Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
I'm probably the only one that finds this amusing but the past few days have been rather eye opening. Regardless of the country of origin of the opinion holder, there seems to be global political camps. I always thought that liberals were open minded and not dogmatic because, well, it's what they tell everyone who will listen. What I've seen here (and other places) is that they really are no different from the conservatives they despise. They all seem to have the same opinions, they all seem to have read the same books, they all seem to watch the same news commentators. I always viewed conservatives as mindless sheep just following the herd but I've discovered that both sides are equally guilty. It's interesting.

What sparked this? Arguing in the Israel thread I was attacked by people from multiple countries all using the same basic arguments with little variation. That doesn't happen in any discussion outside of politics. It was kind of trippy actually. And boring.

Why do supposedly intelligent people fall so easily under the sway of and argue in favor of the dogma of others? Just to be contrarian? You're not being very contrary if there are so many of you with the same exact opinions now are you? It's like when alternative music became mainstream. They kept calling it alternative because that's what they'd always called it. Guess the same can be said for liberals and progressives. The names are meaningless. There's no real thought there.

What's my point? Thinking outside of the box should be everyones goal and I just don't see it from the self described 'enlightened'.

Edit - and no, weight of numbers does not make an argument correct. It doesn't matter how many people hold an opinion, it doesn't necessarily make it correct.

"Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions!"

Last edited by JohnG@lt (2011-02-24 07:48:33)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
its more they hop on certain members and pile on.  its amusing to watch the same people follow the same member around, pile on, tee hee karma each other, and all with mod support.  then, god forbid they get it tossed back in their face in one of their sections or threads and mods get all pissy and ban.  its fucking gay and thats why this site either needs to be nuked or it just needs to be about games.

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-02-24 07:49:50)

itt g@lt rationalises being wrong and deflects all personal flaws and insecurities onto others

yes galt we are just the sheep all reading the same books, the futile, closeminded and ignorant masses

and you are so outside the box! emerson's american scholar, you are
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Uzique wrote:

itt g@lt rationalises being wrong and deflects all personal flaws and insecurities onto others

yes galt we are just the sheep all reading the same books, the futile, closeminded and ignorant masses

and you are so outside the box! emerson's american scholar, you are
You pretty much embody everything I was talking about in the OP. Let's use sigur rios as an example. You basically browbeat others yesterday in that thread because they didn't have the same opinion as you on something as subjective as music. You did the same thing to FEOS in the book club thread. You assume that just because you studied something in college that it makes whatever you learned correct or gives weight to your words. It doesn't. I don't think there is a single person that writes in this section that doesn't hold a college degree or two.

One day you will grow up and you will understand that people don't have uniform opinions and that they shouldn't. The personality you display here really is the height of irony. You claim to be so posh and cutting edge and use these as tools to preen and make yourself seem unique. And then you turn around and browbeat people for not being more like you. It's rather hilarious. What would you do if people actually DID copy you and you suddenly became non-unique? You'd call them all posers and run off and find something new to make you different. Tell me I'm wrong. The problem with that is there are millions of other people doing the exact same thing you are doing. You aren't unique at all. You're just unhappy.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

Uzique wrote:

itt g@lt rationalises being wrong and deflects all personal flaws and insecurities onto others

yes galt we are just the sheep all reading the same books, the futile, closeminded and ignorant masses

and you are so outside the box! emerson's american scholar, you are
You pretty much embody everything I was talking about in the OP. Let's use sigur rios as an example. You basically browbeat others yesterday in that thread because they didn't have the same opinion as you on something as subjective as music. You did the same thing to FEOS in the book club thread. You assume that just because you studied something in college that it makes whatever you learned correct or gives weight to your words. It doesn't. I don't think there is a single person that writes in this section that doesn't hold a college degree or two.

