is an FPS not a flight sim. I use a keyboard and mouse all the time.
Get your body beat.

GearBox^XL wrote:

I like the patch. Got on a few servers last night and had a good time, not that I didn't before. As for the AA, I still got my share of deaths from some skilled pilots who are already changing thier tactics to avoid the new targeting systems but at least I can get a couple of shots off from the ground that can at least give them a little irratation. As far as the less talented flyboys that are bitching about how hard it is to rape us ground forces without getting a stinger up the tailpipe.. too bad, learn to fly better or die trying. I just wish I got more practice piloting in before the patch cause now I am afraid I'll never cure my fear of heights.
New pilots like myself (ive piloted for 5h now 30 as laser man) are getting owned. Completely. And i need that expert to go up to the next rank.

Personaly, i dont think those guys who tested it, have played the game on pubs for very long.
It woulda made more sense to throw out invites to the top 100 players, offering the chance to test the new patch for them, get seasoned player thoughts.

MB.nZ wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

slidero wrote:

You have poor logic.
How so?
You think the game gets better when nobody complains anymore? This is truly poor logic.
Agreed. Nothing evolves with the mentality "Deal with it or leave." The best playtester will always be the mass consumer, and though it's true there's no pleasing some people, without a lot of those people, chances are BF2 would still currently be similiar to v1.00 (Minus the memory leak). Everyone has the right to voice their opinion and to remove complaining as a viable method, you only leave praising, and nothing improves with comments like "this game is TEH ROXZORS "
Only one thing to say: Battlefield 2 WAS the best game I have ever play, now it's just ....
Dutch Delight
The game is still good!!!! Did some flying today and it was easy to take out AA and break the lock.
yes you get shot some times but thats normal isnt it? flying all game and not being shot down is not good it shows its to easy, but some people like easy,,, goddamn Pussies stop crying and get on with it.
Seems to me the good pilots have already adapted to dodging AA missles from the turret. The first day of 1.2v I was taking them out at every chance I got, now it's far less frequent that I get a kill. The only AA that that these ace pilots have trouble with now days is the type found on the USS Essex, which is understably difficult to avoid due to it's very nature.
+51|6858|Twente, The Netherlands
Funny how many people with a rank lower than 1st Sgt seem to like this patch... and how the higher ranked players mostly dislike it. More game experience perhaps?

And Trigger: I have never complained about any patch before this one. This patch just changed the game so terribly that it was just impossible for me to ignore all the praise of it.
177th Field Artillery
+39|6874|In your head

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

This may not come as a surprise to many people, but all of you who are complaining about bugs and overpowered AA and the like are mostly the same people who complained about things before 1.2. Well guess what? You complained and DICE listened. All you people that are complaining, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED. I am so sick of seeing people complain. YOU ASKED FOR IT AND YOU GOT IT.

Before the patch:


After the patch:


Before the patch:


After the patch:


Make up your fucking minds!

You people have two options as far as I am concerned:

1. Enjoy the game as it is.
2. Quit playing, you won't be missed.


P.S. If I see any posts in this thread about EA being money-grubbing assholes or something similar I'm going to delete your post. So sick and tired of seeing that shit.

P.P.S. Yes, I'm complaining about the complainers, get over it.
Hmmmmmmm..........you say you are sick of seeing people complain? Well you firend are complaining. I know you already said it but you are just making it worse. So maybe you should take your own advice and if you don't like it quit.
just nothing

MB.nZ wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

slidero wrote:

You have poor logic.
How so?
You think the game gets better when nobody complains anymore? This is truly poor logic.
I'm sorry but where did I say that? What I said was enjoy the game or quit. If you can't enjoy it then you shouldn't be playing it as that is its intention. I know people will always complain. My point here is that first people complained that the AA was too weak... now it's too powerful? People complained that EA did nothing to fix their games. They did exactly what people asked. Now even more people are complaining.

Note that I have no opinion about the patch in this thread, I have neither said I liked it nor hated it.
But in the instance of AA, those were 2 different people complaining. Infantry were the first to cry foul with it's inefficient capabilities, then after the patch, the majority of the complaints stemmed from the pilots themselves. The 2 crowds aren't even remotely alike yet you're grouping them together making them all out to be flip-floppers when that is not the case.

