uziq wrote:
please tell me more how the five star won in italy and its relation to the ecological crisis facing the planet. the five star won in italy because europe didn't do enough to stop brown people from flooding across the med. do you really think french people are anti-fuel tax? they're not. they're against the poor being disproportionately taxed and macron offering huge tax-cuts to bribe the rich to stay in the country: that's a political question, not an ecological one or one about 'dicta'. the french have one of the largest bureaucratic apparatuses in the world and have been perfectly happy with the state taking care of and regulating almost everything else since mitterrand onwards. and yes, of course, germany's right-wing parties are all outraged about ... solar panels and wind generation. that's a pretty fucking hot take, jay. people are tired of being told to put up with wind farms! heil hitler!
my 'beliefs' are irrational? i'm merely linking reports on the mass extinction event we are undergoing. what part of my thinking is irrational? i'm such a zealot. switching to renewable energy is as irrational as believing essential oils cure cancer? are you serious bro? i'm pretty sure cutting back on fossil fuels lowers carbon emissions. on the other hand, smearing oil on your skin won't do much for your rectal cancer.
i don't think i've ever met an adult individual who is as simple as you are. your thinking is always muddled.
thank god we live in democratic societies still where consumers choose! god bless freedom. all the way to our dead planet.
Yes, it is completely irrational. Our planet is not dying. It is changing, yes. The amount of time between now and some extinction point in the future can be measured in millenia, not years or decades. We have plenty of time to adapt. The world isn't ending in 2020 or 2012 or 2000 or 1990 no matter what the foretellers have stated in the past. It is nothing more than the same cultish belief system that every generation has espoused about the End Days. Our generation is no more special or likely to see the apocalypse as any other in the history of mankind. Yet the belief persists.
The United States has seen its carbon footprint decrease dramatically in the past twenty years. We have, in fact, done more than any other country on Earth to decrease our footprint, and it has had nearly nothing to do with installing wind farms or solar panels. It's because we made fracking work and swapped our legacy coal fired power plants for natural gas power plants. You get less BTU per pound mass with natural gas but the emissions are lower because you don't spew sulfur into the atmosphere. Even better would be nuclear power because the only real negative is local heat pollution of nearby streams/rivers due to the cooling tower heat transfer. Not perfect, but pretty close.
The modern world uses a lot of energy. From lights to cars to computers to air conditioning etc. we use a lot of power. Power consumption is work is wealth. When you try to limit power consumption either by introducing inefficiencies (solar, wind, taxes etc.) or by strict rationing, what you are doing is destroying wealth. You are purposely making people poorer. And for what? Because you think the End of Days is nigh? That's a tough sell, as it should be. You need to accept the world as it is, that people will not choose to become poorer. That third world countries will not continue to live in poverty if they can help it at all and that they will in fact increase their energy consumption. To make the world a better place we need to accept reality and embrace efficiency gains. Thankfully, the market, which you so despise, has done a wonderful job of this so far. Cars are more efficient, computers are more efficient, lighting is more efficient. Everything is using much less power than it used to and the amount of work done is the same. There has been no wealth destruction to achieve this, quite the opposite in fact.
You're a copy editor, not a scientist or an engineer. Stay in your lane. You sound like every other retard that watched too many Al Gore movies.