One day you will grow up and you will understand that people don't have uniform opinions and that they shouldn't. The personality you display here really is the height of irony. You claim to be so posh and cutting edge and use these as tools to preen and make yourself seem unique. And then you turn around and browbeat people for not being more like you. It's rather hilarious. What would you do if people actually DID copy you and you suddenly became non-unique? You'd call them all posers and run off and find something new to make you different. Tell me I'm wrong. The problem with that is there are millions of other people doing the exact same thing you are doing. You aren't unique at all. You're just unhappy.
where did my opinion come into anything? i was talking objectively about their popularity - in concrete terms of figures. where did i "browbeat" anyone? the only issue i browbeat anyone over was the pathetic excusing of music piracy on grounds of 'musical discovery'. that's silly. my opinion of the band and music had nothing to do with anything... how stupid can you be?

and if i think i know more than the average about books because i study them at degree-level... how silly does that make you? you position yourself in your posts both in terms of rhetorical argument and in your authoritative tone as if you're the grand arbiter of every debate and issue. you don't even study this shit at degree level and yet you feel entitled to denounce everyone else as 'sheep' and 'closeminded' and 'having read the same books'. what are you - some intellectual superhouse that sits outside the common masses? rofl.

tell you you're wrong? what - about me and your assumptions? i don't even need to confront that. you're a joke. everyone on this forum thinks you're the biggest joke in d&st. this thread is just one big process of denial and ego projection. "one day... " yada yada, condescending much? again it's the 'i've seen more, know more and can confirm more' attitude. the only thing you need to know, confirm and realise is that you don't know everything. creating little bitch-whine threads because people universally call you out isn't exactly 'countering' anything; it's merely reaffirming the uncomfortable fact about you-- the truth that you haven't even confronted in yourself yet. you're not smart. period.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-02-24 08:05:45)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

dunno why i find that funny but i do

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-02-24 08:05:27)

i find it funny that you've been posting the exact same images for about 5 years, saying the exact same things and have acted like the same grumpy, unhappy shit... on multiple banned accounts... every single day... for as long as this site exists. and you're in your 30's. that's truly funny.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
It takes a child to piss on wisdom.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
lots of people here are in their 30's.  point?

and you havent done the same thing?

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-02-24 08:07:38)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

lots of people here are in their 30's.  point?
I believe the majority are.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

It takes a child to piss on wisdom.
you have wisdom? oh my. i'm not sure anyone here would agree. you recycle the opinion of a few polemic books you've read, a few economics textbooks and a few political science for dummies guides... then call everyone out for having 'read the same books' and ganging up on you in some groupie-hegemony. then you cry about it. at least some people bother to read the fucking books they praise or talk shit about-- only the other day you were arguing doggedly for about 3 pages about how shit edward said is when you haven't even read a single-one of his books. and they're hardly niche or specialist... it's the biggest political and theoretical problem of our modern era. yet you feel at liberty to trash talk for page-upon-page, absolutely blagging and bullshitting your way through some tenuous and completely uninformed argument... only then to create some introspective, contemplative thread about how everyone is a 'sheep' and how they're all completely 'not unique'. rofl. as i said: this thread is ego projection and severe denial. you're just trying to rationalise and excuse the fact that everyone called you out in the israel-palestine thread for not knowing your basic facts and history. "whatever man, they're all just like, typical liberals and typical conservatives... i'm a real self-thinking, self-actualising scholar". rofl. it's too funny.

and my point about you marine is that you spend a disproportionate amount of your adult life on a gaming forum trash-talking teenagers. then you act as if you have a high horse of mockery to stand on. what are you doing with your life? what are you going to tell your grandkids you did with your prime years? had a career? you sit on a forum all day pissing your life away and acting like a miserable cunt. way to go. keep posting those images as if it makes your own existence any less deplorable. it's like you've given up on life, post-deployment; that was it, your only purpose. now you're retired to some mindless job and some banal routine existence where you can spend 4 hours a day posting one-liners to people in europe and feeling as though you're making 'progress' in your recycled, unoriginal cracks. you're just as funny as galt.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
U R A Dum Poopy Head Also U Suk!!!! ! Email Reply Back Asap

lol all day.  i have a real job, you?  nope.  i live with my girl, you?  nope.  I have a degree, you?  nope.  ive done everything ive wanted to do and still do it, you?  nope.

get back to me when you are not a child spending all day on the internet.