Last edited by Poofy (2006-02-17 13:17:52)

I was one to complain about AA but even that was pretty minor.  That's about all I've complained about.  I dealt with the dolphins and c4 throwers, though I'm happy to see them gone.

For the most part, I like 1.2 and don't have a lot to complain about.  They may have gone a bit overboard on improving the Support guns and the Claymores are annoying.  I may chime in to EA about some of this stuff but I'll keep on playing.
just nothing

Poofy wrote:

But in the instance of AA, those were 2 different people complaining. Infantry were the first to cry foul with it's inefficient capabilities, then after the patch, the majority of the complaints stemmed from the pilots themselves. The 2 crowds aren't even remotely alike yet you're grouping them together making them all out to be flip-floppers when that is not the case.
I'm talking about the people who always complain in general, they don't have to be the same people, but for the most part they are.

And you're missing my point. Either play the game as it is... or quit. That's mostly what I'm trying to say.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6977|Bryan/College Station, TX
TriggerHappy998 ='s BF2S Forum's Elvis

He's like a RockStar here!

Scream for the King

P.S.: Agreement with you Trigger. Another complaint I am sick and tired of is the Claymore doesn't TK complaint. The same people who didn't like it TKing in the first place are now complaining that is doesn't TK.
STFU is all I want to scream.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2006-02-17 13:47:38)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Poofy wrote:

But in the instance of AA, those were 2 different people complaining. Infantry were the first to cry foul with it's inefficient capabilities, then after the patch, the majority of the complaints stemmed from the pilots themselves. The 2 crowds aren't even remotely alike yet you're grouping them together making them all out to be flip-floppers when that is not the case.
I'm talking about the people who always complain in general, they don't have to be the same people, but for the most part they are.

And you're missing my point. Either play the game as it is... or quit. That's mostly what I'm trying to say.
Sorry, I just don't like broad comments that sweep everyone into the same group.

And to your last remark.. I think it depends on how much unrest one has over the game's contents. If they hate almost everything about it, then yes, they should quit while they're ahead and play something else. However, if they do enjoy the game for the most part but do look down on some issues, I wouldn't say it's wrong to keep playing the game while bringing their few minor gripes to light since it's only natural, as long as they don't let their own discontent consume them.

Last edited by Poofy (2006-02-17 13:51:12)

just nothing

Poofy wrote:

Sorry, I just don't like broad comments that sweep everyone into the same group.

And to your last comment... I think it depends on how much unrest one has over the game's contents. If they hate almost everything about it, then yes, they should quit while they're ahead and play something else. However, if they do enjoy the game for the most part but do look down on some issues, I wouldn't say it's wrong to keep playing the game while bringing their few minor gripes to light since, as long as they don't let their own discontent consume them.
The thing is people don't see them as minor gripes, they make a huge deal out of it. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads where people have said "goodbye" because of bugs and such. People view things are huge flaws yet continue to play.

Rutnab wrote:

quote a post of someone complaining and then a post of them complaining post-1.2, you won't find many that actually line up. Mostly because EA's interpretation of our feelings was completely wrong/misguided, I don't agree with many of the new changes.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6927|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Trigger, Nice post and I did the same thing with a "Anyone else tired of the Whiners" post.

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

The thing is people don't see them as minor gripes, they make a huge deal out of it. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads where people have said "goodbye" because of bugs and such. People view things are huge flaws yet continue to play.
Well yeah, that ties in with what I said about letting their dislike for said feature consuming them, and I do agree with you that it's childishly absurd to go "EA SUXKS, FUK DIS SHIT" simply because a few tweaks were made. I myself am a little bothered by the PKM changes, but I don't let it ruin my entire view of the game. I just hope for minor change, thus why I complain. But that's just me though so I can't defend everyone.

This all really reminds me of the jump CS made from 1.5 to 1.6..

Last edited by Poofy (2006-02-17 14:00:27)

Post edited.

All of the profanity was not necessary.

Ok.....gg, rofl, or did you just so strongly disagree w/ me admin? What say you now?

I dropped the F bomb like 3x and said noob 2x.....wow.

Last edited by [RI]Crazy88s (2006-02-17 14:42:35)


TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Poofy wrote:

Sorry, I just don't like broad comments that sweep everyone into the same group.

