pirana6 wrote:
uziq wrote:
being a racist piece of shit and destroying nine families isn't a mental illness.
If thinking a persons skin color is justification for killing them
isn't a mental illness, I don't what is.
That would be the little italicized sentence in the dictionary underneath the actual definition of 'mental illness'.
you don't understand a) what a mental illness is or b) how defences pertaining to mental states affect law.
to get a defense or mitigating factor for any sort of mental illness, the person has to be insane or exhibit diminished responsibility at the time of committing the offence. for someone who has carefully planned a massacre, gone out and bought a gun and ammo, strategised it, written at length in blogposts or published race-hate manifestos, etc., they are not going to get a defense of insanity. they have to exhibit a loss of control or faculties at the time of committing the offense. what use would there be for society or the victim's families by declaring that that kid was 'mentally ill'? legally it means nothing. he plotted a mass killing just as well as any sane person would be able to.
in terms of classifying extremist views as mental illness... yeah, no. it doesn't matter what theory of mental illness you subscribe to, a person getting sucked into a world of online hate and extremist views is not medically ill. that would be like saying the majority of nazi germany's population had a mental illness because a dehumanising anti-semitism was the norm. what does that even mean? it's pointless and helps nobody. mental illness is a problem with an individual's psychology or neurology. when it comes to group movements, ideologies, extremist views, cults, etc., it doesn't help to use the individual-patient paradigm of 'mental illness'. is the entire following of scientology mentally ill? (people can be drawn to these movements and convenient groupthink because they are mentally ill or predisposed, but that's a different matter, and something the expert witnesses in this case clearly didn't think applied.)
some classifications that do stick to these martyr-messiah-extremist-crusader types is narcissistic personality disorder. people who think they have been chosen to start a race war and be some grand and crucial figure in history could possibly be suffering some sort of delusion. someone who hears voices for months that beseech them to murder someone probably has paranoid schizophrenia. but a kid who has been suckered into extremist circles isn't mentally ill.
Last edited by uziq (2017-01-11 10:20:50)