Fission Mailed

bugz wrote:

I would join but it would involve locating my CD key + installing + patching
Booklet = not in CD case...fuuuuuuu

It's either in the giant stack of papers next to me on my desk or in the giant pile of junk on my floor
did oh set it up? idk why he gives us limited admin

bugz wrote:

bugz wrote:

I would join but it would involve locating my CD key + installing + patching
Booklet = not in CD case...fuuuuuuu

It's either in the giant stack of papers next to me on my desk or in the giant pile of junk on my floor
you dont strike me as the unorganized type

gurdeep wrote:

did oh set it up? idk why he gives us limited admin
he is doing it right now
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5113|Dundee, Scotland.
thought it wasn't going to be us server
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6794|Washington DC

gurdeep wrote:

did oh set it up? idk why he gives us limited admin
It's the trigger rule ... trig trashed the server to the point that it was unusable ... I'm not sure why you can't load a defined maplist, but I'll look into it later.

For now, I'll give tucker some greater access.
it's no biggie. we're good to go. thx

Camm wrote:

thought it wasn't going to be us server
+256|4858|HK Chitral, Pakistan
let me know how many ppl are playing so i know to install it or n0t.

also hi OH. can i be unlimited please/can you pm me?
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3

andros wrote:

let me know how many ppl are playing so i know to install it or n0t.

also hi OH. can i be unlimited please/can you pm me?
install it u lazy fuck. i just installed/patched in under 5 mins
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5113|Dundee, Scotland.
im on now
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Fission Mailed

gurdeep wrote:

bugz wrote:

bugz wrote:

I would join but it would involve locating my CD key + installing + patching
Booklet = not in CD case...fuuuuuuu

It's either in the giant stack of papers next to me on my desk or in the giant pile of junk on my floor
you dont strike me as the unorganized type
I'm not organized at all I can barely navigate around the crap on the floor in my room right now.

Still searching

tuckergustav wrote:

gurdeep wrote:

tuckergustav wrote:

yeah, they just have a steadfast rule against any attacks by vehicles into the mains...it's just the only way they can enforce it i guess.  Have to draw the line somewhere. They don't really have any other rules I think.  arty in uncap is allowed and baserape via infantry is cool. Ramming is cool too i guess.
if arty in uncap is allowed but shooting aa isnt then huge LOL
yeah i dunno

I guess the only active sf server can have any rules they want.  But maybe we can keep ours up as SF for a bit and see if anyone bites.
I was supposed to get onto vent and hear more about the specifics of who, but meh'.  That rule came about after a few heli whores started emptying out the server via baserape.  A few saw an opportunity to expand that rule by including all vehicles.  As it sits now they have me warning/kicking people for driving into it via jet ski/jeep/heli & jumping.  It makes me a sad panda.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+256|4858|HK Chitral, Pakistan
wow that was a waste of time. guess that key doesn't work. did the SF installation apparently then ran patch 1.41 and SF is not even there. not on the desktop, in folders, etc, didn't even install.

oh well.
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3
+21|6127|Dubai, UAE

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Couple flashes and that's it. One monitor. I'm not all gay on multiple screens. dwatexe?
Did you patch to 1.41 before 1.5? A bit late but yeah.

Edit: And I probably wont make it, 1900 EST is 0400 here. I'll be way too sleepy anyway...

Last edited by User007Gamer (2011-08-31 13:26:16)

Feeding the Cats.
+761|5113|Dundee, Scotland.

andros wrote:

wow that was a waste of time. guess that key doesn't work. did the SF installation apparently then ran patch 1.41 and SF is not even there. not on the desktop, in folders, etc, didn't even install.

oh well.
if the key is invalid it will tell you
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.

andros wrote:

wow that was a waste of time. guess that key doesn't work. did the SF installation apparently then ran patch 1.41 and SF is not even there. not on the desktop, in folders, etc, didn't even install.

oh well.

pick 3
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5113|Dundee, Scotland.
me and ig are on, we only need 4 more
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
am i still reloading?
aww u killed me u cunt
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5113|Dundee, Scotland.

gurdeep wrote:

aww u killed me u cunt
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
+256|4858|HK Chitral, Pakistan
well the key was irishpride's and he wasn't sure on 2 characters of the key cause he has bad hand writing so he put the other 2 possibilities in parenthesis.

i'm not good at math but there's quite a few different possibilities and this is just a fucking headache for me.

but after trying plugging in a few in different sequences it worked (at least i think so) because it installed the rest of it or w/e and said installation done.

then auto installed patch 1.41 but nothing is fucking there.
Philosophy, economics, culture, science, art. <3

andros wrote:

well the key was irishpride's and he wasn't sure on 2 characters of the key cause he has bad hand writing so he put the other 2 possibilities in parenthesis.

i'm not good at math but there's quite a few different possibilities and this is just a fucking headache for me.

but after trying plugging in a few in different sequences it worked (at least i think so) because it installed the rest of it or w/e and said installation done.

then auto installed patch 1.41 but nothing is fucking there.

So, does it have vehicles?  Good to go?  I will be on in a couple hours.

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