And to your last comment... I think it depends on how much unrest one has over the game's contents. If they hate almost everything about it, then yes, they should quit while they're ahead and play something else. However, if they do enjoy the game for the most part but do look down on some issues, I wouldn't say it's wrong to keep playing the game while bringing their few minor gripes to light since, as long as they don't let their own discontent consume them.
The thing is people don't see them as minor gripes, they make a huge deal out of it. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads where people have said "goodbye" because of bugs and such. People view things are huge flaws yet continue to play.
You have to admit, there are valid gripes in the game still.  Perhaps not the ones that are filling a lot of the threads these days but there are still bugs.  Even though I'm mostly happy with this patch, I do notice some issues still.  I think that bringing these issues up is a valid thing to do. 

Where I think you're coming in is when they just get blown out of proportion because many people seem to want to be drama queens about it.  I don't deny that that's the case but we're always going to get that, aren't we?

Still, I'll go along playing the game as long as I find it enjoyable.  I may chime in on bugs or gameplay issues now and then in the hopes of adding some constructive criticism.  After all, they can't fix things if they don't know they're broken.
just nothing

niomosy wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Poofy wrote:

Sorry, I just don't like broad comments that sweep everyone into the same group.

And to your last comment... I think it depends on how much unrest one has over the game's contents. If they hate almost everything about it, then yes, they should quit while they're ahead and play something else. However, if they do enjoy the game for the most part but do look down on some issues, I wouldn't say it's wrong to keep playing the game while bringing their few minor gripes to light since, as long as they don't let their own discontent consume them.
The thing is people don't see them as minor gripes, they make a huge deal out of it. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads where people have said "goodbye" because of bugs and such. People view things are huge flaws yet continue to play.
You have to admit, there are valid gripes in the game still.  Perhaps not the ones that are filling a lot of the threads these days but there are still bugs.  Even though I'm mostly happy with this patch, I do notice some issues still.  I think that bringing these issues up is a valid thing to do. 

Where I think you're coming in is when they just get blown out of proportion because many people seem to want to be drama queens about it.  I don't deny that that's the case but we're always going to get that, aren't we?

Still, I'll go along playing the game as long as I find it enjoyable.  I may chime in on bugs or gameplay issues now and then in the hopes of adding some constructive criticism.  After all, they can't fix things if they don't know they're broken.
Bugs will always be present in any and every game. It's a known fact that you can't please everyone. Thus people will complain.

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

niomosy wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

The thing is people don't see them as minor gripes, they make a huge deal out of it. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads where people have said "goodbye" because of bugs and such. People view things are huge flaws yet continue to play.
You have to admit, there are valid gripes in the game still.  Perhaps not the ones that are filling a lot of the threads these days but there are still bugs.  Even though I'm mostly happy with this patch, I do notice some issues still.  I think that bringing these issues up is a valid thing to do. 

Where I think you're coming in is when they just get blown out of proportion because many people seem to want to be drama queens about it.  I don't deny that that's the case but we're always going to get that, aren't we?

Still, I'll go along playing the game as long as I find it enjoyable.  I may chime in on bugs or gameplay issues now and then in the hopes of adding some constructive criticism.  After all, they can't fix things if they don't know they're broken.
Bugs will always be present in any and every game. It's a known fact that you can't please everyone. Thus people will complain.
This is true.  There's still some validity in bringing up those problems, I think.
just nothing

niomosy wrote:

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

niomosy wrote:

You have to admit, there are valid gripes in the game still.  Perhaps not the ones that are filling a lot of the threads these days but there are still bugs.  Even though I'm mostly happy with this patch, I do notice some issues still.  I think that bringing these issues up is a valid thing to do. 

Where I think you're coming in is when they just get blown out of proportion because many people seem to want to be drama queens about it.  I don't deny that that's the case but we're always going to get that, aren't we?

Still, I'll go along playing the game as long as I find it enjoyable.  I may chime in on bugs or gameplay issues now and then in the hopes of adding some constructive criticism.  After all, they can't fix things if they don't know they're broken.
Bugs will always be present in any and every game. It's a known fact that you can't please everyone. Thus people will complain.
This is true.  There's still some validity in bringing up those problems, I think.
I agree, but over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?
+0|6869|Almere, Holland
this patch is excellent. personally, i'm loving it. the only reason n00btubers and bunnyhoppers are complaining is because they lost their lame tactic and not to mention, the only one they knew. you n00bs should quit bitching and learn how to adapt.

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