Last edited by 11 Bravo (2011-02-24 08:16:05)


Here we have typical D&ST thread.
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio

NooBesT wrote:

Here we have typical D&ST thread.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Uzique wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

It takes a child to piss on wisdom.
you have wisdom? oh my. i'm not sure anyone here would agree. you recycle the opinion of a few polemic books you've read, a few economics textbooks and a few political science for dummies guides... then call everyone out for having 'read the same books' and ganging up on you in some groupie-hegemony. then you cry about it. at least some people bother to read the fucking books they praise or talk shit about-- only the other day you were arguing doggedly for about 3 pages about how shit edward said is when you haven't even read a single-one of his books. and they're hardly niche or specialist... it's the biggest political and theoretical problem of our modern era. yet you feel at liberty to trash talk for page-upon-page, absolutely blagging and bullshitting your way through some tenuous and completely uninformed argument... only then to create some introspective, contemplative thread about how everyone is a 'sheep' and how they're all completely 'not unique'. rofl. as i said: this thread is ego projection and severe denial. you're just trying to rationalise and excuse the fact that everyone called you out in the israel-palestine thread for not knowing your basic facts and history. "whatever man, they're all just like, typical liberals and typical conservatives... i'm a real self-thinking, self-actualising scholar". rofl. it's too funny.

and my point about you marine is that you spend a disproportionate amount of your adult life on a gaming forum trash-talking teenagers. then you act as if you have a high horse of mockery to stand on. what are you doing with your life? what are you going to tell your grandkids you did with your prime years? had a career? you sit on a forum all day pissing your life away and acting like a miserable cunt. way to go. keep posting those images as if it makes your own existence any less deplorable. it's like you've given up on life, post-deployment; that was it, your only purpose. now you're retired to some mindless job and some banal routine existence where you can spend 4 hours a day posting one-liners to people in europe and feeling as though you're making 'progress' in your recycled, unoriginal cracks. you're just as funny as galt.
And you spend a disproportionate amount of your life preening on a gaming forum and building up your self esteem by putting down the opinions of others. I really haven't encountered a more pathetic personality in the nearly twenty years I've been frequenting the internet. You clearly have no friends in real life or you wouldn't log on here every day bragging about how awesome your life is. "teehee, I cheated on my girlfriend over Christmas" yeah, well I would too, she's fucking hideous. Do the world a favor and off yourself already.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

11 Bravo wrote:

U R A Dum Poopy Head Also U Suk!!!! ! Email Reply Back Asap

lol all day.  i have a real job, you?  nope.
when i do have a real job and when i'm not enjoying the last days of my irresponsible young-life... i sure as fuck won't spend my out-of-work hours arguing with people half my age on a forum. then all the time you're like "nuke bf2s, this site is dead and shit"... you're the one that keeps coming back here most, dude. how many other people have been perma-banned as many times as you, only to beg and whine and blowjob your way back in? maybe ig, and that's it. then you continually piss and moan about the site... the users... the posts... the mods... the admin... everything. and your only defense is "i have a job and do something with my life"? if that's what you call 'adult life' then let me hand you a 9mm and do yourself a favour, honestly. i'm fully aware of the fact that the only thing that allows me the time i have to post on here and engage in such antics is that i'm in the last days of being a lazy-as-fuck student. i'll be sure to use you as an example of everything NOT to be when i go into full employment and properly begin adult life. lol. insert picture here.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
The best part? I didn't even have uzique in mind when I wrote the OP. He of course thought it was about him.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

toasting epic bread
11 Bravo
+965|5550|Cleveland, Ohio
you wont be on the internet?  lol right.  its like 15 degrees outside..i aint going downtown today like i would when its warm.  gonna go work out, watch the shuttle launch, then play some games.  oh and troll you.  then fuck my girl.  then go poop and go to bed,

thats an ok day in my book tbh.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

