My tap water tastes like tap water
im not a peasant so i dont know what my tap water tastes like
Tu Stultus Es
you mean you are a peasant and dont ahve drinkable tap water
peasants like you drink tap water
Tu Stultus Es
My tap water tastes like fresh mountain springs.
tap water is cleaner than bottled water
inane little opines
Alpine spring water comes out of the tap in Vienna - it's delicious.
Tu Stultus Es
water in the city generally tastes like shit
inane little opines
what do you drink in winter?CapnNismo wrote:
Alpine spring water comes out of the tap in Vienna - it's delicious.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
the memories of millions of dead jews
Tu Stultus Es
I only drink milk and water
inane little opines
yeah but if i was a stripper i wouldn't want to be handling notesCapnNismo wrote:
chips? how boring...Dauntless wrote:
the only strip club i've been to used chips as currencyCapnNismo wrote:
Strip clubs will always be around and Americans will always be better at them.
(like casino chips, not like fish and chips)

eleven bravo wrote:
Tu Stultus Es
i love how I live in the same city as the leader of the free world but my internet connection is utter shite

I seriously think that Estonia has better Internet (something about those Eastern Bloc nations and good internet, idk) lls
the salt on the wound is that we invented packet switching
the salt on the wound is that we invented packet switching
Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2011-05-29 16:46:40)

wtf is lls
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
laffin lyke sheeeeeit nigga

Fiancee's grandma passed. I suck at this weepy consoling stuff
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
zubat zubat
gooners just asked me what a birthday suit is
and he wasn't even kidding.
can you believe this guy?
and he wasn't even kidding.
can you believe this guy?

i think you're making stuff up dauntless