JohnG@lt wrote:

The best part? I didn't even have uzique in mind when I wrote the OP. He of course thought it was about him.
Hard to belive when you state "You pretty much embody everything I was talking about in the OP".
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

11 Bravo wrote:

you wont be on the internet?  lol right.  its like 15 degrees outside..i aint going downtown today like i would when its warm.  gonna go work out, watch the shuttle launch, then play some games.  oh and troll you.  then fuck my girl.  then go poop and go to bed,

thats an ok day in my book tbh.
Sounds pretty satisfying to me
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

I'm probably the only one that finds this amusing but the past few days have been rather eye opening. Regardless of the country of origin of the opinion holder, there seems to be global political camps. I always thought that liberals were open minded and not dogmatic because, well, it's what they tell everyone who will listen. What I've seen here (and other places) is that they really are no different from the conservatives they despise. They all seem to have the same opinions, they all seem to have read the same books, they all seem to watch the same news commentators. I always viewed conservatives as mindless sheep just following the herd but I've discovered that both sides are equally guilty. It's interesting.

What sparked this? Arguing in the Israel thread I was attacked by people from multiple countries all using the same basic arguments with little variation. That doesn't happen in any discussion outside of politics. It was kind of trippy actually. And boring.

Why do supposedly intelligent people fall so easily under the sway of and argue in favor of the dogma of others? Just to be contrarian? You're not being very contrary if there are so many of you with the same exact opinions now are you? It's like when alternative music became mainstream. They kept calling it alternative because that's what they'd always called it. Guess the same can be said for liberals and progressives. The names are meaningless. There's no real thought there.

What's my point? Thinking outside of the box should be everyones goal and I just don't see it from the self described 'enlightened'.

Edit - and no, weight of numbers does not make an argument correct. It doesn't matter how many people hold an opinion, it doesn't necessarily make it correct.

"Sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions!"
I think Kman raised the point where others seek out info that bolsters their opinions and ignore the rest.  Same applies for circles of friends and such.  This is the answer...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

m3thod wrote:

JohnG@lt wrote:

The best part? I didn't even have uzique in mind when I wrote the OP. He of course thought it was about him.
Hard to belive when you state "You pretty much embody everything I was talking about in the OP".
Yeah, that was just a side effect. I was actually aiming the thread at Dilbert, oug and AussieReaper.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

JohnG@lt wrote:

The best part? I didn't even have uzique in mind when I wrote the OP. He of course thought it was about him.
no i didn't think it was about me at all. i got linked to this thread on steam because somebody thought it was equally funny. so i'm giving my $0.02 - because you did want a response, right? or did you only want people to chime in and agree with your self-defense mechanisms? oh poor boy. and i clearly have no life? haha. i just said i'm a uni student that can happily throw time away getting my kicks from a forum. but yeah i have no friends and my gf is ugly... yada yada... great comeback

The only reason I was digging in that thread is because the section has been dying. Kmar tried it with the Israel topics but those threads always suck fat cock. I was having fun belittling oug and then you came along. I honestly couldn't care less about Israel or Palestine or international fights for freedom and democracy. I think the people that sit on the sidelines in western countries and cheer them on are generally naive children with daddy issues. No, I'm not including you in that, just pointing out why I was having fun with oug.

Is Orientalism worth reading or is it something that is going to make me grind my teeth and throw it against the wall?
quote yourself after 3 pages of arguing about orientalism/said/israel-palestine as if you had a clue.


then you talk about people in d&st being mindless sheep...
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

DBBrinson1 wrote:

I think Kman raised the point where others seek out info that bolsters their opinions and ignore the rest.  Same applies for circles of friends and such.  This is the answer...
Interesting read.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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